Williams Walter Active 1690 : The substance of the enacting clauses in the bill presented to the House of Commons : the second of Feb. 1696 for regulating proceedings in chancery, and other courts of equity, with some reasons for the same.
Williams Wat : VVat VVilliams vvill : Well-wishing Williams will and testament, which to the ballad-singer he hath sent, to be dispers'd to all good people kinde, that would doe well, and beare an honest minde. To the tune of, Then le vs to Virginia goe.
Williams William 1665 1741 : MDCLXXXV. Cambridge ephemeris : An almanack of the cœlestial motions for the year of the Christian æra, 1685 : being the [brace] Creation of the world 5634, Floud of Noah 3978, Suffering of Christ 1652, Laying found of Harv. Co. 43, Leap year (in our account) 2, whose vulgar notes are ... calculated for 315 degr. longitude. and latitude 42 degr. 30 min. north / by W. Williams.
Williams William 1788 1865 : The life and work of William Williams, M.P. for Coventry, 1835-1847, M.P. for Lambeth, 1850-1865.
Williams William Active 1697 : Recreation for the religious, or, A poetical breviat of the Ten commandments : disposed into three columns, to be read 30 manner of ways, and sung 30 more, according to the following directions. / By William Williams.
Williams William C1634 1700 Sir : The examination of Francisco de Faria : delivered at the bar of the House of Commons, Munday the first day of November. In the year of our Lord, 1680. Perused and signed to be printed, according to the order of the House of Commons, by me William Williams, Speaker.
Williams William David 1936 : The performance of tertiary treatment ponds and the role of algae, macrophytes and zooplankton in the waste treatment process.
Williams William Of Cardigan : Poetical piety, or, Poetry made pious : by rendering into its method observations arising from various divine subjects, useful for these prophane and enormous times : to which is added, a brief alphabetical expositor, explaining the most intricate words made use of in this book, to the conception of a mean reader, and may serve as a remembrancer to the imperfect memory / by William Williams ...
Williams William Peere The Elder : Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery / collected by W.P. Williams. with notes by his son W.P. Williams.
Williams William Peere The Younger : Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery / collected by W.P. Williams. with notes by his son W.P. Williams.