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Mark   Media Year
BL 550 H6 : How men worship.; BJL     
      How men worship. BJL  BOOK 1965
BL 550 P1 : Worship and secular man.; BJL     
      Worship and secular man. BJL  BOOK 1973
BL 550 P2    
      Worship in the world's religions. BJL  BOOK 1961
      Worship in the worlds religions. BJL  BOOK 1974
BL 550 W9 : Worship / edited by Jean Holm with John Bowker.; BJL     
      Worship / edited by Jean Holm with John Bowker. BJL  BOOK 1994
BL 560 D9 : Sacrifice and the body : biblical anthropology and Christian self-understanding / John Dunnill.; BJL     
      Sacrifice and the body : biblical anthropology and Christian self-understanding / John Dunnill. BJL  BOOK c2013
BL 560 H4    
      Introduction aux approches analytiques des actes de priere en general et al ethno-linguistique des in South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1996
      Propos methodologiques pour une anthropologie de la priere et des rites oraux. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1996
      Trois styles de priere a Java : ecriture sur le front, offrandes et purification du coeur. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1996
BL 560 P9    
      Prayer from Alexander to Constantine : a critical anthology / introduced and edited by Mark Kiley et BJL  BOOK 1997
      Praying their faith : an insight into six world religions through the prayers of their members / edit Education Resources  BOOK 1999
BL 560 S6 : Prayers for the future of mankind / compiled by I. Solomons.; BJL     
      Prayers for the future of mankind / compiled by I. Solomons. BJL  BOOK 1975
BL570 .F67 2020eb    
      Dionysus, Christ, and the death of God. Volume 1, The great mediations of the classical world / Giuse Online materials  EBOOKS 2020
      Dionysus, Christ, and the death of God . Volume 2, Christianity and modernity / Giuseppe Fornari. Online materials  EBOOKS 2020
BL 570 G7 : The role of human sacrifice in the ancient Near East.; BJL     
      The role of human sacrifice in the ancient Near East. BJL  BOOK 1975
BL 570 J2 : Sacrifice and sacrament.; BJL     
      Sacrifice and sacrament. BJL  BOOK 1962
BL570 .R43 : Human sacrifice : archaeological perspectives from around the world / Laerke Recht (University of Cambridge).; BJL     
      Human sacrifice : archaeological perspectives from around the world / Laerke Recht (University of Cam BJL  BOOK 2019
BL 570 S1 : Sacrifice.; BJL     
      Sacrifice. BJL  BOOK 1980
BL 570 Y4 : Sacrifice in Greek and Roman religions and early Judaism.; BJL     
      Sacrifice in Greek and Roman religions and early Judaism. BJL  BOOK 1953
BL 580 B8 : Encyclopedia of sacred places.; BJL     
      Encyclopedia of sacred places. BJL  BOOK 1997
BL 580 S1    
      Sacred place / edited by Jean Holm with John Bowker. BJL  BOOK 1994
      Sacred sites, sacred places / edited by David L. Carmichael ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 1994
      Sacred space : shrine, city, land : proceedings of the international conference in memory of Joshua P BJL  BOOK 1998
BL580 .S2293 2013eb : Sacred darkness : a global perspective on the ritual use of caves / edited by Holley Moyes.; Online materials     
      Sacred darkness : a global perspective on the ritual use of caves / edited by Holley Moyes. Online materials  EBOOKS 2013
BL590 : The first book of festivals / Anita Ganeri, with activities by Mary Saunders.; Education Resources     
      The first book of festivals / Anita Ganeri, with activities by Mary Saunders. Education Resources  BOOK 2005
BL 590 F4 : Festivals in world religions / edited by A. Brown.; BJL     
      Festivals in world religions / edited by A. Brown. BJL  BOOK 1986
BL 590 W8 / q : Times and seasons / Angela Wood, John Logan, Jenny Rose.; Education Resources     
      Times and seasons / Angela Wood, John Logan, Jenny Rose. Education Resources  BOOK 1997
BL 600 B4 : Ritual : perspectives and dimensions / Catherine Bell.; BJL     
      Ritual : perspectives and dimensions / Catherine Bell. BJL  BOOK 1997
BL 600 B6 : Ritual in industrial society : a sociological analysis of ritualism in modern England.; BJL     
      Ritual in industrial society : a sociological analysis of ritualism in modern England. BJL  BOOK 1974
BL 600 B9 : The dangers of ritual : between early medieval texts and social scientific theory / Philippe Buc.; BJL     
      The dangers of ritual : between early medieval texts and social scientific theory / Philippe Buc. BJL  BOOK c2001
BL 600 C3 : Sociologie du rite (tabou, magie, sacre).; BJL     
      Sociologie du rite (tabou, magie, sacre). BJL  BOOK 1971
BL 600 G5    
      Violence and the sacred / René Girard ; translated by Patrick Gregory. BJL  BOOK 1995
      La violence et le sacré. BJL  BOOK 1980
BL 600 M9 : Ritual in early modern Europe.; BJL     
      Ritual in early modern Europe. BJL  BOOK 1997
BL 600 R2 : Ritual and religion in the making of humanity.; BJL     
      Ritual and religion in the making of humanity. BJL  BOOK 1999
BL 600 R6 : Rites of passage / edited by Jean Holm with John Bowker.; BJL     
      Rites of passage / edited by Jean Holm with John Bowker. BJL  BOOK 1994
BL603 : Signs and symbols. / David and Gill Rose.; Education Resources     
      Signs and symbols. / David and Gill Rose. Education Resources  BOOK 2003
BL 603 A4 : De la nature des symboles.; BJL     
      De la nature des symboles. BJL  BOOK 1958
BL 603 B3 : The lost language of symbolism.; BJL     
      The lost language of symbolism. BJL  BOOK 1951
BL 603 C5 : A dictionary of symbols / translated from the Spanish by J. Sage.; BJL     
      A dictionary of symbols / translated from the Spanish by J. Sage. BJL  BOOK 1971
BL 603 E4 : Images and symbols.; BJL     
      Images and symbols. BJL  BOOK 1961
BL 603 F2    
      Studies in biblical and semitic symbolism prolegomenon. BJL  BOOK 1970
      The symbolic language of religion : an introductory study. BJL  BOOK 1970
BL 603 H4 : Pagan and Christian symbols : some studies in comparative religion.; BJL     
      Pagan and Christian symbols : some studies in comparative religion. BJL  BOOK 1938
BL 603 I5 : Religious symbolism / edited by F. Ernest Johnson; BJL     
      Religious symbolism / edited by F. Ernest Johnson BJL  BOOK 1955
BL 603 L7    
      Dictionary of symbols. BJL  BOOK 1991
      Symbols : encyclopedia of western signs and ideograms / Carl G. Liungman. BJL  BOOK c2004
BL 604 B64 C7 : Commun(icat)ing bodies : body as a medium in religious symbol systems / Alexander Darius Ornella, Stefanie Knauss, Anna-Katharina Höpflinger (eds.).; BJL     
      Commun(icat)ing bodies : body as a medium in religious symbol systems / Alexander Darius Ornella, Ste BJL  BOOK c2014
BL 604 B64 F8 : Fragments for a history of the human body / edited by Michel Feher with Ramona Naddaff and Nadia Tazi.; BJL     
      Fragments for a history of the human body / edited by Michel Feher with Ramona Naddaff and Nadia Tazi BJL  BOOK 1989
BL 604 C7 : Religious imagination and the body : a feminist analysis.; BJL     
      Religious imagination and the body : a feminist analysis. BJL  BOOK 1994
BL 604 E9 C5 : El ojo en la mitologia : su simbolismo.; BJL     
      El ojo en la mitologia : su simbolismo. BJL  BOOK 1954
BL 604 M36 M2 : Mandala.; BJL     
      Mandala. BJL  BOOK 1995
BL 604 M8 W1 : The mountain of God : a study in early religion and kingship.; South East Asian Collection     
      The mountain of God : a study in early religion and kingship. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1953
BL 604 R7 W6 : The rose-garden game : the symbolic gackground to the European prayer-beads.; BJL     
      The rose-garden game : the symbolic gackground to the European prayer-beads. BJL  BOOK 1969
BL 604 T7 J2 : The tree of life : an archaeological study.; BJL     
      The tree of life : an archaeological study. BJL  BOOK 1966
BL 610 A5 : The ancient mysteries : a sourcebook : sacred texts of the mystery religions of the ancient Mediterranean world.; BJL     
      The ancient mysteries : a sourcebook : sacred texts of the mystery religions of the ancient Mediterra BJL  BOOK 1987
BL 610 B8 : Ancient mystery cults.; BJL     
      Ancient mystery cults. BJL  BOOK 1987
BL 613 C9 : Divination in ancient Israel and its Near Eastern environment : a socio-historical investigation.; BJL     
      Divination in ancient Israel and its Near Eastern environment : a socio-historical investigation. BJL  BOOK 1994
BL 613 F8 / q : Iban augury.; South East Asian Collection     
      Iban augury. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1958
BL 615 J6 : Initiation : contributions to the theme of the study-conference of the International Association for the History of Religions.; BJL     
      Initiation : contributions to the theme of the study-conference of the International Association for BJL  BOOK 1965
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