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CR 101 A2    
      Drawings of the flags of all nations. BJL  BOOK 1930
      Flags of all nations (B.R. 20,1). BJL  BOOK 1955
CR 101 C3 : Flags of the world.; BJL     
      Flags of the world. BJL  BOOK 1961
CR 101 G6 : Flags of the world, past and preseent : their story and associations.; BJL     
      Flags of the world, past and preseent : their story and associations. BJL  BOOK 1915
CR 101 P4 / q : Sinhalese banners and standards.; BJL     
      Sinhalese banners and standards. BJL  BOOK  
CR 107 H8 : Die Rechtszeichen der europäische Schiffe im Mittelalter.; Departmental Locations     
      Die Rechtszeichen der europäische Schiffe im Mittelalter. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1971
CR 113 C7 / q : Thirteen-star flags : keys to identification.; Departmental Locations     
      Thirteen-star flags : keys to identification. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1973
CR115.G7 : The Union Jack : the story of the British flag / Nick Groom.; BJL     
      The Union Jack : the story of the British flag / Nick Groom. BJL  EBOOKS 2005
CR 115 I5 Y1 : 6000 i.e. enam, ribu tahun Sang Merah-Putih...; South East Asian Collection     
      6000 i.e. enam, ribu tahun Sang Merah-Putih... South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1950
CR 157 P2 : Figures et couleurs : etudes sur la symbolique et la sensibilite medievales.; BJL     
      Figures et couleurs : etudes sur la symbolique et la sensibilite medievales. BJL  BOOK 1986
CR 185 G7 W1 / q : Heralds of England : a history of the office and College of arms.; BJL     
      Heralds of England : a history of the office and College of arms. BJL  BOOK 1967
CR 201 B7 : The handbook to English heraldry.; BJL     
      The handbook to English heraldry. BJL  BOOK 1914
CR 350 T8 T8 : Our flag, and other national emblems : an Independence publication.; BJL     
      Our flag, and other national emblems : an Independence publication. BJL  BOOK 1962
CR 353 R3 : The medieval castle.; Education Resources     
      The medieval castle. Education Resources  BOOK 1988
CR 489 L6 : Sir John Paston's "Grete boke" : a descriptive catalogue, with an introduction of British Library ms Lansdowne 285.; BJL     
      Sir John Paston's "Grete boke" : a descriptive catalogue, with an introduction of British Library ms BJL  BOOK 1984
CR 492 G6 : A glossary of terms used in heraldry / by J. Parker.; BJL     
      A glossary of terms used in heraldry / by J. Parker. BJL  BOOK 1966
CR 494 H9 H6    
      The armorial bearings of Kingston-upon-Hull. BJL  BOOK 1916
      The armorial bearings of Kingston-upon-Hull. BJL  BOOK 1916
CR 494 H9 S5 / p : The arms of Hull.; BJL     
      The arms of Hull. BJL  BOOK 1914
CR 494 H9 W6 : The arms of the town of Kingston-upon-Hull.; BJL     
      The arms of the town of Kingston-upon-Hull. BJL  BOOK 1886
CR 494 W6 H3 : Wigan Corporation regalia... / compiled by A.J. Hawkes.; BJL     
      Wigan Corporation regalia... / compiled by A.J. Hawkes. BJL  BOOK 1946
CR 500 B3 : Scholastic arms.; BJL     
      Scholastic arms. BJL  BOOK  
CR 500 H7 : A grammar of English heraldry.; BJL     
      A grammar of English heraldry. BJL  BOOK 1913
CR 500 W1 : Historic heraldry of Britain : an illustrated series of British historical arms.; BJL     
      Historic heraldry of Britain : an illustrated series of British historical arms. BJL  BOOK 1939
CR 502 S4 : Civic heraldry of England and Wales.; BJL     
      Civic heraldry of England and Wales. BJL  BOOK 1933
CR 540 S5 / f : Armorial general de l'empire francais.; BJL     
      Armorial general de l'empire francais. BJL  BOOK  
CR 542 T9 : Le blanc de France : la construction des signes identitaires pendant les guerres de religion, 1562-1629.; BJL     
      Le blanc de France : la construction des signes identitaires pendant les guerres de religion, 1562-16 BJL  BOOK 2005
CR572 .B74 : The fasces : a history of Ancient Rome's most dangerous political symbol / T. Corey Brennan.; BJL     
      The fasces : a history of Ancient Rome's most dangerous political symbol / T. Corey Brennan. BJL  BOOK 2023
CR572 .B74 2022 : The fasces [electronic resource] / a history of Ancient Rome's most dangerous political symbol / T. Corey Brennan.; Online materials     
      The fasces [electronic resource] / a history of Ancient Rome's most dangerous political symbol / T. C Online materials  EBOOKS 2022
CR 772 I4 / p : Lambang negara Republik Indonesia.; South East Asian Collection     
      Lambang negara Republik Indonesia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1951
CR 772 S9 : Sekitar Garuda Pancasila.; South East Asian Collection     
      Sekitar Garuda Pancasila. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1986
CR 850 M2 M2 / p : Federation of Malaya crest & flag.; South East Asian Collection     
      Federation of Malaya crest & flag. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1952?
CR 1119 B4 : The blazon of episcopacy : being the arms borne by or attributed to the archbishops and bishops of England and Wales with an ordinary of the coats described and of other episcopal arms.; BJL     
      The blazon of episcopacy : being the arms borne by or attributed to the archbishops and bishops of En BJL  BOOK 1897
CR 1611 B9 / q : Catalogue of a collection of objects of British heraldic art to the end of the Tudor period.; BJL     
      Catalogue of a collection of objects of British heraldic art to the end of the Tudor period. BJL  BOOK 1916
CR 1614 R7 : Rolls of arms, Edward I (1272-1307) : Herald's Roll, Dering Roll, Camden Roll, St George's Roll, Charles' Roll, Segar's Roll, Lord Marshal's Roll, Collins' Roll, Falkirk Roll, Guillim's Roll, Caerlaverock Poem, Galloway Roll, Smallpece's Roll, Stirling Roll, Nativity Roll, Fife Roll, Sir William le Neve's Roll / edited by Gerard J. Brault.; BJL     
      Rolls of arms, Edward I (1272-1307) : Herald's Roll, Dering Roll, Camden Roll, St George's Roll, Char BJL  BOOK 1997
CR1614 .W296 : A catalogue of English mediaeval rolls of arms / by Anthony Richard Wagner, F.S.A.; BJL     
      A catalogue of English mediaeval rolls of arms / by Anthony Richard Wagner, F.S.A. BJL  BOOK 2009
CR 1617 D5 : The Tudor Percy emblem in Royal MS. 18 Dii.; BJL     
      The Tudor Percy emblem in Royal MS. 18 Dii. BJL  BOOK 1956
CR 1619 B9 : The general armory of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales; comprising.; BJL     
      The general armory of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales; comprising. BJL  BOOK 1961
CR 1619 D5 : Dictionary of British arms / edited by D. H. B. Chesshyre and T. Woodcock.; BJL     
      Dictionary of British arms / edited by D. H. B. Chesshyre and T. Woodcock. BJL  BOOK 1992-
CR 1619 P2 : Alphabetical dictionary of coats of arms belonging to families in Great Britain and Ireland; BJL     
      Papworth's Ordinary of British armorials : reproduced from the original edition of 1874 / introductio BJL  BOOK 1961
CR 1619 R6 / q : The British herald or Cabinet of armorial bearings of the notablity and genting of Great Britain & Ireland from the earliest to the present time.; BJL     
      The British herald or Cabinet of armorial bearings of the notablity and genting of Great Britain & Ir BJL  BOOK 1830
CR 1620 P4    
      Armorial bearings of the sovereigns of England : a short account. BJL  BOOK 1977
      A short account of the armorial bearings of the sovereigns of England. BJL  BOOK 1967
CR 1628 K5 F6 : The heraldry on the gateway at Kirkham Abbey.; BJL     
      The heraldry on the gateway at Kirkham Abbey. BJL  BOOK  
CR 2125 D1 : Den svenska adelns vapenbok / [av] F. Dahlby [och] J. Raneke.; BJL     
      Den svenska adelns vapenbok / [av] F. Dahlby [och] J. Raneke. BJL  BOOK 1967
CR 2142 R5 : Manual de heraldica espanola.; BJL     
      Manual de heraldica espanola. BJL  BOOK 1942
CR 3515 P6 : The story of titles.; BJL     
      The story of titles. BJL  BOOK 1969
CR 3891 H6 : British titles : the use and misuse of the titles of peers and commoners with some historical notes.; BJL     
      British titles : the use and misuse of the titles of peers and commoners with some historical notes. BJL  BOOK 1951
CR 3891 T6    
      Titles and forms of address : a guide to correct use. BJL  BOOK 1978
      Titles and forms of address : a guide to their correct use. BJL  BOOK 1966
CR 3898 S7 : Precedence in England and Wales.; BJL     
      Precedence in England and Wales. BJL  BOOK 1981
CR 3958 W4 : Theatrum Praecedentiae : zeremonieller Rang und gesellschaftliche Ordnung in der frühneuzeitlichen Stadt, Leipzig 1500-1800 / Thomas Weller.; BJL     
      Theatrum Praecedentiae : zeremonieller Rang und gesellschaftliche Ordnung in der frühneuzeitlic BJL  BOOK 2006
CR 4480 T9 / q : A history of the crown jewels of Europe.; BJL     
      A history of the crown jewels of Europe. BJL  BOOK 1960
CR 4480 Y7 / q : The crown jewels of England / edited by G.Younghusband and C.Davenport.; BJL     
      The crown jewels of England / edited by G.Younghusband and C.Davenport. BJL  BOOK  
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