Winne Cadwallader 1622 Or 3 : An antidote against sorrovv, in order to the obtaining of sanctified joy. / An excellent treatise first written in French by N. Vedelius, then translated into Latine by Gallus Pareus, and now into English, by Cadwallader Winne, M.A.
Winne Edward : A letetr [sic] vvritten by Captaine Edvvard Winne, to the right honourable, Sir George Caluert, Knight, his Maiesties principall secretary: from Feryland in Newfoundland, the 26. of August. 1621
Winne Mark 1950 : Food rebels, guerrilla gardeners, and smart-cookin' mamas : fighting back in an age of industrial agriculture / Mark Winne.
Winne Morgan : Articles to bee enquired of by the minister, church-wardens, and side-men of euery parish, and precinct, within the arch-deaconry of Lincolne : giuen in charge, in the visitation of the right worshipfull Mr. Morgan Winne, doctor of diuinity, Arch-deacon of Lincolne.
Winnera Chris : Trap for a lonely man : a gripping thriller / by Robert Thomas ; translated from the French by Lucienne Hill and John Sutro ; directed by David Gordon.
Winnett Robert : No expenses spared / Robert Winnett and Gordon Rayner ; cartoons by Matt.
Winney Samuel : God a Christian's choice, compleated by particular covenanting with God : Together with an appendix, containing propositions, tending to clear up the lawfulness, and expediency of transacting with God in that way. In pursuit of a design proposed by Mr. R.A. in his book entituled, The vindication of Godliness. And by Mr. Tho. Vincent, in his book, called Words whereby we may be saved. To which is added, a brief discovery of the nearness of such a people unto God, on Psal. 148. 14. By Samuel VVinney, sometimes minister of the gospel at Glaston in Somersetshire.
Winnick Louis : Capital formation in residential real estate : trends and prospects.
Winnington John : Democracy and industry / by J. Winnington and C. Reaveley.
Winnington Richard : Film : criticism and caricatures 1943-53 / selected with an introduction by Paul Rotha.
Winnipeg Conference On Human Action 1975 : Action theory : proceedings of the Winnipeg Conference on Human Action, held at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 9-11 May, 1975.
Winnubst J A M : Handbook of work and health psychology / edited by M.J. Schabracq, J.A.M. Winnubst, C.L. Cooper.
Winny Beverley : The wife of Bath's prologue & tale from the Canterbury tales / edited with introduction, notes and glossary by James Winny. Revised by Sean Kane and Beverley Winny.
Winocus Gordon : Cognitive neurorehabilitation : evidence and application / edited by Donald T. Stuss, Gordon Winocur, Ian H. Robertson.
Winograd Carlos D : Learning from failed stabilisation : high inflation and the Cruzado Plan in Brazil / [translated from the original French by Andrew Holmes].
Winograd Eugene : Affect and accuracy in recall : studies of "flashbulb" memories / edited by Eugene Winograd and Ulric Neisser.