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D 363 R5 : Crisis diplomacy : the great powers since the mid-nineteenth century.; BJL     
      Crisis diplomacy : the great powers since the mid-nineteenth century. BJL  BOOK 1994
D 363 W5 : The end of European primacy, 1871-1945.; BJL     
      The end of European primacy, 1871-1945. BJL  BOOK 1965
C/D 364 : Klavierwerke [sound recording].; BJL     
      Klavierwerke [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO 1987
C/D 365 : Quartets, strings, E minor; BJL     
      Chamber music [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO p1996
C/D 366 : Complete songs [sound recording].; BJL     
      Complete songs [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO 1994
C/D 367 : The London House sessions [sound recording] / Oscar Peterson, Ray Brown, Ed Thigpen.; BJL     
      The London House sessions [sound recording] / Oscar Peterson, Ray Brown, Ed Thigpen. BJL  CD AUDIO 1996
C/D 368 : The complete Pablo group masterpieces [sound recording].; BJL     
      The complete Pablo group masterpieces [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO 1991
C/D 369 : The complete Pablo solo masterpieces [sound recording].; BJL     
      The complete Pablo solo masterpieces [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO 1991
C/D 370 : Orchestral works [sound recording] / Choeur de l'Orchestre symphonique de Montreal, Orchestre symphonique de Montreal ; [conducted by] Charles Dutoit.; BJL     
      Orchestral works [sound recording] / Choeur de l'Orchestre symphonique de Montreal, Orchestre symphon BJL  CD AUDIO 1988
C/D 371 : Concertos, piano, orchestra, no. 1, op. 23, B flat minor; BJL     
      Piano concerto no. 1, Op. 23 [sound recording] ; Concert fantasy for piano and orchestra. BJL  CD AUDIO 1993
D 371 A5    
      The eastern question, 1774-1923 : a study in international relations. BJL  BOOK 1966
      The great powers and the Near East, 1774-1923 / edited by M.S. Anderson. BJL  BOOK 1970
      The great powers and the Near East, 1774-1923 / edited by M.S. Anderson. BJL  BOOK 1970
D 371 M1 : The eastern question 1774-1923 / A.L. Macfie.; BJL     
      The eastern question 1774-1923 / A.L. Macfie. BJL  BOOK 1989
C/D 372 : Concertos, piano, orchestra; BJL     
      Piano concerto no. 2, Op. 44 [sound recording] ; Piano concerto no. 3, Op. 75. BJL  CD AUDIO p1993
C/D 373 : La gazza ladra [sound recording].; BJL     
      La gazza ladra [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO p1990
C/D 374 : Contemporary art songs [sound recording] : from a women's perspective.; BJL     
      Contemporary art songs [sound recording] : from a women's perspective. BJL  CD AUDIO 1993
D 374 S8 : The great powers and the Balkans, 1875-1878.; BJL     
      The great powers and the Balkans, 1875-1878. BJL  BOOK 1939
D 374 V7 : The Balkan question : the present condition of the Balkans and of European responsibilities, by various writers.; BJL     
      The Balkan question : the present condition of the Balkans and of European responsibilities, by vario BJL  BOOK 1905
C/D 375 : The children of Don [sound recording] ; The birds of Rhiannon ; Dylan.; BJL     
      The children of Don [sound recording] ; The birds of Rhiannon ; Dylan. BJL  CD AUDIO 1995
D 375 H3 : A diplomatic history of the Balkan crisis of 1875-1878.; BJL     
      A diplomatic history of the Balkan crisis of 1875-1878. BJL  BOOK 1969
D 375 J4 : The Ottoman Empire, the great powers, and the Straits question 1870-1887.; BJL     
      The Ottoman Empire, the great powers, and the Straits question 1870-1887. BJL  BOOK 1973
D 375 Z7 : Nationalism in Europe, 1890-1940 / Oliver Zimmer.; BJL     
      Nationalism in Europe, 1890-1940 / Oliver Zimmer. BJL  BOOK 2003
C/D 376 : Orchestral works, vol. 2 [sound recording] : Symphony no. 2 Ǹorwich̀ ; Valse Gracieuse ; Welsh Rhapsody.; BJL     
      Orchestral works, vol. 2 [sound recording] : Symphony no. 2 Ǹorwich̀ ; Valse Gracieuse ; BJL  CD AUDIO 1995
D 376 G7 D9 : R.A. Cross and the Eastern Crisis of 1875-8.; BJL     
      R.A. Cross and the Eastern Crisis of 1875-8. BJL  BOOK 1961
D 376 G7 M6 : Britain and the Eastern Question, 1875-1878.; BJL     
      Britain and the Eastern Question, 1875-1878. BJL  BOOK 1979
D 376 G7 P2 : England and the Near East, 1896-1898.; BJL     
      England and the Near East, 1896-1898. BJL  BOOK 1969
D 376 G7 S4 : Disraeli, Gladstone and the Eastern Question : a study in diplomacy and party politics.; BJL     
      Disraeli, Gladstone and the Eastern Question : a study in diplomacy and party politics. BJL  BOOK 1935
D 376 G8 K7 : Greece and the Eastern crisis, 1875-1878.; BJL     
      Greece and the Eastern crisis, 1875-1878. BJL  BOOK 1975
C/D 377 : Symphony no. 2 [sound recording] : 'Cambridge'.; BJL     
      Symphony no. 2 [sound recording] : 'Cambridge'. BJL  CD AUDIO 1996
D377.A1 S65 : Slavonic and East European review (Online); Online materials     
      The Slavonic and East European review [electronic resource]. Online materials  EJOURNALS 1928-
D 377.3 C6 : Panslavism past and present.; BJL     
      Panslavism past and present. BJL  BOOK 1943
D 377.3 E6 : Panslavism.; BJL     
      Panslavism. BJL  BOOK 1964
D 377.3 K7 : Pan-slavism : its history and ideology.; BJL     
      Pan-slavism : its history and ideology. BJL  BOOK 1960
D 377.3 O7 : The Prag Slav congress of 1848.; BJL     
      The Prag Slav congress of 1848. BJL  BOOK 1978
D 377.3 P9 : Panslavizm v proshlom i nastoiashchem (1878).; BJL     
      Panslavizm v proshlom i nastoiashchem (1878). BJL  BOOK 1973
D 377.5 R9 P4 : The emergence of Russian Panslavism, 1856-1870.; BJL     
      The emergence of Russian Panslavism, 1856-1870. BJL  BOOK 1956
C/D 378 : Symphonies nos. 20 and 25 [sound recording] : fantastic variations on an old rhyme.; BJL     
      Symphonies nos. 20 and 25 [sound recording] : fantastic variations on an old rhyme. BJL  CD AUDIO 1995
D 378 E2 : Playing the Great Game : a Victorian cold war.; BJL     
      Playing the Great Game : a Victorian cold war. BJL  BOOK 1975
D 378 G7 : Persia and the defence of India : 1884-1892 : a study in the foreign policy of the third Marquis of Salisbury.; BJL     
      Persia and the defence of India : 1884-1892 : a study in the foreign policy of the third Marquis of S BJL  BOOK 1959
D 378 M2 : The Russo-Afghan question and the invasion of India / George Bruce Malleson.; BJL     
      The Russo-Afghan question and the invasion of India / George Bruce Malleson. BJL  BOOK 2010
C/D 379 : Symphonies nos. 1 & 2 [sound recording].; BJL     
      Symphonies nos. 1 & 2 [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO 1995
C/D 380 : Symphony no. 9 [sound recording].; BJL     
      Symphony no. 9 [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO 1996
C/D 381 : The complete violin sonatas and violin romances [sound recording].; BJL     
      The complete violin sonatas and violin romances [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO 1995
C/D 382 : In search of the spirit [sound recording].; BJL     
      In search of the spirit [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO p1996
C/D 383 : Piano trios [sound recording] ; Violin and cello sonatas.; BJL     
      Piano trios [sound recording] ; Violin and cello sonatas. BJL  CD AUDIO 2001
D 383 J6 : The birth of the modern : world society, 1815-1830.; BJL     
      The birth of the modern : world society, 1815-1830. BJL  BOOK 1996
D 383 K6 : A world restored : Metternich, Castlereagh and the problems of peace, 1812-22.; BJL     
      A world restored : Metternich, Castlereagh and the problems of peace, 1812-22. BJL  BOOK 1957
D 383 M4 : The age of Metternich, 1814-1848.; BJL     
      The age of Metternich, 1814-1848. BJL  BOOK 1966
D 383 N2 : Napoleon's legacy : problems of government in Restoration Europe / edited by David Laven and Lucy Riall.; BJL     
      Napoleon's legacy : problems of government in Restoration Europe / edited by David Laven and Lucy Ria BJL  BOOK 2000
C/D 384 : Il ritorno di Tobia [sound recording].; BJL     
      Il ritorno di Tobia [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO 1994
C/D 385 : Hippolyte et Aricie [sound recording] / libretto by Simon-Joseph Pellegrin.; BJL     
      Hippolyte et Aricie [sound recording] / libretto by Simon-Joseph Pellegrin. BJL  CD AUDIO p1995
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