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Wynot Edward D : Warsaw between the World Wars : profile of the capital city in a developing land, 1918-1939.  1983 1
Wyns Mia : Recent developments in European family policies : a synopsis.  1984 1
Wynstra Finn : Developing sourcing capabilities : creating strategic change in purchasing and supply management / edited by Björn Axelsson, Frank Rozemeijer and Finn Wynstra.  c2005 1
Wynter Dana   2
Wynter Mark   3
Wynter Sylvia : Essays. Selections  2022 1
Wyntoun A   6
Wyntour Bernard St : Scarlet Clue / St. Bernard Wyntour.  1905 1
Wynyard Diana 1906 1964 : Gaslight (Motion picture : 1940)  2016 1
Wynyard Paul : D.D.D. dare-devil Dorothy / Wilfred Carr.  1914 1
Wynyard Robin   4
Wyoming Historical Geological Society : The Susquehannah company papers.  1962 1
Wyon J B : Peoples and economics in the Sudan, 1884 to 1956 : the first part of a history of human tragedies on the Nile, 1884-1984.  1981 1
Wyon Olive   2
Wyplosz Charles   8
Wyrall Everard 1878 1937   2
Wyrick Deborah : Fanon for beginners / written and illustrated by Deborah Wyrick.  1998 1
Wyrley William 1565 1618 : The true vse of armorie : shewed by historie, and plainly proued by example: the necessitie therof also discouered: with the maner of differings in ancient time, the lawfulnes of honorable funerals and moniments: with other matters of antiquitie, incident to the aduauncing of banners, ensignes, and marks of noblenesse and cheualrie, by William Wyrley.  1592 1
Wyrtki Klaus : Physical oceanography of the Southeast Asian waters.  1961 1
Wyschogrod Edith : The ethical / edited by Edith Wyschogrod and Gerald P. McKenny.  2003 1
Wyschogrod Michael : Understanding scripture : explorations of Jewish and Christian traditions of interpretation / C. Thoma and M. Wyschogrod, editors.  1987 1
Wyse Akintola : The Krio of Sierra Leone : an interpretive history / Akintola Wyse.  c1989 1
Wyse Dominic 1964   16
Wyse Elizabeth   2
Wyse Erskine : Brown empire.  1946 1
Wyse Gordon A : Animal physiology / Richard W. Hill, Gordon A. Wyse.  1989 1
Wyse Nicholas : A consolacyon for chrysten people to repayre agayn the lordes temple : with certayne places of scrypture truely applyed to satysfye theyr myndes for ye expellyng of ydolatry, [et] to instruct the[m], of loue and obedience. Compyled by nycholas wyse  1538 1
Wyse Thomas : Historical sketch of the late Catholic Association of Ireland.  1829 1
Wyse Tracey : The prescription of benzodiazepines to women in Britain : a review with recommendations.  1993 1
Wyse Vera : First impressions : an investigation into some of the factors which children 8-9 say guide their initial selection of freely chosen fiction and their later decision to continue or abandon the reading.  1981 1
Wysham Daphne : Beyond Bretton Woods : alternatives to the global economic order / edited by John Cavanagh, Daphne Wysham, and Marcos Arruda.  1994 1
Wysk Richard A : Modern manufacturing process engineering / Benjamin W. Niebel, Alan B. Draper, Richard A. Wysk.  1989 1
Wyskida Richard M : Cost estimator's reference manual / [edited by] Rodney D. Stewart, Richard M. Wyskida.  1987 1
Wysling Hans   15
Wysocki Boleslaw A : Rorschach card preferences as a diagnostic aid.  1956 1
Wysocki Gisela Von : Peter Altenberg : Bilder und Geschichten des befreiten Lebens.  1979 1
Wysocki Robert K   6
Wysokinski A : The living marine resources of the southeast Atlantic.  1986 1
Wysong Earl 1944 : The new class society / Robert Perrucci and Earl Wysong.  1999 1
Wysong Joe : Gestalt therapy verbatim / edited by Joe Wysong.  1992 1
Wyspianski Stanislaw   2
Wyss Anton : Die Entwicklung der Finanzierung in der schweizerischen Elektrizitatswirtschaft.  1964 1
Wyss Bernhard : Cantata academica. Vocal score  1959 1
Wyss Hilary E : English letters and Indian literacies : reading, writing, and New England missionary schools, 1750-1830 / Hilary E. Wyss.  c2012 1
Wyss Hugo : Die Frau in der dichtung Hofmannsthals : eine Studie zum dionysischen Welterlebnis.  1954 1
Wyss Neel Helene : Le Jutland dans l'oeuvre de Steen Steensen Blicher.  1971 1
Wyss Orville : Micro-organisms and man.  1971 1
Wysuph C L : Jackson Pollock : psychoanalytic drawings / text by C.L. Wysuph.  1970 1
Wyszomirski Margaret Jane   2
Wytfliet Cornelis Van : Descriptionis Ptolemaicae augmentum.  1964 1
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