Whiting John 1635 1689 : [An holy connexion, or A true agreement between Jehovahs being a wall of fire to his people, and the glory in the midst thereof: or A word in season to stir up to a solemn acknowledgement of the gracious protection of God over his people; and especially to a holy care that the presence of God may yet be continued with us. : As it was delivered in a sermon preached at Hartford on Conecticut [sic] in N.E. May 14. 1674. Being the day of election there: by Mr. James Fitch Pastor of the Church of Christ in Norwich].
Whiting Lisa : Caring for children and families / edited by I. Peate, L. Whiting.
Whiting Margaret : Artemis '81 [videorecording] / directed by Alastair Reed.
Whiting Mary 1654 1676 : Early piety exemplified in the life and death of Mary Whiting : a faithful handmaid of the Lord, who departed this life in the 22th year of her age / written by her brother, John Whiting ; with two of her epistles to friends.
Whiting Mim : Mental health [videorecording] : the individual and society
Whitley David : Poetry and childhood / / edited by Morag Styles, Louise Joy and David Whitley.
Whitley David S : Reader in gender archaeology / edited by Kelley Hays-Gilpin and David S. Whitley.
Whitley Edward : Rogue trader / Nick Leeson with Edward Whitley.
Whitley Edward Nathan Sir : The Roman pottery at Norton, East Yorkshire / by Raymond H. Hayes and Sir Edward Whitley ; with a description of the kiln furniture and pottery by Philip Corder and a note on the human remains by J.C. Trevor ; edited by Philip Corder.