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BX 7745 B7 / s : A description of the qualifications necessary to a Gospel minister, containing advice to ministers and elders, how to conduct themselves in their conversation, and various services, according to their gifts in the Church of Christ.; BJL     
      A description of the qualifications necessary to a Gospel minister, containing advice to ministers an BJL  BOOK 1767
BX 7747 D2 : Friends Ambulance Unit : the story of the F.A.U. in the Second World War, 1939-1946.; BJL     
      Friends Ambulance Unit : the story of the F.A.U. in the Second World War, 1939-1946. BJL  BOOK 1947
BX 7747 F89 R4 : Report/ Friends' Service Council.; BJL     
      Report/ Friends' Service Council. BJL  PERIODICAL  
BX 7747 F9    
      Friends Ambulance Unit, 1914-1959: register of names and addresses. BJL  BOOK 1975
      A Quaker adventure : the story of nine years' relief and reconstruction. BJL  BOOK 1926
BX 7747 J2 : A people among peoples : Quaker benevolence in 18th century America.; BJL     
      A people among peoples : Quaker benevolence in 18th century America. BJL  BOOK 1963
BX 7747 M1 : By the rivers of Babylon : a story of relief work among the displaced persons of Europe.; BJL     
      By the rivers of Babylon : a story of relief work among the displaced persons of Europe. BJL  BOOK 1950
BX 7747 T4 : St. Stephen's House : Friends' emergency work in England, 1914 to 1920 / compiled by Anna Braithwaite Thomas and others.; BJL     
      St. Stephen's House : Friends' emergency work in England, 1914 to 1920 / compiled by Anna Braithwaite BJL  BOOK 1933
BX 7747 W7    
      Authority, leadership and concern : a study in motive and administration in Quaker relief work. BJL  BOOK 1949
      Quaker relief : an account of the relief work of the Society of Friends 1940-1948. BJL  BOOK 1952
BX 7748 A77 N5 : Quakers and the arts : a survey of attitudes of British Friends to the creative arts from the seventeenth to the twentieth century.; BJL     
      Quakers and the arts : a survey of attitudes of British Friends to the creative arts from the sevente BJL  BOOK 1968
BX 7748 B5 C9 : The contribution of Bible study of life of our meetings.; BJL     
      The contribution of Bible study of life of our meetings. BJL  BOOK 1949
BX 7748 B5 H9 : Quaker sources and the Bible.; BJL     
      Quaker sources and the Bible. BJL  BOOK 1969
BX 7748 B5 S6 : Statement about the Bible.; BJL     
      Statement about the Bible. BJL  BOOK 1956
BX 7748 C45 S6 : Membership of children.; BJL     
      Membership of children. BJL  BOOK 1957
BX 7748 C45 T5 : The membership of children in the Society of Friends with special reference to the temporary membership list.; BJL     
      The membership of children in the Society of Friends with special reference to the temporary membersh BJL  BOOK 1951
BX 7748 C48 C9 : The Christ of history and of experience.; BJL     
      The Christ of history and of experience. BJL  BOOK 1967
BX 7748 C8 L8 : Christian convincement : Quakers and the creeds.; BJL     
      Christian convincement : Quakers and the creeds. BJL  BOOK 1961
BX 7748 D43 B8 : Living without law : an ethnography of Quaker decision-making, dispute avoidance, and dispute resolution / Anthony Bradney and Fiona Cownie.; BJL     
      Living without law : an ethnography of Quaker decision-making, dispute avoidance, and dispute resolut BJL  BOOK 2000
BX 7748 E2 P9 / q : Friends and relations : Quakers and the wider community : [Quaker public lecture ... at the Middleton Hall, University of Hull, ... 8 December 1988].; BJL     
      Friends and relations : Quakers and the wider community : [Quaker public lecture ... at the Middleton BJL  BOOK 1988
BX 7748 E2 S6 : Friends and the British Council of Churches.; BJL     
      Friends and the British Council of Churches. BJL  BOOK 1964
BX 7748 E4 F9    
      The nurture of our spiritual resources. BJL  BOOK 1954
      Quakers and their schools. BJL  BOOK 1980
      Up to eighteen : some suggestions for religious education among Friends. BJL  BOOK 1949
BX 7748 E4 N6 : Quakers and their schools.; BJL     
      Quakers and their schools. BJL  BOOK 1968
BX 7748 E4 P7 : Education and the spirit of man / Francis Edward Pollard.; BJL     
      Education and the spirit of man / Francis Edward Pollard. BJL  BOOK 1932
BX 7748 E4 R8 : A history of the adult school movement / by J. Wilhelm Rowntree and Henry Bryan Binns.; BJL     
      A history of the adult school movement / by J. Wilhelm Rowntree and Henry Bryan Binns. BJL  BOOK 1903
BX 7748 H7 S6 : The Holy Spirit and the church.; BJL     
      The Holy Spirit and the church. BJL  BOOK 1955
BX 7748 I5 B7 : The inward light.; BJL     
      The inward light. BJL  BOOK 1964
BX 7748 I5 B8 : The universal light : a statement of the Quaker faith.; BJL     
      The universal light : a statement of the Quaker faith. BJL  BOOK 1917
BX 7748 I5 G8 : Authority and the Light within.; BJL     
      Authority and the Light within. BJL  BOOK 1908
BX 7748 I5 H7 : The romance of the inward light.; BJL     
      The romance of the inward light. BJL  BOOK 1932
BX 7748 I6 C5 : "Living" standards.; BJL     
      "Living" standards. BJL  BOOK 1972
BX 7748 I6 F7 : Quakers and modern industry : a dialogue about human relations.; BJL     
      Quakers and modern industry : a dialogue about human relations. BJL  BOOK 1969
BX 7748 I65 H8 : Patterns and examples : Quaker attitudes and European opportunities / by Geoffrey Hubbard.; BJL     
      Patterns and examples : Quaker attitudes and European opportunities / by Geoffrey Hubbard. BJL  BOOK 1991
BX 7748 I65 M6 : The past is prologue : 100 years of Quaker overseas work 1868-1968.; BJL     
      The past is prologue : 100 years of Quaker overseas work 1868-1968. BJL  BOOK 1968
BX 7748 I65 S6 : Quakers in the tensions between East and West.; BJL     
      Quakers in the tensions between East and West. BJL  BOOK 1959
BX 7748 M4 C6 : The Quaker meeting : a personal experience and method described and analysed.; BJL     
      The Quaker meeting : a personal experience and method described and analysed. BJL  BOOK 1949
BX 7748 M4 F9    
      The life of the meeting : the vocation of Friends in the Modern World. BJL  BOOK 1953
      The meeting in the Society of Friends and its neighbours. BJL  BOOK 1957
BX 7748 M4 Y6 / p : Silence as a basis for worship : an explanation to the Quaker meeting.; BJL     
      Silence as a basis for worship : an explanation to the Quaker meeting. BJL  BOOK 1944
BX 7748 M9 L7 : The appeal of Quakerism to the nonmystic.; BJL     
      The appeal of Quakerism to the nonmystic. BJL  BOOK 1964
BX 7748 O2 Y6 : Oaths : the attitude of the Society of Friends.; BJL     
      Oaths : the attitude of the Society of Friends. BJL  BOOK 1938
BX 7748 P3 A3 : The growth of the peace testimony of the Society of Friends.; BJL     
      The growth of the peace testimony of the Society of Friends. BJL  BOOK 1939
BX 7748 P3 H6 : The Quakers in peace and war : an account of their peace principles and practice.; BJL     
      The Quakers in peace and war : an account of their peace principles and practice. BJL  BOOK 1923
BX 7748 P9 B8 : Prayer in Quaker thought and practice.; BJL     
      Prayer in Quaker thought and practice. BJL  BOOK 1953
BX 7748 P9 G4 : Prayer and worship.; BJL     
      Prayer and worship. BJL  BOOK 1977
BX 7748 P94 H1    
      Quaker publicity. BJL  BOOK 1959
      Quaker publicity. BJL  BOOK 1962
BX 7748 R3 S6 : Race relations in Britain.; BJL     
      Race relations in Britain. BJL  BOOK 1968
BX 7748 S12 C9 : Sacrements : a Quaker approach.; BJL     
      Sacrements : a Quaker approach. BJL  BOOK 1956
BX 7748 S12 J7 : The Society of Friends and the sacrements.; BJL     
      The Society of Friends and the sacrements. BJL  BOOK 1935
BX 7748 S12 R8 : The sacraments : a brief explanation of the Quaker view.; BJL     
      The sacraments : a brief explanation of the Quaker view. BJL  BOOK 1940
BX 7748 S36 L8 : Science and Quakerism.; BJL     
      Science and Quakerism. BJL  BOOK 1963
BX 7748 S5 L1 : God is silence.; BJL     
      God is silence. BJL  BOOK 1970
BX 7748 S5 S7 : Silence.; BJL     
      Silence. BJL  BOOK 1968
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