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D 753 L2    
      The challenge to isolation 1937-1940. BJL  BOOK 1952
      Our Vichy gamble. BJL  BOOK 1966
      The undeclared war 1940-1941. BJL  BOOK 1941
D 753 L3 : Roosevelt and Churchill, 1939-1941.; BJL     
      Roosevelt and Churchill, 1939-1941. BJL  BOOK 1977
D 753 P8 : The seventy-sixth congress and World War II, 1939-1940.; BJL     
      The seventy-sixth congress and World War II, 1939-1940. BJL  BOOK 1979
D 753 R9 : No clear and present danger : a skeptical view of the United States entry into World War II.; BJL     
      No clear and present danger : a skeptical view of the United States entry into World War II. BJL  BOOK 1972
D 753 S2 : A story of America First : the men and women who opposed U.S.intervention in World War II / edited with an introduction by Bill Kauffman.; BJL     
      A story of America First : the men and women who opposed U.S.intervention in World War II / edited wi BJL  BOOK 2003
D 753 S3 : The Axis alliance and Japanese-American relations in 1941.; BJL     
      The Axis alliance and Japanese-American relations in 1941. BJL  BOOK 1958
D 753 S5 : A world destroyed : the atomic bomb and the Grand Alliance.; BJL     
      A world destroyed : the atomic bomb and the Grand Alliance. BJL  BOOK 1975
D 753 S6 : American diplomacy during the second world war, 1941-1945.; BJL     
      American diplomacy during the second world war, 1941-1945. BJL  BOOK 1965
D 753 S8    
      The first offensive, 1942 : Roosevelt, Marshall and the making of American strategy. BJL  BOOK 1973
      The politics of the second front : American military planning and diplomacy in coalition warfare 1941 BJL  BOOK 1977
D 753 T7 : Germany and American neutrality 1939-1941.; BJL     
      Germany and American neutrality 1939-1941. BJL  BOOK 1969
D 753 W4 : Seven major decisions.; BJL     
      Seven major decisions. BJL  BOOK  
D 753 W9 : World War II from an American perspective.; BJL     
      World War II from an American perspective. BJL  BOOK 1983
D 753.2 A1 S8 : Lend-lease weapon for victory.; BJL     
      Lend-lease weapon for victory. BJL  BOOK 1944
D 753.2 G7 D6 : U.S. wartime aid to Britain 1940-1946.; BJL     
      U.S. wartime aid to Britain 1940-1946. BJL  BOOK 1986
D 753.2 G7 K4 : The most unsordid act : Lend-Lease 1939-1941.; BJL     
      The most unsordid act : Lend-Lease 1939-1941. BJL  BOOK 1969
D 753.2 R9 D2 : The decision to aid Russia, 1941 : foreign policy and domestic politics.; BJL     
      The decision to aid Russia, 1941 : foreign policy and domestic politics. BJL  BOOK 1974
D 753.2 R9 H5 : Aid to Russia 1941-1946 : strategy, diplomacy and origins of the Cold War.; BJL     
      Aid to Russia 1941-1946 : strategy, diplomacy and origins of the Cold War. BJL  BOOK 1973
D 753.8 G8 : Americans betrayed : politics and the Japanese evacuation.; BJL     
      Americans betrayed : politics and the Japanese evacuation. BJL  BOOK 1949
D 753.8 M8 : Serving our country : Japanese American women in the military during World War II.; BJL     
      Serving our country : Japanese American women in the military during World War II. BJL  BOOK c2003
C/D 754 : 20 great violinists play 20 masterpieces [sound recording] : various artists.; BJL     
      20 great violinists play 20 masterpieces [sound recording] : various artists. BJL  CD AUDIO 1994
D 754 A34 C7 : The Atlantic Charter and Africa from an American standpoint.; BJL     
      The Atlantic Charter and Africa from an American standpoint. BJL  BOOK 1942
D 754 A7 A6 : Argentina between the great powers, 1939-46 / edited by Guido di Tella and D. Cameron Watt.; BJL     
      Argentina between the great powers, 1939-46 / edited by Guido di Tella and D. Cameron Watt. BJL  BOOK 1989
D 754 B3 M9 : Fictions et realites : la France, la Grece et la strategie des operations peripheriques le sud-est Europeen (1939-1940).; BJL     
      Fictions et realites : la France, la Grece et la strategie des operations peripheriques le sud-est Eu BJL  BOOK 1990
D 754 B35 B1 : The Baltic and the outbreak of the Second World War / edited by John Hiden and Thomas Lane.; BJL     
      The Baltic and the outbreak of the Second World War / edited by John Hiden and Thomas Lane. BJL  BOOK 1992
D 754 B4 B4 : Belgium : the official account of what happened 1939-1940.; BJL     
      Belgium : the official account of what happened 1939-1940. BJL  BOOK 1941
D 754 B4 C1 : The situation of Belgium, September 1939-January, 1941.; BJL     
      The situation of Belgium, September 1939-January, 1941. BJL  BOOK 1941
D 754 B4 C5 : Belgium and the War.; BJL     
      Belgium and the War. BJL  BOOK 1942
D 754 F5 P7 : Between east and west : Finland in international politics 1944-1947 / Tuomo Polvinen; edited and translated by D.G. Kirby and Peter Herring.; BJL     
      Between east and west : Finland in international politics 1944-1947 / Tuomo Polvinen; edited and tran BJL  BOOK 1986
D 754 F5 T1 : Neither Stalin nor Hitler : Finland during the Second World War.; BJL     
      Neither Stalin nor Hitler : Finland during the Second World War. BJL  BOOK 1991
D 754 I5 G1 : Ireland; can it remain neutral?; BJL     
      Ireland; can it remain neutral? BJL  BOOK 1941
D 754 I5 P5 : Ireland- Atlantic gateway.; BJL     
      Ireland- Atlantic gateway. BJL  BOOK 1941
D 754 I6 C3 : The shamrock and the swastika : German espionage in Ireland in World War II.; BJL     
      The shamrock and the swastika : German espionage in Ireland in World War II. BJL  BOOK 1977
D 754 I6 D9 : Irish neutrality and the USA, 1939-47.; BJL     
      Irish neutrality and the USA, 1939-47. BJL  BOOK 1977
D 754 I6 O3 : Spying on Ireland : British intelligence and Irish neutrality during the Second World War / Eunan O'Halpin.; BJL     
      Spying on Ireland : British intelligence and Irish neutrality during the Second World War / Eunan O'H BJL  BOOK 2008
D 754 I6 P5 : Churchill can unite Ireland.; BJL     
      Churchill can unite Ireland. BJL  BOOK 1940
D754.J3 P5 : Hirohito's war : the Pacific War, 1941-1945 / Francis Pike.; BJL     
      Hirohito's war : the Pacific War, 1941-1945 / Francis Pike. BJL  BOOK 2015
D 754 L4 S7 : Fulfilment of a mission : the Spears Mission to Syria and Lebanon.; BJL     
      Fulfilment of a mission : the Spears Mission to Syria and Lebanon. BJL  BOOK 1977
D 754 L7 L7 : La Lithuanie et la Seconde Guerre Mondiale : recueil des documents / edité par B. Kaslas.; BJL     
      La Lithuanie et la Seconde Guerre Mondiale : recueil des documents / edité par B. Kaslas. BJL  BOOK 1981
D754.N34 H5 2016 : The US, the UK and Saudi Arabia in World War II : the Middle East and the origins of a special relationship / Matthew Fallon Hinds.; BJL     
      The US, the UK and Saudi Arabia in World War II : the Middle East and the origins of a special relati BJL  BOOK 2016
D 754 N4 J7 : De geheime contacten met België, Frankrijk en Engeland in de neutraliteitsperiode, september 1939-mei 1940.; BJL     
      De geheime contacten met België, Frankrijk en Engeland in de neutraliteitsperiode, september 19 BJL  BOOK 1969
D 754 N4 N4 / q : Eenige hoofdpunten van het regeeringsbeleid in Londen gedurende de oorlogsjaren 1940-1945.; BJL     
      Eenige hoofdpunten van het regeeringsbeleid in Londen gedurende de oorlogsjaren 1940-1945. BJL  BOOK 1946
D 754 P7 D2 : The dark side of the moon.; BJL     
      The dark side of the moon. BJL  BOOK 1946
D 754 P7 G7 : The Great Powers and the Polish question 1941-45 / edited by A.Polonsky.; BJL     
      The Great Powers and the Polish question 1941-45 / edited by A.Polonsky. BJL  BOOK 1976
D 754 R9 D2 : The strange alliance : the story of American efforts at wartime co-operation withi Russia.; BJL     
      The strange alliance : the story of American efforts at wartime co-operation withi Russia. BJL  BOOK 1947
D 754 R9 F5    
      Stalin and Hitler : the reasons for and the results of the Nazi-Bolshevik Pact. BJL  BOOK 1940
      Stalin and Hitler : the reasons for and the results of the Nazi-Bolshevik Pact. BJL  BOOK 1940
D 754 R9 G6 : Russia and ourselves.; BJL     
      Russia and ourselves. BJL  BOOK 1941
D 754 R9 M2 : Memoirs of a Soviet ambassador : the War 1939-43.; BJL     
      Memoirs of a Soviet ambassador : the War 1939-43. BJL  BOOK 1967
D 754 R9 M7    
      The German attack on the U.S.S.R. / speeches by Molotov, Stalin and Litvinov. BJL  BOOK 1941
      Soviet Russia and the crisis : M. Molotov explains U.S.S.R.'s policy. BJL  BOOK 1939
D 754 R9 P1 : Why war was not prevented : a documentary review of the Soviet-British-French talks in Moscow, 1939 / M. Pankrashova, V. Sipols.; BJL     
      Why war was not prevented : a documentary review of the Soviet-British-French talks in Moscow, 1939 / BJL  BOOK 1970
D 754 R9 R8 : The Russo-German alliance, August 1939-June 1941.; BJL     
      The Russo-German alliance, August 1939-June 1941. BJL  BOOK 1950
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