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Widdowson Elsie May   3
Widdowson Ethel Eva   5
Widdowson Frances : Going up into the next class : women and elementary teacher training, 1840-1914.  1983 1
Widdowson H G   10
Widdowson John   10
Widdowson John David Allison   8
Widdowson Mark 1973   2
Widdowson Peter   14
Widdra Klaus : Reitkurst, griechisch und deutsch.  1965 1
Widdrington Percy E T : P.E.T. Widdrington : a study in vocation and versatility.  1961 1
Widdrington Ralph 1688   2
Widdrington Thomas Sir : Analecta Eboracensia : some remaynes of the ancient city of York / edited by C.Caine.  1897 1
Widdrington Thomas Sir Approximately 1600 1664   2
Widdrington Thomas Sir Approximately 1660 1664 : A letter written by master Symon Rodes, minister in Yorke, to his brother in London, with the substance of Sir Tho: Widringtons (deputy recorders speech of Yorke) to His Majestie, at his entry into the citie.  1642 1
Widdrington William Widdrington Baron 1610 1651   3
Wide Leif : Radioimmunosorbent assay of follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone in serum and urine from men and women / edited by L.Wide and others.  1973 1
Wideen Harald : Vastergotland; ettbildveerk.  1967 1
Wideen Marvin F : Staff development for school improvement : a focus on the teacher / edited by Marvin F. Wideen and Ian Andrews.  1987 1
Widegren Gustaf : Svenskt och engelskt lexicon, efter kongl.  1788 1
Widell Arne : Ola Hansson i Tyskland : en studie i hans liv och diktning aren 1890-1893.  1979 1
Widell Peter   2
Wideman John Edgar : Live from death row / Mumia Abu-Jamal ; introduction by John Edgar Wideman.  1996 1
Wideman R Max : Cost control of capital projects and the project cost management system requirements.  1995 1
Widemann Georgius Melchior Active 1682 : Disputatio medica inauguralis de phthisi. : Quam praeside Deo opt. max. ex authoritate magnifici rectoris, D. Theodori Ryckii ... Nec non amplissimi senatûs academici consensu, & almae facultatis medicae decreto, pro gradu doctoratus, summisque in medicina honoribus & privilegiis ritè ac legitimè consequendis, publico examini subjicit Georgius Melchior Widemann / Plaviâ Variscus. Ad diem 1. Iunii 1682. H.L.Q.C.  1682 1
Widen B : Studies in the Dorset dialect.    1
Widen Gustaf : Söndag i världen : dikter / valda av Gustaf Widén.  1983 1
Widen Jerker : Theorist of maritime strategy : Sir Julian Corbett and his contribution to military and naval thought / J.J. Widén.  c2012 1
Widen Lars : Methodology in population projection.  1969 1
Widen Lennant : Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology / edited by L. Widen with the collaboration of J.E. Desmedt.  1967 1
Widenfeldt Adam 1617 Or 18 1678 : Monita salutaria B. V. Mariae ad cultores suos indiscretas. English  1687 1
Widengren Geo   6
Widenor William C : Henry Cabot Lodge and the search for an American foreign policy.  1980 1
Wider Barbara : The desktop guide to complementary and alternative medicine : an evidence-based approach / editors, Edzard Ernst, Max H. Pittler, Barbara Wider.  2006 1
Wider Francois : Psychoactive drugs, including combinations.  1974 1
Wider Share Ownership Council : Sharing the profits : an inquiry into the habits, attitudes and problems of employees' shareholding schemes / by the Acton Society Trust and G. Naylor.  1968 1
Wider Werner : La perception de Ponge : these pour l'obtention du grade de docteur.  1974 1
Widerberg Bo : Visionen i svensk film.  1962 1
Widerberg Karin : Kvinnor, klasser och lager, 1750-1980.  1980 1
Widerberg Siv : Karlek och uppror : 210 dikter for unga manniskor : en antologi / sammanstalld av Siv Widerberg och Anna Arten.  1989 1
Widerkehr Jacques Christian Michel : Duo sonata for oboe and piano.  1974 1
Widerker David 1963 : Moral responsibility and alternative possibilities : essays on the importance of alternative possibilities / edited by David Widerker and Michael McKenna.  2003 1
Widerquist Karl : Exporting the Alaska model : adapting the permanent fund dividend for reform around the world / edited by Karl Widerquist and Michael W. Howard.  2012 1
Widerstrom Anne H   2
Widfeldt Anders : Linking parties with people? : party membership in Sweden 1960-1994.  1997 1
Widgery Alban Gregory   2
Widgery David : The Book of the year / editor ; editor. D. Widgery.  1980 1
Widgren Mats : Islands of intensive agriculture in Eastern Africa : past & present / edited by Mats Widgren & John E.G. Sutton.  2004 1
Widgren Mika : Institutional challenges in the European Union / edited by Madeleine O. Hosli, Adrian M.A. van Deeman and Mika Widgrén.  2002 1
Widholm Julie Rodrigues : Universal experience : art, life, and the tourist's eye / curated by Francesco Bonami, with Julie Rodrigues Widholm and Tricia Van Eck.  c2005 1
Widjaja Albert : Budaya politik dan pembangunan ekonomi.  1982 1
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