Willis Edward Active 1615 : The blinde mans staffe, or the poore mans comfort : dialogue-wise containing an exhortation for euery Christians conuersation in this life, so at they may attaine (in the life to come) eternall felicitie.
Willis Freeman : The breed of the Treshams (25/10) / by John Rutherford ; The only way (26,30/10) / by Freeman Willis and Frederick Langbridge ; Hamlet (27/10) / [William Shakespeare] ; Armageddon (28-29/10) / by Stephen Phillips.
Willis J R John R : Fundamentals of deformation and fracture : Eshelby Memorial Symposium, Sheffield, 2-5 April, 1984 / edited by B.A. Bilby, K.J. Miller and J.R. Willis.
Willis Jennifer Schwamm : Explore : stories of survival from off the map / edited by Jennifer Schwamm Willis.
Willis Jenny : Deskilling or reskilling nurses : a study of the implementation of health care assistants to support nurses in Freshfields NHS Trust.
Willis Jerome 1928 : Winstanley [videorecording] / written, directed and produced by Kevin Brownlow and Andrew Mallo.
Willis Jerome Journalist : The last adventurers : the story of the lives of trawlermen from Hull and Grimsby who sail their small craft far into northern latitudes in the eternal quest for fish.