Zagier Don Bernard : Equivariant Pontrjagin classes and applications to orbit spaces : applications of the G-signature theorem to transformation groups, symmetric products and number theory / Don Bernard Zagier.
Zagnoni Giorgio : Dodici sonate a flauto traversiere solo e basso, op. 2 / revisione e realizzazione del basso continuo di E. Farina; revisione flantistica di G. Zagnoni.
Zahari Avishag : The handicap principle : a missing piece of Darwin's puzzle / Amotz Zahavi and Avishag Zahavi ; translated by Naama Zahavi-Ely and Melvin Patrick Ely.
Zahariadis Nikolaos 1961 : Frameworks of the European Union's policy process : competition and complementarity across the theoretical divide / edited by Nikolaos Zahariadis.
Zahavi Amotz : The handicap principle : a missing piece of Darwin's puzzle / Amotz Zahavi and Avishag Zahavi ; translated by Naama Zahavi-Ely and Melvin Patrick Ely.
Zahavi Ely Naama : The handicap principle : a missing piece of Darwin's puzzle / Amotz Zahavi and Avishag Zahavi ; translated by Naama Zahavi-Ely and Melvin Patrick Ely.