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C/D 382 : In search of the spirit [sound recording].; BJL     
      In search of the spirit [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO p1996
C/D 383 : Piano trios [sound recording] ; Violin and cello sonatas.; BJL     
      Piano trios [sound recording] ; Violin and cello sonatas. BJL  CD AUDIO 2001
D 383 J6 : The birth of the modern : world society, 1815-1830.; BJL     
      The birth of the modern : world society, 1815-1830. BJL  BOOK 1996
D 383 K6 : A world restored : Metternich, Castlereagh and the problems of peace, 1812-22.; BJL     
      A world restored : Metternich, Castlereagh and the problems of peace, 1812-22. BJL  BOOK 1957
D 383 M4 : The age of Metternich, 1814-1848.; BJL     
      The age of Metternich, 1814-1848. BJL  BOOK 1966
D 383 N2 : Napoleon's legacy : problems of government in Restoration Europe / edited by David Laven and Lucy Riall.; BJL     
      Napoleon's legacy : problems of government in Restoration Europe / edited by David Laven and Lucy Ria BJL  BOOK 2000
C/D 384 : Il ritorno di Tobia [sound recording].; BJL     
      Il ritorno di Tobia [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO 1994
C/D 385 : Hippolyte et Aricie [sound recording] / libretto by Simon-Joseph Pellegrin.; BJL     
      Hippolyte et Aricie [sound recording] / libretto by Simon-Joseph Pellegrin. BJL  CD AUDIO p1995
D 385 C5 : Europe in 1830 : revolution and political change.; BJL     
      Europe in 1830 : revolution and political change. BJL  BOOK 1983
D 385 E5 / q : Europe on the eve of 1848 / prepared by C.Emsley C.Harvie and G.Williams for the Course Team.; BJL     
      Europe on the eve of 1848 / prepared by C.Emsley C.Harvie and G.Williams for the Course Team. BJL  BOOK 1976
D 385 K8 : Die neuesten Weltbegebenheiten, nach authentischen Quellen bearbeitet.; BJL     
      Die neuesten Weltbegebenheiten, nach authentischen Quellen bearbeitet. BJL  BOOK 1848
C/D 386 : The white room [sound recording].; BJL     
      The white room [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO p1991
C/D 387 : Blue lines [sound recording] / Massive attack.; BJL     
      Blue lines [sound recording] / Massive attack. BJL  CD AUDIO 1991
D 387 C5 : Revolutionary spring : fighting for a new world, 1848-1849 / Christopher Clark.; Departmental Locations     
      Revolutionary spring : fighting for a new world, 1848-1849 / Christopher Clark. Departmental Locations  BOOK 2023
D 387 E3 : 1848 - a European revolution? : international ideas and national memories of 1848 / edited by Axel Körner.; BJL     
      1848 - a European revolution? : international ideas and national memories of 1848 / edited by Axel K BJL  BOOK 2004
D 387 E5 / q : Introduction to the study of revolutions and some interpretations of 1848 / prepared by C.Emsley and U.Semin for the Course Team.; BJL     
      Introduction to the study of revolutions and some interpretations of 1848 / prepared by C.Emsley and BJL  BOOK 1976
D 387 F2 : Europe in upheaval : the revolutions of 1848.; BJL     
      Europe in upheaval : the revolutions of 1848. BJL  BOOK 1970
D 387 G5 : Les revolutions de 1848 par Jacques Godechot.; BJL     
      Les revolutions de 1848 par Jacques Godechot. BJL  BOOK 1971
D 387 G8 : Ongeloof en revolutie : eene reeks van historiche voorlezingen.; BJL     
      Ongeloof en revolutie : eene reeks van historiche voorlezingen. BJL  BOOK 1940
D 387 G8 D9 : Groen van Prinsterer's lectures on unbelief and revolution.; BJL     
      Groen van Prinsterer's lectures on unbelief and revolution. BJL  BOOK 1989
D 387 H3 : 1848 in Central Europe : an essay in historical synchronisation.; BJL     
      1848 in Central Europe : an essay in historical synchronisation. BJL  BOOK  
D 387 I6 : Intellectuals and Revolution : socialism and the experience of 1848 / edited by E. Kamenka and F.B. Smith.; BJL     
      Intellectuals and Revolution : socialism and the experience of 1848 / edited by E. Kamenka and F.B. S BJL  BOOK 1979
D 387 K2 : History of the year 1848.; BJL     
      History of the year 1848. BJL  BOOK 1849
D 387 L6    
      1848 en Europe. BJL  BOOK 1974
      A year of revolutions : Fanny Lewald's recollections of 1848 / translated, edited, and annotated by H BJL  BOOK 1997
D 387 M3    
      Revolution and Counter-Revolution. BJL  BOOK 1971
      The revolutions of 1848 / edited by D. Fernbach. BJL  BOOK 1973
D 387 N1 : 1848 : the revolution of the intellectuals.; BJL, Departmental Locations      
      1848 : the revolution of the intellectuals. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1946
D 387 O6    
      Document collection. BJL  BOOK 1976
      Germany, Austria and Italy. BJL  BOOK 1976
      Surveys and themes. BJL  BOOK 1976
D 387 P7 : 1848 : Revolution auf halben Wege.; BJL     
      1848 : Revolution auf halben Wege. BJL  BOOK 1974
D 387 P9 : The revolutions of 1848.; BJL     
      The revolutions of 1848. BJL  BOOK 1988
D 387 R2 : 1848 : year of revolution / Mike Rapport.; BJL     
      1848 : year of revolution / Mike Rapport. BJL  BOOK 2009
D 387 R4 : The revolutions in Europe, 1848-1849 : from reform to reaction / edited by R.J.W. Evans and Hartmut Pogge von Strandmann.; BJL     
      The revolutions in Europe, 1848-1849 : from reform to reaction / edited by R.J.W. Evans and Hartmut P BJL  BOOK 2002
D 387 R5 : 1848! The year of the revolutions 1948.; BJL     
      1848! The year of the revolutions 1948. BJL  BOOK 1948
D 387 R6 : Revolutions of 1848 : a social history.; BJL     
      Revolutions of 1848 : a social history. BJL  BOOK 1960
D 387 S5 : Eighteen-forty eight : the romantic and democratic revolutions in Europe.; BJL     
      Eighteen-forty eight : the romantic and democratic revolutions in Europe. BJL  BOOK 1973
D 387 S7    
      The European revolutions, 1848-1851. BJL  BOOK 1994
      The revolutions of 1848. BJL  BOOK 1974
      The revolutions of 1848. BJL  BOOK 1974
C/D 388 : The lexicon of love [sound recording].; BJL     
      The lexicon of love [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO p1996
C/D 389 : Songs from Quadrophenia [sound recording] : original sound track.; BJL     
      Songs from Quadrophenia [sound recording] : original sound track. BJL  CD AUDIO p1993
D 389 D7 : Great nations still enchained : the cartoonists' vision of empire, 1848-1914.; BJL     
      Great nations still enchained : the cartoonists' vision of empire, 1848-1914. BJL  BOOK 1993
C/D 390 : Music for the jilted generation [sound recording].; BJL     
      Music for the jilted generation [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO p1994
C/D 391 : Trout mask replica [sound recording].; BJL     
      Trout mask replica [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO p1970
C/D 392 : LKJ a cappela live [sound recording].; BJL     
      LKJ a cappela live [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO 1996?
D 392 N2 : Nationalite et nationalisme, (1860-1878).; BJL     
      Nationalite et nationalisme, (1860-1878). BJL  BOOK 1968
C/D 393 : Orimattilan kirkon urut [sound recording] = On the organ of Orimattila Church, Finland.; BJL     
      Orimattilan kirkon urut [sound recording] = On the organ of Orimattila Church, Finland. BJL  CD AUDIO 1993
C/D 394 : Organ music [sound recording] = Urkumusiikkia.; BJL     
      Organ music [sound recording] = Urkumusiikkia. BJL  CD AUDIO 1995
C/D 395 : Symphonies. Selections; BJL     
      Four symphonies [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO 1995
D 395 B3 : L'essor industriel et l'imperialisme colonial, (1878-1904).; BJL     
      L'essor industriel et l'imperialisme colonial, (1878-1904). BJL  BOOK 1965
D 395 B8 : The shaping of the modern world, 1870-1939.; BJL     
      The shaping of the modern world, 1870-1939. BJL  BOOK 1958
D 395 C7 : A companion to modern European history, 1871-1945 / edited by Martin Pugh.; BJL     
      A companion to modern European history, 1871-1945 / edited by Martin Pugh. BJL  BOOK 1997
D 395 E8 : Europe 1870-1914 / edited by Peter Catterall and Richard Vinen.; BJL     
      Europe 1870-1914 / edited by Peter Catterall and Richard Vinen. BJL  BOOK 1994
D 395 H4 : A generation of materialism, 1871-1900.; BJL     
      A generation of materialism, 1871-1900. BJL  BOOK 1941
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