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BS 1505 W6 : The prophetic achievement.; BJL     
      The prophetic achievement. BJL  BOOK 1963
BS 1505 W9 : Writings and speech in Israelite and ancient Near Eastern prophecy / Ehud Ben Zvi, Michael H. Floyd, editors.; BJL     
      Writings and speech in Israelite and ancient Near Eastern prophecy / Ehud Ben Zvi, Michael H. Floyd, BJL  BOOK 2000
BS 1505.2 W7 : A guide to the Prophets.; BJL     
      A guide to the Prophets. BJL  BOOK 1968
BS 1505.6 P7 P9 : The priests in the prophets : the portrayal of priests prophets, and other religious specialists in the latter prophets / edited by Lester L. Grabbe and Alice Ogden Bellis.; BJL     
      The priests in the prophets : the portrayal of priests prophets, and other religious specialists in t BJL  BOOK c2004
BS 1506 C4 : Introduction a la lecture des prophetes.; BJL     
      Introduction a la lecture des prophetes. BJL  BOOK 1946
BS 1506 H4 : His servants the prophets.; BJL     
      His servants the prophets. BJL  BOOK 1949
BS 1513 B7 : The book of Isaiah / with introductions, critical notes and explanations by G.H. Box.; BJL     
      The book of Isaiah / with introductions, critical notes and explanations by G.H. Box. BJL  BOOK 1916
BS 1513 C5 : Bible. Isaiah; BJL     
      The Isaiah Targum. BJL  BOOK 1987
BS 1513 K6 : The book of Isaiah / tr. with commentary by E.J. Kissane.; BJL     
      The book of Isaiah / tr. with commentary by E.J. Kissane. BJL  BOOK 1960
BS 1513 L6 : Isaiah / chronologically arranged, tr. and interpreted by E.A. Leslie.; BJL     
      Isaiah / chronologically arranged, tr. and interpreted by E.A. Leslie. BJL  BOOK 1963
BS 1513 S6    
      The book of the prophet Isaiah, chapters I-XXXIX / with introduction and notes by J. Skinner. BJL  BOOK 1896
      The book of the prophet Isaiah, chapters XL-LXVI / with introduction and notes by J. Skinner. BJL  BOOK 1917
BS 1513 W1 : The book of the prophet Isaiah / with introd. and notes by G.W. Wade.; BJL     
      The book of the prophet Isaiah / with introd. and notes by G.W. Wade. BJL  BOOK 1929
BS 1515 A9 : Isaie 1-39.; BJL     
      Isaie 1-39. BJL  BOOK 1972
BS 1515 B2 : Isaiah 1-39.; BJL     
      Isaiah 1-39. BJL  BOOK 1995
BS 1515 B6 : Prophetic faith in Isaiah.; BJL     
      Prophetic faith in Isaiah. BJL  BOOK 1958
BS 1515 C5    
      The glory of Israel : the theology and provenience of the Isaiah Targum. BJL  BOOK 1983
      Introduction to the Book of Isaiah. BJL  BOOK 1895
BS 1515 C6 : Isaiah 1-39.; BJL     
      Isaiah 1-39. BJL  BOOK 1980
BS 1515 D2 : Prophecy and ethics : Isaiah and the ethical traditions of Israel.; BJL     
      Prophecy and ethics : Isaiah and the ethical traditions of Israel. BJL  BOOK 1981
BS 1515 D3 : Biblical commentary on the prophecies of Isaiah.; BJL     
      Biblical commentary on the prophecies of Isaiah. BJL  BOOK 1890
BS 1515 D7 : Isaiah : his life and times, and the writings which bear his name.; BJL     
      Isaiah : his life and times, and the writings which bear his name. BJL  BOOK 1888
BS 1515 D8 : Das Buch Jesaia / ubersetzt und erklart von B. Duhm.; BJL     
      Das Buch Jesaia / ubersetzt und erklart von B. Duhm. BJL  BOOK 1968
BS 1515 E3 : Der Heilige in Israel : Jesaja 1-12 / ubersezt und ausgelegt von W. Eichrodt.; BJL     
      Der Heilige in Israel : Jesaja 1-12 / ubersezt und ausgelegt von W. Eichrodt. BJL  BOOK 1960
BS 1515 E6 : The burden of Babylon : a study of Isaiah 13:2- 14:23.; BJL     
      The burden of Babylon : a study of Isaiah 13:2- 14:23. BJL  BOOK 1970
BS 1515 E9 : To see and not perceive : Isaiah 6,9-10 in early Jewish and Christian interpretation.; BJL     
      To see and not perceive : Isaiah 6,9-10 in early Jewish and Christian interpretation. BJL  BOOK 1989
BS 1515 F6 : Das Buch Jesaja.; BJL     
      Das Buch Jesaja. BJL  BOOK 1962
BS 1515 G7 : A critical and exegetical commentary on the book of Isaiah / 1-39 by George Buchanan Gray, 40-66 by Arthur S. Peake.; BJL     
      A critical and exegetical commentary on the book of Isaiah / 1-39 by George Buchanan Gray, 40-66 by A BJL  BOOK 1928
BS 1515 H4    
      Hebraisches Wortenbuch zu Jesaja. BJL  BOOK 1965
      Isaiah, the eighth century prophet : his times & his preaching / John H. Hayes and S.A. Irvine. BJL  BOOK 1987
BS 1515 J5 : The use of tora by Isaiah : his debate with the wisdom tradition.; BJL     
      The use of tora by Isaiah : his debate with the wisdom tradition. BJL  BOOK 1973
BS 1515 J7 : Isaiah 55-66 and Joel : introduction and commentary.; BJL     
      Isaiah 55-66 and Joel : introduction and commentary. BJL  BOOK 1964
BS 1515 K1 : Isaiah 1-12 : a commentary.; BJL     
      Isaiah 1-12 : a commentary. BJL  BOOK 1972
BS 1515 K3 : Isaiah 13-39 : a commentary.; BJL     
      Isaiah 13-39 : a commentary. BJL  BOOK 1974
BS 1515 K7 : Prophets of Israel : (1) Isaiah.; BJL     
      Prophets of Israel : (1) Isaiah. BJL  BOOK 1961
BS 1515 L1 : La symbolique du livre d' Isaie : essai sur l'image litteraire comme element de structuration.; BJL     
      La symbolique du livre d' Isaie : essai sur l'image litteraire comme element de structuration. BJL  BOOK 1973
BS 1515 L7 : A study on the Immanuel section in Isaiah, Isa. vii,1- ix,6.; BJL     
      A study on the Immanuel section in Isaiah, Isa. vii,1- ix,6. BJL  BOOK 1958
BS 1515 M4 : Isaiah 1-39 : introduction and commentary.; BJL     
      Isaiah 1-39 : introduction and commentary. BJL  BOOK 1962
BS 1515 N5 : New visions of Isaiah / Roy F. Melugin & Marvin A. Sweeney (eds.).; BJL     
      New visions of Isaiah / Roy F. Melugin & Marvin A. Sweeney (eds.). BJL  BOOK 1996
BS 1515 N8 : The suffering servant in Deutero-Isaiah : an historical and critical study.; BJL     
      The suffering servant in Deutero-Isaiah : an historical and critical study. BJL  BOOK 1948
BS 1515 O2 : Trito-Isaiah (Isaiah 56-66) : a literary and linguistic analysis.; BJL     
      Trito-Isaiah (Isaiah 56-66) : a literary and linguistic analysis. BJL  BOOK 1931
BS 1515 P5 : Bible. Prophets. Selections. English. Phillips. 1963.; BJL     
      Four prophets : Amos, Hosea, First Isaiah, Micah / a modern translation from the Hebrew by J.B. Phill BJL  BOOK 1963
BS 1515 R5 : A study of Isaiah, ch. 40-55.; BJL     
      A study of Isaiah, ch. 40-55. BJL  BOOK 1956
BS 1515 R7 : Isaie et le prophetisme.; BJL     
      Isaie et le prophetisme. BJL  BOOK 1961
BS 1515 S2 : The fifth gospel : Isaiah in the history of Christianity.; BJL     
      The fifth gospel : Isaiah in the history of Christianity. BJL  BOOK 1996
BS 1515 S6    
      The book of Isaiah. BJL  BOOK 1890
      Isaiah, chapters XL-LV : literary criticism and history. BJL  BOOK 1944
BS 1515 S8 : Le prophete Isaie : sa vie, son oeuvre et son temps.; BJL     
      Le prophete Isaie : sa vie, son oeuvre et son temps. BJL  BOOK 1955
BS 1515 S9    
      Isaiah 1-39 : with an introduction to prophetic literature. BJL  BOOK 1996
      Studies in the Book of Isaiah : Festschrift Willem A.M. Beuken / edited by J. van Ruiten and M. Verve BJL  BOOK 1997
BS 1515 V5    
      Du prophete Isaie a l'apocalyptique : Isaie I-XXXV, miroir d'un demi-millenaire d'experience religieu BJL  BOOK 1977
      Du prophete Isaie a l'apocalyptique : Isaie I-XXXV, miroir d'un demi-millenaire d'experience religieu BJL  BOOK 1978
BS 1515 W6    
      Isaiah 1-12 : a commentary / translated by Thomas H. Trapp. BJL  BOOK 1991
      Isaiah 13-27 : a Continental commentary / translated by Thomas H. Trapp. BJL  BOOK 1997
      Jesaja. BJL  BOOK 1982
BS 1520 A1 N4 : Bible. Isaiah, LII, 13-LIII. Polyglot. 1969.; BJL     
      The fifty-third chapter of Isaiah according to the Jewish interpreters. BJL  BOOK 1969
BS 1520 B1    
      Deutero-Isaiah : a commentary on Isaiah 40-55 / translated by Margaret Kohl ; edited by Peter Machini BJL  BOOK 2001
      Deutero-Jesaja : Kommentar zum Alten Testament. BJL  BOOK 1999
BS 1520 B7 : Le second Isaie, son disciple et leurs editeurs : Isaie 40-66.; BJL     
      Le second Isaie, son disciple et leurs editeurs : Isaie 40-66. BJL  BOOK 1972
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