Wright Samuel Approximately 1612 : Certaine sermons preached and penned by Richard Rogers preacher of Weathersfield in Essex, : directly tending to these three ends. First, to bring any bad person (that hath not committed the sinne that is vnpardonable) to true conuersion. Secondly, to stablish and settle all such as are conuerted, in faith and repentance. Thirdly, to leade them forward (that are so setled) in the Christian life, to bring foorth the fruite of both. Whereunto are annexed diuers godlie and learned sermons of another reuerend and faithfull seruant of God, Mr. Samuel Wright, Bachelor of Diuinitie, late president of Sidney Colledge in Camebridge, deceased, tending also to the same ends, with diuers particular points in both, profitable and fit for these times.
Wright Samuel E : The little mermaid II [videorecording] : return to the sea / directed by Jim Kammerud.
Wright Shelagh : Pain management in nursing practice / Shelagh Wright.
Wright Simeon : The Several informations of Mr. Simeon Wright, Thomas Launders and Richard Perkin : concerning the horrid Popish Plot in England : and the several ways that have been used to take off the Kings witnesses, and to hinder the further discovery of it : the two former, being witnesses in the trial of the late Lord Stafford, their informations were taken upon oath by Edmond Warcup, Esq., one of His Majesties Justices of the Peace for Middlesex and Westminster, in December last 1680 : the latter was taken upon oath by Sir Robert Atkyns, kt. at the assizes at Stafford, 1679 : the whole informations being nothing but matter of fact.
Wright Stephen 1813 : History of the Shaftesbury Baptist Association from 1781-1853 with some account of the associations formed from it, and a tabular view of their annual meetings...
Wright Thomas 1603 Or 4 : An exact character or, narrative of the late right noble, and magnificent lord, Oliver Cromvvell, the Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland; with the domi[ ]tons thereof. Together with a brief recapitulation (or declaration) of his many miraculous victories, virtues, and atchievements, throughout the three nations. With his decease on Friday, the 3d of Septemb. 1658. being above 60 years of age; and the election of his eldest son the Lord Richard to be Lord Protector of England, Scotland, & Ireland, &c. With the proclaiming of His Highness on Saturday, (the 4th instant) throughout the cities of London and Westminster. Written by T.l'W. of the Middle-Temple London, for the present perusal of all honest patriots: and now printed and published for general satisfaction of the people
Wright Thomas Active 1693 : The female vertuoso's : a comedy : as it is acted at the Queen's Theatre, by Their Majesties servants / written by Mr. Thomas Wright.