Wilkinson Philip 1962 : Psychological therapies with older people : developing treatments for effective practice / edited by Jason Hepple, Jane Pearce and Philip Wilkinson.
Wilkinson R C : Report on the project of emigration from Mauritius to North Borneo.
Wilkinson R Member Of The Army : The saint's travel to the land of Canaan. : Wherein is discovered several false rests below the spiritual coming of Christ in the saints. Together with a brief discourse of what the coming of Christ in the spirit is; who is the alone rest and center of spirits. / By R. Wilkinson. A member of the army.
Wilkinson Richard : A true and perfect relation of Elizabeth Freeman of Bishops-Hatfield in the county of Hertford of a strange and wonderful apparition : which appeared to her several times and commanded her to declare a message to His Most Sacred Majesty, January 27, 1680.
Wilkinson Robert Dr In Divinitie : The merchant royall : a sermon preached at White-Hall before the Kings Maiestie, at the nuptials of the right honourable the Lord Hay and his lady, vpon the twelfe day last, being Ianuar. 6, 1607.
Wilkinson Robert Member Of The Army : The Saints travel to the land of Canaan : Wherein is discovered seventeen false rests below the spirituall coming of Christ in the Saints. Together with a brief discovery of what the coming of Christ in the spirit is; who is the alone rest and center of spirits. By R. Wilkinson. A member of the army.
Wilkinson Robert T : Sleep, arousal, and performance : a tribute to Bob Wilkinson / edited by R.J. Broughton, R.D. Ogilvie.
Wilkinson Rorden : The WTO after Hong Kong : Progress in, and Prospects for, the Doha Development Agenda / edited by Donna Lee, Rorden Wilkinson.
Wilkinson Scott : Anatomy of a home studio : how everything really works, from microphones to MIDI / foreword by Mark Isham ; edited by Steve Oppenheimer.
Wilkinson Sharron Fiona : The wicked problem of prison education : what are the perceptions of two key stakeholder groups on the impact of tame and wicked approaches to prison education? / Sharron Fiona Wilkinson.
Wilkinson Tony P : The juvenile court : a guide to law and practice / T.G. Moore and T.P. Wilkinson.
Wilkinson Vernon R : Quality schooling : a pragmatic approach to some current problems, topics and issues / David N. Aspin and Judith D. Chapman with Vernon R. Wilkinson.
Wilkinson Violet : The centre of history : a study of Luke's gospel.
Wilkinson W J : Pupil behaviour & performance : recent theory & research / guest editors, W.J. Wilkinson, N.J. George.