Wycliff Don : A new birth of freedom : Abraham Lincoln's bicentennial / editor, Don Wycliff.
Wycliffe Congregational Church Hull : Broadsheet in memoriam : Victoria, the good and great ... issued on the occasion of the memorial service held in Wycliffe Congregational Church, Hull, Sunday, February 3rd, 1901.
Wydler Karl : Zur Stellung des attributiven Adjektivs vom Latein bis zum neufranzösischen.
Wydowes I : Rerum naturalium doctrina methodica. English
Wydowes John : Wedhouse, 1619 : an almanacke for the yeare of our Lord God, 1619, with a briefe description of Ireland, seruing indifferently for any place of Great-Brittaine, but more especially for the Kingdome of Ireland : with the principall high-wayes and fayres of that kingdome, very necessarie for all those that intend to trauaile thither, or are desirous to haue any thing to doe there / by I.W.
Wydows Daniel : An exposition upon the 13 & 14 & 15 & 16 chapters of the holie Revelation : whereby the dovvnfall of bishops and other actions vvere foretold to begin mainly from A.D. 1637 / by Daniel wydows.
Wydra Thilo : Margarethe von Trotta : Filmen, um zu überleben.
Wyer Enoch : A catalogue of choice books : consisting of divinity, history, philosophy, physick, mathematicks, poetry, &c. : most of them fairly bound, which will be sold by way of auction at Mr. William Clipsums house ... near Cambridge on Munday the 17th of this instant May, 1686 / by En. Wyre, bookseller.
Wyer June : The U.K. and Thirld World tourism : a report for the Third World Tourism European Ecumenical Network / ...by J. Wyer and J. Towner...
Wyer Robert S : The automaticity of everyday life / edited by Robert S. Wyer, Jr. ; lead article by John A. Bargh.
Wyers Frances : Miguel de Unamuno : the contrary self.
Wyersdale Nathaniel Active 1695 : To his Grace John Marquess of Tweeddale, his Majesties High Commissioner for the kingdom of Scotland, : the humble petition of Nicholas Dupin Esquire, Joseph Blake, Peter Kersteman, and Nathaniel VVyersdale of London merchants, in behalf of themselves and ... their partners, for working of all sorts of mines and mineralls in his Majesties ancient kingdom of Scotland.
Wyeth A : Andrew Wyeth : temperas, watercolors, dry brush, drawings, 1938 into 1966.
Wykes Catherine : Holographic and speckle interferometry : a discussion of the theory, practice and application of the techniques / R. Jones, C. Wykes.