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BX 7677 Y6 Y6 : Yorkshire Quarterly Meeting of Friends : statement of charitable funds and other properties.; BJL     
      Yorkshire Quarterly Meeting of Friends : statement of charitable funds and other properties. BJL  BOOK 1952
BX 7677 Y6 Y65 : Annual report/ Yorkshire Friends' Service Committee.; BJL     
      Annual report/ Yorkshire Friends' Service Committee. BJL  PERIODICAL  
BX 7678 B5 S6    
      Friends in Beverley : a brief history of a Quaker meeting / compiled by Beverley Friends. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1986
      Friends in Beverley : a brief history of a Quaker meeting / compiled by Beverley Friends. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1986
      Friends in Beverley : a brief history of a Quaker meeting / compiled by Beverley Friends. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1986
BX 7678 B78 H6 : The Society of Friends in Bradford : a record of 270 years.; BJL     
      The Society of Friends in Bradford : a record of 270 years. BJL  BOOK 1926
BX 7678 B8 M8 : Early Bristol Quakerism : the Society of Friends in the city, 1654-1700.; Departmental Locations     
      Early Bristol Quakerism : the Society of Friends in the city, 1654-1700. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1967
BX 7678 C56 S8 : Cirencester Quakers, 1655-1973 / by Leslie Stephens ; with an introduction by L. Hugh Doncaster.; BJL     
      Cirencester Quakers, 1655-1973 / by Leslie Stephens ; with an introduction by L. Hugh Doncaster. BJL  BOOK 1973
BX 7678 G46 M8 : Quakers in Gildersome.; BJL     
      Quakers in Gildersome. BJL  BOOK c1990
BX 7678 H5 H6 : A mirror for the Society of Friends : being the story of the Hitchin Quakers / by Reginald L. Hine ; with an introduction by Edward Grubb.; BJL     
      A mirror for the Society of Friends : being the story of the Hitchin Quakers / by Reginald L. Hine ; BJL  BOOK 1929
BX 7678 H9 F6 : Quakers in Hull.; BJL     
      Quakers in Hull. BJL  BOOK 1985
BX 7678 K5 R8 : The Quakers of Kirkbymoorside and district 1652-1990.; BJL     
      The Quakers of Kirkbymoorside and district 1652-1990. BJL  BOOK 1990
BX 7678 L4 A4 : Leeds Quaker Meeting.; BJL     
      Leeds Quaker Meeting. BJL  BOOK 1966
BX 7678 L84 B5 : The London Friends' meetings : showing the rise of the Society of Friends in London; its progress, and the development of its discipline; with accounts of the various meeting-houses and burial-grounds, their history and general associations / Compiled from original records and other sources by William Beck and T. Frederick Ball.; BJL     
      The London Friends' meetings : showing the rise of the Society of Friends in London; its progress, an BJL  BOOK 1869
BX 7678 N53 S8 : A historical sketch of the Society of Friends "in scorn called Quakers" in Newcastle and Gateshead, 1653-1898 / by John William Steel ; with contributions from other Friends.; BJL     
      A historical sketch of the Society of Friends "in scorn called Quakers" in Newcastle and Gateshead, 1 BJL  BOOK 1899
BX 7678 P12 H8 : 350 years of Quakerism in Painswick.; BJL     
      350 years of Quakerism in Painswick. BJL  BOOK 2000
BX 7678 P5 A4 : Faithfully to meeting : a short history of Quakers in Pickering.; BJL     
      Faithfully to meeting : a short history of Quakers in Pickering. BJL  BOOK 1993
BX 7678 P81 B8 / q : A history of Pontefract Quakerism (up to 1932).; BJL     
      A history of Pontefract Quakerism (up to 1932). BJL  BOOK 2000
BX 7678 W91 B7 : Plain country friends : the Quakers of Wooldale, High Flatts and Midhope / David Bower & John Knight.; BJL     
      Plain country friends : the Quakers of Wooldale, High Flatts and Midhope / David Bower & John Knight. BJL  BOOK 1987
BX 7678 Y6 R8 : Faithful to ourselves and the outside world : York Quakers during the twentieth century / by David Rubinstein with Olivia O'Toole.; BJL     
      Faithful to ourselves and the outside world : York Quakers during the twentieth century / by David Ru BJL  BOOK 2001?
BX 7681 W6 : A history of the rise and progress of the people called Quakers.; BJL     
      A history of the rise and progress of the people called Quakers. BJL  BOOK 1800
BX 7681.2 G6 : Guide to Irish Quaker records 1654-1860.; BJL     
      Guide to Irish Quaker records 1654-1860. BJL  BOOK 1967
BX 7723 K4 R2 : A history of the Quaker movement in Africa.; BJL     
      A history of the Quaker movement in Africa. BJL  BOOK 1995
BX 7725 O1 : A question of survival : Quakers in Australia in the nineteenth century / William Nicolle Oats.; BJL     
      A question of survival : Quakers in Australia in the nineteenth century / William Nicolle Oats. BJL  BOOK 1984
BX 7730 B2 / s : Theologiae verè Christianae apologia; BJL     
      Roberti Barclaii Theologiæ verè Christianæ apologia BJL  BOOK 1676
BX 7730 P4 / s : The invalidity of John Faldo's vindication of his book.; BJL     
      The invalidity of John Faldo's vindication of his book. BJL  BOOK 1673
BX 7730 W9 : The works in 2 parts.; BJL     
      The works in 2 parts. BJL  BOOK 1775
BX 7731 B3 : The doctrines of Friends : or, The principles of the Christian religion, as held by the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers.; BJL     
      The doctrines of Friends : or, The principles of the Christian religion, as held by the Society of Fr BJL  BOOK 1829
BX 7731 B8 : The message and mission of Quakerism / W.C. Braithwaite and H.T. Hodgkin.; BJL     
      The message and mission of Quakerism / W.C. Braithwaite and H.T. Hodgkin. BJL  BOOK 191-?
BX 7731 C3 : Approach to Quakerism.; BJL     
      Approach to Quakerism. BJL  BOOK 1961
BX 7731 F9 / p : The Quakers : who are they?; BJL     
      The Quakers : who are they? BJL  BOOK 1930
BX 7731 G7 : The faith of a Quaker.; BJL     
      The faith of a Quaker. BJL  BOOK 1920
BX 7731 J7 : Quakerism : a religion of life.; BJL     
      Quakerism : a religion of life. BJL  BOOK 1908
BX 7731 K2 : The gathered meeting.; BJL     
      The gathered meeting. BJL  BOOK 1944
BX 7731 L8 : Friends face reality.; BJL     
      Friends face reality. BJL  BOOK 1954
BX 7731 M5 : Quakerism and a creed.; BJL     
      Quakerism and a creed. BJL  BOOK 1936
BX 7731 R8    
      The Society of Friends : its faith and practice. BJL  BOOK 1935
      The Society of Friends : its faith and practice. BJL  BOOK 1902
BX 7731 S6    
      Book of Christian discipline of the religious Society of Friends in Great Britain. BJL  BOOK 1883
      Christian life faith and thought in the society of Friends. BJL  BOOK 1922
      Christian practice. BJL  BOOK 1925
      The nature of the church, according to the witness of the Society of Friends. BJL  BOOK 1950
BX 7731 T9    
      The principles of religion. BJL  BOOK 1812
      The principles of religion as professed by the Society of Christians, usually called Quakers ... BJL  BOOK 1827
BX 7731.2 B4    
      Catholic Quakerism : a vision for all men. BJL  BOOK 1968
      The early Quaker vision of the church / [with] comments by Henry J. Cadbury ... BJL  BOOK 1960
      Friends and the Truth. BJL  BOOK 1965
      The Quaker vision. BJL  BOOK 1979
BX 7731.2 C7 : Conseils et questions aux members de la Societe Religieuse des Amis (Quakers).; BJL     
      Conseils et questions aux members de la Societe Religieuse des Amis (Quakers). BJL  BOOK 1964
BX 7731.2 G6 : Introducing Quakers / by George H. Gorman.; BJL     
      Introducing Quakers / by George H. Gorman. BJL  BOOK 1981
BX 7731.2 H8 : Quaker by convincement.; BJL     
      Quaker by convincement. BJL  BOOK 1974
BX 7731.2 M6 : No cloak, no dagger : recent Quaker experience in East-West encounters.; BJL     
      No cloak, no dagger : recent Quaker experience in East-West encounters. BJL  BOOK 1965
BX 7731.2 M9 : Some thoughts on reading the Book of discipline.; BJL     
      Some thoughts on reading the Book of discipline. BJL  BOOK  
BX 7731.2 P5 : Christ in Quaker thought and practice.; BJL     
      Christ in Quaker thought and practice. BJL  BOOK 1993
BX 7731.2 P9 : Reasonable uncertainty : a Quaker approach to doctrine.; BJL     
      Reasonable uncertainty : a Quaker approach to doctrine. BJL  BOOK 1982
BX 7731.2 S6    
      Christian faith and practice in the experience of the Society of Friends / London Yearly Meeting of t BJL  BOOK 1960
      Handbook of the Religious Society of Friends. BJL  BOOK 1967
BX 7731.2 S8 : Fundamentoj de la Kvakerismo / Esperantigita de M.C. Butler.; BJL     
      Fundamentoj de la Kvakerismo / Esperantigita de M.C. Butler. BJL  BOOK 1916
BX 7731.2 T8 : The people called Quakers.; BJL     
      The people called Quakers. BJL  BOOK 1966
BX 7732 B2 : On membership of the Society of Friends being some remarks on an article lateely published in the Friends quarterly examiner on birthright membership.; BJL     
      On membership of the Society of Friends being some remarks on an article lateely published in the Fri BJL  BOOK 1872
BX 7732 B4 : Prophetic Quakerism.; BJL     
      Prophetic Quakerism. BJL  BOOK 1951
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