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B 132 Y6 O1 : Strukturen yogischer Meditation : Untersuchungen zur Spiritualitat des Yoga.; BJL     
      Strukturen yogischer Meditation : Untersuchungen zur Spiritualitat des Yoga. BJL  BOOK 1977
B 132 Y6 P2    
      The Heyapaksha of yoga; or, Towards a constructive synthesis of psychological material in Indian phil BJL  BOOK 1984
      Patanjala yogasutrani. BJL  BOOK 1978
      Patanjalayogasutram, Bhojadevakrta Rajamartandavitti sametam...; [with an introd., explanations and a BJL  BOOK 1979
      Yogasutra of Patanjali with the commentary of Vyasa / translated notes by B. Baba. BJL  BOOK 1976
B 132 Y6 S4 : Yoga : objective and subjective : Yoga; or, Communion with God.; BJL     
      Yoga : objective and subjective : Yoga; or, Communion with God. BJL  BOOK 1940
B 132 Y6 S5 : The complete commentary by Sankara on the Yoga Sutra-s : a full translation of the newly discovered text.; BJL     
      The complete commentary by Sankara on the Yoga Sutra-s : a full translation of the newly discovered t BJL  BOOK 1990
B 132 Y6 S9    
      The Hatha yoga pradipika / translated into English by Pancham Sinh. BJL  BOOK 1975
      The Hatha yoga pradipika / translated into English by Pancham Sinh. BJL  BOOK 1974
      The yoga of light : Hatha yoga pradipika / edited and translated from the Sanskrit by H. U. Rieker. BJL  BOOK 1974
B 132 Y6 U57 : Bulletin / University of Durham. Yoga Research Centre.; BJL     
      Bulletin / University of Durham. Yoga Research Centre. BJL  BOOK 1979
B 132 Y6 V2 : Yoga and the Hindu tradition / translated from the French by Derek Coltman.; BJL     
      Yoga and the Hindu tradition / translated from the French by Derek Coltman. BJL  BOOK 1976
B 132 Y6 V6    
      Yoga-sara-samgraha of Vijnana-Bhiksu : Sanskrit-text with Hindi and English translation / edited by R BJL  BOOK 1989
      Yogavarttika of Vijnanbhiksu / text with English translation and critical notes along with the text a BJL  BOOK 1987
B 132 Y6 V8 : Jnana - Yoga.; BJL     
      Jnana - Yoga. BJL  BOOK 1970
B 132 Y6 W5 : The integrity of the yoga darśana : a reconsideration of classical yoga.; BJL     
      The integrity of the yoga darśana : a reconsideration of classical yoga. BJL  BOOK 1998
B 132 Y6 Y5    
      Yoga : the Indian tradition / edited by Ian Whicher and David Carpenter. BJL  BOOK 2003
      Yogasutra Patandjali. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1960
B 133 D2 : Religion and the rational outlook.; BJL     
      Religion and the rational outlook. BJL  BOOK 1954
B 133 S4 S2 : Sarva-Vedanta-Siddhanta-Sara-Sangraha; BJL     
      The quintessence of Vedanta / translation of Sarva-Vedanta-Siddhanta-Sara-Sangraha of Acharya Sankara BJL  BOOK 197-?
B 133 S4 U6 : Sankara's Upadesasahasri / critically edited with introduction and indices by Sengaku Mayeda.; BJL     
      Sankara's Upadesasahasri / critically edited with introduction and indices by Sengaku Mayeda. BJL  BOOK 1973
B 133 S5 M1 : Sankara-dig-vijaya : the traditional life of Sri Sankaracharya.; BJL     
      Sankara-dig-vijaya : the traditional life of Sri Sankaracharya. BJL  BOOK 1978
B 133 S5 S5 : Sankara and Bradley : a comparative and critical study.; BJL     
      Sankara and Bradley : a comparative and critical study. BJL  BOOK 1968
B 133 V3 Y3 : Yatidharmaprakasa : a treatise on world renunciation / critically edited with introduction, annotated translation and appendices by Patrick Olivelle.; BJL     
      Yatidharmaprakasa : a treatise on world renunciation / critically edited with introduction, annotated BJL  BOOK 1976
B 137 P5 Z62 : Remarks upon a book by Anthony Collins.; BJL     
      Remarks upon a book by Anthony Collins. BJL  BOOK 1717
B 156 M1 : The Hebrew philosophical genius.; BJL     
      The Hebrew philosophical genius. BJL  BOOK 1936
B 161 B9 T2. : La philosophie Byzantine.; BJL     
      La philosophie Byzantine. BJL  BOOK  
B 162.7 W3 : Tao : the watercourse way / Alan Watts with the collaboration of Chung-liang Huang.; BJL     
      Tao : the watercourse way / Alan Watts with the collaboration of Chung-liang Huang. BJL  BOOK 1992
B 165 C6 : La sapienza greca.; BJL     
      La sapienza greca. BJL  BOOK 1977
B 165 D4 : The origins of scientific thought, from Anaximander to Proclus, 600 B. C. to 300 A. D.; BJL     
      The origins of scientific thought, from Anaximander to Proclus, 600 B. C. to 300 A. D. BJL  BOOK 1961
B 165 D5    
      Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, griechisch und deutsch. BJL  BOOK 1922
      Die fragmente der Vorsokratiker,griechisch und deutsch, 5te aufl. hrsg. o Walther Kranz. BJL  BOOK 1934
B 165 D5 F8    
      Ancilla to the pre-Socratic philosophers : a complete translation of the fragments in Diels' "Fragmen BJL  BOOK 1948
      The pre-Socratic philosophers. BJL  BOOK  
      The pre-Socratic philosophers : a companion to Diels "Fragmente der Vorsokratiker". BJL  BOOK 1949
B 165 D5 S7 : Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. 4. Ältere Sophistik. English; BJL     
      The older Sophists / a complete translation by several hands of the fragments in Die Fragmente der Vo BJL  BOOK 1972
B 165 J1    
      Texts to illustrate demonstration elementary lectures on the history of greek philosophers to Aristo BJL  BOOK  
      Texts to illustrate the history of Greek philosophy from Thales to Aristotle. BJL  BOOK  
B 165 K8 : Vorsokratische denker / auswafil aus dedm uberlieferten, griechisch und deutsch, von Walther Kranz.; BJL     
      Vorsokratische denker / auswafil aus dedm uberlieferten, griechisch und deutsch, von Walther Kranz. BJL  BOOK 1949
B 165 M1 : Readings in ancient western philosophy.; BJL     
      Readings in ancient western philosophy. BJL  BOOK 1970
B 165 S6 : Philosophers speak for themselves : from Thales to Plato.; BJL     
      Philosophers speak for themselves : from Thales to Plato. BJL  BOOK 1956
B 165 V8    
      Greek philosophy : a collection of texts, selected with some notes by C. J. de Vogel. BJL  BOOK 1953
      Greek philosophy by C. J. de Vogel. BJL  BOOK 1963
B 165 W4 : Die Schule des Aristotles. Texte und Kommentar / edited by F. Wehrli.; BJL     
      Die Schule des Aristotles. Texte und Kommentar / edited by F. Wehrli. BJL  BOOK  
B 171 A1 : The vitality of Platonism, and other essays.; BJL     
      The vitality of Platonism, and other essays. BJL  BOOK 1911
B 171 A2 : The development of Greek philosophy.; BJL     
      The development of Greek philosophy. BJL  BOOK 1908
B 171 A3 : Studi di filosfia Greca / by V. Alfieri and others.; BJL     
      Studi di filosfia Greca / by V. Alfieri and others. BJL  BOOK 1950
B 171 A6    
      Beiträge zur Geschichte der griechischen Philosophie. BJL  BOOK 1891
      The elements of Greek philosophy from Thales to Aristotle. BJL  BOOK 1922
      Essays in ancient Greek philosophy / edited by J.P.Anton with G.L.Kustas. BJL  BOOK 1971
B 171 B1 : Das problem der Materie in der Griechischen Philosophie.; BJL     
      Das problem der Materie in der Griechischen Philosophie. BJL  BOOK 1890
B 171 B4 : The Greek philosophers.; BJL     
      The Greek philosophers. BJL  BOOK  
B 171 B5 : Phokion, und seine neueren Beurtheiler.; BJL     
      Phokion, und seine neueren Beurtheiler. BJL  BOOK  
B 171 B8    
      The philosophers of Greece. BJL  BOOK 1966
      Les sceptiques grecs. BJL  BOOK  
B 171 B9    
      Early Greek philosophy. BJL  BOOK 1930
      Early Greek philosophy. BJL  BOOK 1920
      Greek philosophy. BJL  BOOK 1914
      Greek philosophy : Thales to Plato. BJL  BOOK 1914
B 171 C1 : Evolution of Theology in the Greek philosophies.; BJL     
      Evolution of Theology in the Greek philosophies. BJL  BOOK  
B 171 C3 : In spite of Plato : a feminist rewriting of ancient philosophy / translated [from the Italian] by S. Anderlini-D'Onofrio and Aine O'Healy.; BJL     
      In spite of Plato : a feminist rewriting of ancient philosophy / translated [from the Italian] by S. BJL  BOOK 1995
B 171 C8    
      Before and after Socrates. BJL  BOOK 1932
      A brief view of Greek philosophy up to the age of Pericles. BJL  BOOK 1844
      The laws of motion in anc. thought. BJL  BOOK 1931
      Principium sapientise the origins of Greek philosophical thought / by F.M. Cornford edited by W.K.C. BJL  BOOK 1952
      The unwritten philosophy and other essays. BJL  BOOK 1950
B 171 D5 : The lives and opinions of eminent philosophers.; BJL     
      The lives and opinions of eminent philosophers. BJL  BOOK  
B 171 D5 H7 : The book of Diogenes Laertius.; BJL     
      The book of Diogenes Laertius. BJL  BOOK  
B 171 F5 : Four stages of Greek thought.; BJL     
      Four stages of Greek thought. BJL  BOOK 1966
B 171 F8 : God, man and state : Greek concepts.; BJL     
      God, man and state : Greek concepts. BJL  BOOK 1952
B 171 F9 : History of Greek philosophy.; BJL     
      History of Greek philosophy. BJL  BOOK 1923
B 171 G5 : Die Geschichte des griechischen Skeptizismus.; BJL     
      Die Geschichte des griechischen Skeptizismus. BJL  BOOK  
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