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BX 7731 R8    
      The Society of Friends : its faith and practice. BJL  BOOK 1935
      The Society of Friends : its faith and practice. BJL  BOOK 1902
BX 7731 S6    
      Book of Christian discipline of the religious Society of Friends in Great Britain. BJL  BOOK 1883
      Christian life faith and thought in the society of Friends. BJL  BOOK 1922
      Christian practice. BJL  BOOK 1925
      The nature of the church, according to the witness of the Society of Friends. BJL  BOOK 1950
BX 7731 T9    
      The principles of religion. BJL  BOOK 1812
      The principles of religion as professed by the Society of Christians, usually called Quakers ... BJL  BOOK 1827
BX 7731.2 B4    
      Catholic Quakerism : a vision for all men. BJL  BOOK 1968
      The early Quaker vision of the church / [with] comments by Henry J. Cadbury ... BJL  BOOK 1960
      Friends and the Truth. BJL  BOOK 1965
      The Quaker vision. BJL  BOOK 1979
BX 7731.2 C7 : Conseils et questions aux members de la Societe Religieuse des Amis (Quakers).; BJL     
      Conseils et questions aux members de la Societe Religieuse des Amis (Quakers). BJL  BOOK 1964
BX 7731.2 G6 : Introducing Quakers / by George H. Gorman.; BJL     
      Introducing Quakers / by George H. Gorman. BJL  BOOK 1981
BX 7731.2 H8 : Quaker by convincement.; BJL     
      Quaker by convincement. BJL  BOOK 1974
BX 7731.2 M6 : No cloak, no dagger : recent Quaker experience in East-West encounters.; BJL     
      No cloak, no dagger : recent Quaker experience in East-West encounters. BJL  BOOK 1965
BX 7731.2 M9 : Some thoughts on reading the Book of discipline.; BJL     
      Some thoughts on reading the Book of discipline. BJL  BOOK  
BX 7731.2 P5 : Christ in Quaker thought and practice.; BJL     
      Christ in Quaker thought and practice. BJL  BOOK 1993
BX 7731.2 P9 : Reasonable uncertainty : a Quaker approach to doctrine.; BJL     
      Reasonable uncertainty : a Quaker approach to doctrine. BJL  BOOK 1982
BX 7731.2 S6    
      Christian faith and practice in the experience of the Society of Friends / London Yearly Meeting of t BJL  BOOK 1960
      Handbook of the Religious Society of Friends. BJL  BOOK 1967
BX 7731.2 S8 : Fundamentoj de la Kvakerismo / Esperantigita de M.C. Butler.; BJL     
      Fundamentoj de la Kvakerismo / Esperantigita de M.C. Butler. BJL  BOOK 1916
BX 7731.2 T8 : The people called Quakers.; BJL     
      The people called Quakers. BJL  BOOK 1966
BX 7732 B2 : On membership of the Society of Friends being some remarks on an article lateely published in the Friends quarterly examiner on birthright membership.; BJL     
      On membership of the Society of Friends being some remarks on an article lateely published in the Fri BJL  BOOK 1872
BX 7732 B4 : Prophetic Quakerism.; BJL     
      Prophetic Quakerism. BJL  BOOK 1951
BX 7732 C1 : Quakerism and early Christianity.; BJL     
      Quakerism and early Christianity. BJL  BOOK 1957
BX 7732 C6 : The Quaker meeting : a personal experience and method described and analysed.; BJL     
      The Quaker meeting : a personal experience and method described and analysed. BJL  BOOK 1949
BX 7732 C9    
      Bearings or Friends and the new Reformation. BJL  BOOK 1969
      The Quaker as radical Christian. BJL  BOOK 1974
BX 7732 D6 : Much madder : the chronicles of a Quaker meeting.; BJL     
      Much madder : the chronicles of a Quaker meeting. BJL  BOOK 1975
BX 7732 F1 : Quakerism : a faith for ordinary men.; BJL     
      Quakerism : a faith for ordinary men. BJL  BOOK 1951
BX 7732 F2    
      What it means to be a Quaker : for boys and girls. BJL  BOOK 1946
      Whatit means to be a Quaker, for boys and girls. BJL  BOOK 1963
BX 7732 F9 : The Quakers : who are they?; BJL     
      The Quakers : who are they? BJL  BOOK 1942
BX 7732 G6 : Essentials of Quakerism.; BJL     
      Essentials of Quakerism. BJL  BOOK 1957
BX 7732 G8    
      Quakerism and its objectives. BJL  BOOK 1964
      The Society of Friends and what it stands for. BJL  BOOK 1942
      What is Quakerism : an exposition of the leading principles and practices of the Society of Friends, BJL  BOOK 1917
BX 7732 H3 : The salt and the leaven.; BJL     
      The salt and the leaven. BJL  BOOK 1947
BX 7732 H6 : Quaker fundamentals.; BJL     
      Quaker fundamentals. BJL  BOOK 1941
BX 7732 H8 : The light of Christ / by John S. Hoyland.; BJL     
      The light of Christ / by John S. Hoyland. BJL  BOOK 1928
BX 7732 J7    
      An interpretation of Quakerism. BJL  BOOK 1900
      An interpretation of Quakerism. BJL  BOOK 1962
BX 7732 K2 : Reality of the spiritual world.; BJL     
      Reality of the spiritual world. BJL  BOOK 1948
BX 7732 M6 : Britannica on Quakerism.; BJL     
      Britannica on Quakerism. BJL  BOOK 1965
BX 7732 P7    
      Membership in the Society of Friends. BJL  BOOK 1945
      The Society of Friends : a short account of its history, beliefs, and practice. BJL  BOOK 1960
BX 7732 R5 : The responsibility of membership in the Society of Friends.; BJL     
      The responsibility of membership in the Society of Friends. BJL  BOOK 1907
BX 7732 R8 : Essays and addresses / edited by Joshua Rowntree.; BJL     
      Essays and addresses / edited by Joshua Rowntree. BJL  BOOK 1905
BX 7732 S3 : Democracy and religion : a study in Quakerism / by G. von Schulze Gaevernitz.; BJL     
      Democracy and religion : a study in Quakerism / by G. von Schulze Gaevernitz. BJL  BOOK 1930
BX 7732 S4 : What canst thou say? : towards a Quaker theology / by Janet Scott; BJL     
      What canst thou say? : towards a Quaker theology / by Janet Scott BJL  BOOK 1980
BX 7732 S6    
      He restoreth my soul : a Quaker approach to healing. BJL  BOOK 1959
      Quakerism 1964 : some views and experiences. BJL  BOOK 1964
      Quakerism in the seventies. BJL  BOOK 1971
      A reader's guide to Christian faith and practice in the experience of the Society of Friends. BJL  BOOK 1960
      The vocation of Friends in the modern world : second study booklet in preparation for the Friends Wor BJL  BOOK 1951
BX 7732 S8 : Quaker strongholds.; BJL     
      Quaker strongholds. BJL  BOOK 1966
BX 7732 T3 : Quakerism : a plain statement.; BJL     
      Quakerism : a plain statement. BJL  BOOK 1947
BX 7732 T5 : Through fellowship to action.; BJL     
      Through fellowship to action. BJL  BOOK 1957
BX 7732 V8 : Let your lives speak : a key to Quaker experience...; BJL     
      Let your lives speak : a key to Quaker experience... BJL  BOOK 1954
BX 7732 W7    
      The Christian faith as a Quaker sees it. BJL  BOOK 1940
      Our response to God / by William E. Wilson. BJL  BOOK 1935
BX 7732 W8    
      The Quaker message. BJL  BOOK 1942
      The Quaker understanding of the Christian faith. BJL  BOOK 1955
BX 7732 Y6 : Young person's guide to the Quakers.; BJL     
      Young person's guide to the Quakers. BJL  BOOK 1900
BX 7733 A1 : [Tracts], no. 1-40 / by William Penn ... [et al.].; BJL     
      [Tracts], no. 1-40 / by William Penn ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 1824
BX 7733 B2 : The future of the Society of Friends.; BJL     
      The future of the Society of Friends. BJL  BOOK 1972
BX 7733 B3 / s : Truth vindicated, by the faithful testimony and writings of the innocent servant and hand-maid of the Lord, Elizabeth Bathurst, deceased.; BJL     
      Truth vindicated, by the faithful testimony and writings of the innocent servant and hand-maid of the BJL  BOOK 1773
BX 7733 B4 : A revolutionary gospel.; BJL     
      A revolutionary gospel. BJL  BOOK 197-?
BX 7733 B6 : Christianity on Monday.; BJL     
      Christianity on Monday. BJL  BOOK  
BX 7733 C3 : On having a sense of all conditions.; BJL     
      On having a sense of all conditions. BJL  BOOK 1971
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