Yarney Susan : My brother Booh has ADHD : a story about a boy with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder / Susan Yarney ; illustrations by Rachel Fuller.
Yarnit Martin : Towns, cities and regions in the learning age : a survey of learning communities.
Yarwell John : True spectacles. : Exactly ground on brass tools by John Yarwell, servant to His Majesty, approved on by the Royal Society, acknowledg'd by the best skill'd in opticks to be ground to the greatest perfection.
Yarwood John Active 17th Century : Physick refin'd, or, A little stream of medicinal marrow flowing from the bones of nature : wherein several signs, particular rules, and distinct symptoms whereby the most ordinary diseases may be distinctly known, and truly judged, are perspicuously delineated : and the most proper way, safe method, and simpathetical care, whereby nature may be helped, the sick eased, and languishing patients relieved (without the use of poysonous purging potions, and venomous medicaments) is succinctly demonstrated / by John Yarwood.
Yaryura Tobias Jose A 1934 : Overcoming compulsive hoarding : why you save & how you can stop / by Fugen Neziroglu, Jerome Bubrick, Jose A. Yaryura-Tobias.
Yarza Alejandro 1958 : Un caníbal en Madrid : la sensibilidad camp y el reciclaje de la historia en el cine de Pedro Almodóvar.
Yarza Luaces Joaquin : Los reyes catolicos : paisaje artistico de una monarquia.
Yasadipura I Raden Nabehi : Devaruci, or the divine splendour : a Javanese presentation of an Indian religious concept.
Yasamee H J : Documents on British policy overseas : series II [1950-1955] / edited by R. Bullen and M.E. Pelly; assisted by H.J. Yasamee and G. Bennett.
Yasin Asad : Öffentliche Ämter im Spannungsfeld rechtlicher Anforderungen und politischer Erforderlichkeit. [electronic resource] : Zur Anwendung des Grundsatzes der Bestenauslese auf politische Beamte, kommunale Wahlbeamte und Richter an den obersten Gerichtshöfen des Bundes.
Yasin Mohammad : Levels and trends in fertility and childhood mortality in Indonesia / by P.F. McDonald, M. Yasin and G.W. Jones.
Yasin Sy : Traversing the crisis : the social sciences in Britain and France / edited by E. Lisle, H. Machin and S. Yasin.
Yaskey Jacqueline N : Afro-Caribbean and Asian elders : social services provision.
Yasmin Hussain : South Asian disabled young people and their families / Yasmin Hussain, Karl Atkin and Waqar Ahmad.
Yasmin Sharifa : The Methuen Drama book of trans plays / edited and with an introduction by Leanna Keyes, Lindsey Mantoan, and Angela Farr Schiller.
Yasmin Sofia : An exploration of the accountability practices of Muslim charity organisations in the UK : a legitimacy perspective.