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DA 690 E1 T4 : Easby Abbey, Yorkshire.; BJL     
      Easby Abbey, Yorkshire. BJL  BOOK 1937
DA 690 E117 R3 / p : Register of electors, 1939...Holderness Parliamentary Division of the county of York.; BJL     
      Register of electors, 1939...Holderness Parliamentary Division of the county of York. BJL  BOOK 1939
DA 690 E12 G4 : Vallis Eboracensis : comprising the history and Antiquity of Easingwold and its neighbourhood.; BJL     
      Vallis Eboracensis : comprising the history and Antiquity of Easingwold and its neighbourhood. BJL  BOOK  
DA 690 E133 H6 : East Bridgford, Notts. : the story of an English village.; BJL     
      East Bridgford, Notts. : the story of an English village. BJL  BOOK 1932
DA 690 E136 T9    
      The diary of a Georgian shopkeeper / a selection by R.W. Blencowe and M.A. Lower; edited by G.H. Jenn BJL  BOOK 1979
      The diary of Thomas Turner, 1754-1765. BJL  BOOK 1984
DA 690 E148 E14    
      Ballads of the coalfields. BJL  BOOK  
      Barges and barge decoration. BJL  BOOK 1973
      C. Allen Clarke, Lancashire author. BJL  BOOK 1971
      The Civil War in Lancashire and Cheshire. BJL  BOOK  
37 additional entries    
DA 690 E15 E1 : History of the parish of Ecclesfield in the county of York.; BJL     
      History of the parish of Ecclesfield in the county of York. BJL  BOOK 1862
DA 690 E15 H6 : The village of Ecclesfield.; BJL     
      The village of Ecclesfield. BJL  BOOK 1968
DA 690 E3 R2 / sq : Elton manorial records 1279-1351 ; transcr.; BJL     
      Elton manorial records 1279-1351 ; transcr. BJL  BOOK 1946
DA 690 E34 R6 : Elmdon : continuity and change in a north Essex village, 1861-1964.; BJL     
      Elmdon : continuity and change in a north Essex village, 1861-1964. BJL  BOOK 1980
DA 690 E35 C7 : Excavations at Elmswell, East Yorkshire, 1938.; BJL     
      Excavations at Elmswell, East Yorkshire, 1938. BJL  BOOK 1940
DA 690 E35 M1 : [Review of] "Excavations at Elmswell, East Yorkshire", 1938 by Philip Corder.; BJL     
      [Review of] "Excavations at Elmswell, East Yorkshire", 1938 by Philip Corder. BJL  BOOK  
DA 690 E38 J4    
      The story of the history of Elvington. BJL  BOOK 1993
      Twentieth century Elvington. BJL  BOOK 1995
DA 690 E4 K8 : Ely in the late middle ages.; BJL     
      Ely in the late middle ages. BJL  BOOK 1977
DA 690 E4 M6 : The abbey and bishopric of Ely.; BJL     
      The abbey and bishopric of Ely. BJL  BOOK  
DA 690 E4 S9 : Cathedral church of Ely.; BJL     
      Cathedral church of Ely. BJL  BOOK  
DA 690 E4 T4 : Liber Eliensis.; BJL     
      Liber Eliensis. BJL  BOOK  
DA 690 E55 R9 : Old Emsworth.; Departmental Locations     
      Old Emsworth. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1978
DA 690 E7 T2 : Escrick : a village history.; BJL     
      Escrick : a village history. BJL  BOOK 1999
DA 690 E76 H1    
      Etton, 1170-1482. BJL  BOOK  
      Etton, an East Yorkshire village, time, 1170 to 1482. BJL  BOOK 1932
DA 690 E76 W5 : Etton : a village of the East Riding.; BJL     
      Etton : a village of the East Riding. BJL  BOOK 1992
DA 690 E9 A2    
      The Cathedral church of Exeter : a description of its fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see BJL  BOOK 1898
      The Cathedral Church of Exeter : a description of its fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see BJL  BOOK 1899
DA 690 E9 B2 : Exeter and its region.; BJL, Departmental Locations      
      Exeter and its region. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1969
DA 690 E9 B5 / q : Roman Exeter : fortress and town / by Paul T. Bidwell.; BJL     
      Roman Exeter : fortress and town / by Paul T. Bidwell. BJL  BOOK 1980
DA 690 E9 C3 : The expansion of Exeter at the close of the Middle Ages.; Departmental Locations     
      The expansion of Exeter at the close of the Middle Ages. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1963
DA 690 E9 E9 : An Exeter mis-guide / words, photographs and illustrations copyright Stephen Hodge ... [et al.].; BJL     
      An Exeter mis-guide / words, photographs and illustrations copyright Stephen Hodge ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 2003
DA 690 E9 H6 : Lost chapels of Exeter.; BJL     
      Lost chapels of Exeter. BJL  BOOK  
DA 690 E9 H6(6)    
      Industry, trade and people in Exeter, 1688-1800. BJL  BOOK 1935
      Industry, trade and people in Exeter, 1688-1800. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1968
DA 690 E9 H6(9) : Seventeenth-century Exeter : a study of industrial and commercial development, 1625-1688.; BJL, Departmental Locations      
      Seventeenth-century Exeter : a study of industrial and commercial development, 1625-1688. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1958
DA 690 E9 H8 : Two thousand years in Exeter.; BJL     
      Two thousand years in Exeter. BJL  BOOK 1960
DA 690 E9 M1    
      Exeter, 1540-1640 : the growth of an English county town. BJL  BOOK 1958
      Exeter, 1540-1640 : the growth of an English county town. BJL  BOOK 1975
DA 690 E9 N5 : Victorian Exeter, 1837-1914.; BJL     
      Victorian Exeter, 1837-1914. BJL  BOOK 1968
DA 690 E9 O7 : Exeter Cathedral as it was 1050-1550.; BJL     
      Exeter Cathedral as it was 1050-1550. BJL  BOOK 1986
DA 690 E9 R8 : The Exeter area : proceedings of the 136th Summer Meeting of the Royal Archaeological Institute, 1990 / edited by N.H. Cooper.; BJL     
      The Exeter area : proceedings of the 136th Summer Meeting of the Royal Archaeological Institute, 1990 BJL  BOOK 1990
DA 690 E9 Y6 : Early Tudor Exeter : the founders of the county of the city.; BJL     
      Early Tudor Exeter : the founders of the county of the city. BJL  BOOK 1974
DA 690 E93 D3 : Exmouth milestones : a history / by Eric R. Delderfield.; Departmental Locations     
      Exmouth milestones : a history / by Eric R. Delderfield. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1948
DA 690 F 72 M9 : Some ancient interests of Fothheringhay.; BJL     
      Some ancient interests of Fothheringhay. BJL  BOOK  
DA 690 F 78    
      Fountains abbey. BJL  BOOK  
      A guide to Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal. BJL  BOOK  
DA 690 F18 R6 : Mediaeval Farnham : everyday life in an episcopal manor.; BJL     
      Mediaeval Farnham : everyday life in an episcopal manor. BJL  BOOK 1935
DA 690 F18 S6 : Victorian Farnham : the story of a Surrey town, 1837-1901.; BJL     
      Victorian Farnham : the story of a Surrey town, 1837-1901. BJL  BOOK 1971
DA 690 F35 W9    
      The North Ferriby boats 1937-1946. BJL  BOOK  
      The North Ferriby boats, 1937-1947. BJL  BOOK 1948
      The North Ferriby boats : a reappraisal. BJL  BOOK 1964
DA 690 F4 A5 : The story of Filey.; BJL     
      The story of Filey. BJL  BOOK 1920
DA 690 F4 C6 : The history and antiquities of Filey in the county of York.; BJL     
      The history and antiquities of Filey in the county of York. BJL  BOOK 1828
DA 690 F4 C7    
      Filey and its church. BJL  BOOK 1889
      A guide to Filey. BJL  BOOK 1895
DA 690 F4 C8 : An historical and descriptive guide to Filey.; BJL     
      An historical and descriptive guide to Filey. BJL  BOOK 1861
DA 690 F4 F2 : Filey : from fishing village to Edwardian resort - the story of Filey through the centuries.; BJL     
      Filey : from fishing village to Edwardian resort - the story of Filey through the centuries. BJL  BOOK 1990
DA 690 F4 F4 : Filey : a practical guide for visitors / compiled and illustrated by Ted Gower.; BJL     
      Filey : a practical guide for visitors / compiled and illustrated by Ted Gower. BJL  BOOK 1977
DA 690 F4 O9 / p : A guide to old Filey.; BJL     
      A guide to old Filey. BJL  BOOK 1912
DA 690 F4 P9 : Observations on Filey as a watering place; or, A guide for visitors.; BJL     
      Observations on Filey as a watering place; or, A guide for visitors. BJL  BOOK 1853
DA 690 F4 S5 : Rambles about Filey.; BJL     
      Rambles about Filey. BJL  BOOK 1867
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