Wilson Henry 1673 1741 : Surveying improved : or, the whole art, both in theory and practtice fully demonstrated.
Wilson Henry 1810 : An account of the Pelew Islands, situated in the western part of the Pacific Ocean : composed from the journals and communications of Captain Henry Wilson, and some of his officers, who, in August 1783, were there shipwrecked, in the Antelope, a packet belonging to the Honourable East India Company.
Wilson Herbert Newton : Chemical analysis : the working tools / edited by C.R.N. Strouts, H.N. Wilsonand R.T. Parry-Jones with the assistance of J.H. Gilfillan.
Wilson Ida : After midnight with P.C. William Spearing.
Wilson Isaac : The inspector of manners, customs and morals at Hull : a series of amusing and interesting narratives, essays etc.
Wilson Isobel M : Handbook of community cancer care / Mark N. Gaze, Isobel M. Wilson.
Wilson Ivor : Out of the air : five plays for radio / by S. Barstow, D. Barstow, D. Haworth, D. Campton, K. Whitmore and I. Wilson; selected and edited by A. Bradley.