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BX 1070 D8 : The beginnings of the temporal sovereignty of the popes, A.D.754-1073.; BJL     
      The beginnings of the temporal sovereignty of the popes, A.D.754-1073. BJL  BOOK 1972
BX 1070 M1 : The Frankish church and the Carolingian reforms, 789-895.; BJL     
      The Frankish church and the Carolingian reforms, 789-895. BJL  BOOK 1977
BX 1076 D8 : Gregory the great : his place in history and thought.; BJL     
      Gregory the great : his place in history and thought. BJL  BOOK 1967
BX 1076 E9 : The thought of Gregory the Great.; BJL     
      The thought of Gregory the Great. BJL  BOOK 1986
BX 1076 R5 : Consul of God : the life and times of Gregory the Great.; BJL     
      Consul of God : the life and times of Gregory the Great. BJL  BOOK 1980
BX 1076 W5 C6 : The earliest life of Gregory the great / text, translation & notes by B. Colgrave.; BJL     
      The earliest life of Gregory the great / text, translation & notes by B. Colgrave. BJL  BOOK 1968
BX 1178 P2 : The papal reform of the eleventh century : lives of Pope Leo IX and Pope Gregory VII / selected sources translated and annotated by I.S. Robinson.; BJL     
      The papal reform of the eleventh century : lives of Pope Leo IX and Pope Gregory VII / selected sourc BJL  BOOK 2004
BX 1178 R6 : The papacy, 1073-1198 : continuity and innovation.; BJL     
      The papacy, 1073-1198 : continuity and innovation. BJL  BOOK 1990
BX 1178 S2 : Les Papes de XIe siecle et la Chretiente.; BJL     
      Les Papes de XIe siecle et la Chretiente. BJL  BOOK 1926
BX 1187 A7 : Saint Gregoire Vll : essai sur sa conception du pouvoir pontifical.; BJL     
      Saint Gregoire Vll : essai sur sa conception du pouvoir pontifical. BJL  BOOK 1934
BX 1187 C8 : Pope Gregory VII, 1073-1085.; BJL     
      Pope Gregory VII, 1073-1085. BJL  BOOK 1998
BX 1187 F6    
      La reforme gregorienne. BJL  BOOK 1924
      Saint Gregoire Vll. BJL  BOOK 1928
BX 1187 G8    
      The correspondence of Pope Gregory Vll : selected letters from the Registrum / tr. with an introd by BJL  BOOK 1966
      The Epistolae vagantes of Pope Gregory Vll / edited and H.E.J. Cowdrey. BJL  BOOK 1972
      The register of Pope Gregory VII, 1073-1085 : an English translation / H.E.J. Cowdrey. BJL  BOOK 2002
BX 1187 M6 : Die Publizistik im Zeitalter Gregors Vll.; BJL     
      Die Publizistik im Zeitalter Gregors Vll. BJL  BOOK 1965
BX 1187 W6 : Hildebrandine essays.; BJL     
      Hildebrandine essays. BJL  BOOK 1932
BX 1190 B3 : Papst Urban 11 1088-1099.; BJL     
      Papst Urban 11 1088-1099. BJL  BOOK 1964
BX 1191 M7 : Essai sur les rapports de Pascal II avec Philippe Ier 1099-1108.; BJL     
      Essai sur les rapports de Pascal II avec Philippe Ier 1099-1108. BJL  BOOK 1907
BX 1197 D3 : Das Papsttum und die süditalienischen Normannerstaaten, 1053-1212 / eingeleitet und zusammengestellt von J. Deer.; BJL     
      Das Papsttum und die süditalienischen Normannerstaaten, 1053-1212 / eingeleitet und zusammengestellt BJL  BOOK 1969
BX 1198 F6 : La querelle des investitures.; BJL     
      La querelle des investitures. BJL  BOOK 1946
BX 1198 R6 : Authority and resistance in the investiture contest : the polemical literature of the late eleventh century.; BJL     
      Authority and resistance in the investiture contest : the polemical literature of the late eleventh c BJL  BOOK 1978
BX 1198 T2 : Church, state and Christian society at the time of the investiture contest.; BJL     
      Church, state and Christian society at the time of the investiture contest. BJL  BOOK 1940
BX 1200 C9 : Reform and the papacy in the eleventh century : spirituality and social change / Kathleen G. Cushing.; BJL     
      Reform and the papacy in the eleventh century : spirituality and social change / Kathleen G. Cushing. BJL  BOOK 2005
BX 1200 M1 : Sex, gender, and episcopal authority in an age of reform, 1000-1122 / Megan McLaughlin.; BJL     
      Sex, gender, and episcopal authority in an age of reform, 1000-1122 / Megan McLaughlin. BJL  BOOK 2010
BX 1200 T5 : Foundations of the conciliar theory : the contribution of the medieval canonists from Gratian to the great schism.; BJL     
      Foundations of the conciliar theory : the contribution of the medieval canonists from Gratian to the BJL  BOOK 1955
BX 1210 L9 : Constitutionum Apostolicarum de generali beneficiorum reservatione ab a 1265 usque ad a 1378 emissarum / edited by C. Lux.; BJL     
      Constitutionum Apostolicarum de generali beneficiorum reservatione ab a 1265 usque ad a 1378 emissaru BJL  BOOK 1904
BX 1223 J6 : Historiae pontificalis quae supersant.; BJL     
      Historiae pontificalis quae supersant. BJL  BOOK  
BX 1223 J6 C5 : Memoirs of the papal court / tr. with introd and notes by Marjorie Chibnall.; BJL     
      Memoirs of the papal court / tr. with introd and notes by Marjorie Chibnall. BJL  BOOK 1956
BX 1225 A2 : Adrian IV the English Pope (1154-1159) : studies and texts / edited by Brenda Bolton, Anne J. Duggan.; BJL     
      Adrian IV the English Pope (1154-1159) : studies and texts / edited by Brenda Bolton, Anne J. Duggan. BJL  BOOK 2003
BX 1225 A4 : The English pope, Adrian lV.; BJL     
      The English pope, Adrian lV. BJL  BOOK 1925
BX 1226 B7 : Boso's life of Alexander III / introd by P.Munz.; BJL     
      Boso's life of Alexander III / introd by P.Munz. BJL  BOOK 1973
BX 1226 P1 : Alexandre III : etude sur la conception du pouvoir pontifical dans sa pensee et dans son oeuvre.; BJL     
      Alexandre III : etude sur la conception du pouvoir pontifical dans sa pensee et dans son oeuvre. BJL  BOOK 1956
BX 1235 P8 : Pope Celestine III, 1191-1198 : diplomat and pastor / edited by John Doran and Damian J. Smith.; BJL     
      Pope Celestine III, 1191-1198 : diplomat and pastor / edited by John Doran and Damian J. Smith. BJL  BOOK 2007
BX 1236    
      Regestum Innocentii III papae super negotio Romani imperii / herausgegeben von F. Kempf. BJL  BOOK 1947
      Die register Innocenz III / bearb von O. Hageneder und anderen. BJL  BOOK 1964
      Das Register Innocenz III über die Reichsfrage 1198-1209, nach der Ausgabe von Baluze, Epistolarum In BJL  BOOK 1965
      Selected letters of Pope Innocent III concerning England (1198-1216) / edited by C.R. Cheney and W.H. BJL  BOOK 1953
BX 1236 B6 : Innocent III : studies on papal authority and pastoral care.; BJL     
      Innocent III : studies on papal authority and pastoral care. BJL  BOOK 1995
BX 1236 C5    
      The letters of Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) concerning England and Wales : a calendar with on append BJL  BOOK 1967
      Pope Innocent III and England. BJL  BOOK 1976
BX 1236 H9 : Histoire du Pope Innocent III et de ses contemporains.; BJL     
      Histoire du Pope Innocent III et de ses contemporains. BJL  BOOK 1855
BX 1236 K3 : Papsttum und Kaisertum bei Innocenz III : die geistigen und rechtlichen Grundlagen seiner Thronstreitpolitik.; BJL     
      Papsttum und Kaisertum bei Innocenz III : die geistigen und rechtlichen Grundlagen seiner Thronstreit BJL  BOOK 1954
BX 1236 L9 : Innocent III.; BJL     
      Innocent III. BJL  BOOK 1907
BX 1236 M1 : Studi su Innocenzo III.; BJL     
      Studi su Innocenzo III. BJL  BOOK 1972
BX 1236 M8 : Pope Innocent III (1160/61-1216) : to root up and to plant / John C. Moore.; BJL     
      Pope Innocent III (1160/61-1216) : to root up and to plant / John C. Moore. BJL  BOOK 2009
BX 1236 P6 : Innocent the great.; BJL     
      Innocent the great. BJL  BOOK  
BX 1236 P8 : Innocent III : vicar of Christ or lord of the world? / edited with an introduction by James M. Powell.; BJL     
      Innocent III : vicar of Christ or lord of the world? / edited with an introduction by James M. Powell BJL  BOOK 1994
BX 1236 S2 : Innocent III : leader of Europe, 1198-1216.; BJL     
      Innocent III : leader of Europe, 1198-1216. BJL  BOOK 1993
BX 1236 T5    
      Papst Innocenz III. BJL  BOOK 1954
      Pope Innocent III. BJL  BOOK 1980
BX 1237 S2 : Papal government and England during the pontificate of Honorius III (1216-1227).; BJL     
      Papal government and England during the pontificate of Honorius III (1216-1227). BJL  BOOK 1984
BX 1238 B8 : Papst Gregor IX bis zum Beginn seines Pontifikats : ein biographischer Versuch.; BJL     
      Papst Gregor IX bis zum Beginn seines Pontifikats : ein biographischer Versuch. BJL  BOOK 1911
BX 1238 S5 : Gregorio IX, 1227-1241.; BJL     
      Gregorio IX, 1227-1241. BJL  BOOK 1961
BX 1239 H2 : Ein ungedruckter Bericht über das Konklave von 1241 im romischen Septizonium.; BJL     
      Ein ungedruckter Bericht über das Konklave von 1241 im romischen Septizonium. BJL  BOOK 1913
BX 1244 G2 : Il pontificato di Gregorio X 1271-1276.; BJL     
      Il pontificato di Gregorio X 1271-1276. BJL  BOOK 1959
BX 1245 L3 : Le bienhereux Innocent V : Pierre de Tarentaise et son temps.; BJL     
      Le bienhereux Innocent V : Pierre de Tarentaise et son temps. BJL  BOOK 1947
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