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DA 87.1 N4 B7 : Nelson : the essential hero.; Departmental Locations     
      Nelson : the essential hero. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1977
DA 87.1 N4 C1 : The life of Nelson.; BJL     
      The life of Nelson. BJL  BOOK 1912
DA 87.1 N4 C7 : Nelson : the man.; BJL     
      Nelson : the man. BJL  BOOK 1926
DA 87.1 N4 C9 : Horatio Nelson : a controversial hero / Marianne Czisnik.; BJL     
      Horatio Nelson : a controversial hero / Marianne Czisnik. BJL  BOOK 2005
DA 87.1 N4 G8 : Nelson the sailor.; Departmental Locations     
      Nelson the sailor. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1949
DA 87.1 N4 H8    
      Nelson : the immortal memory / David Howarth and Stephen Howarth. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1997
      Nelson : the immortal memory / David Howarth and Stephen Howarth. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1989
DA 87.1 N4 J2 : The durable monument : Horatio Nelson.; BJL     
      The durable monument : Horatio Nelson. BJL  BOOK 1948
DA 87.1 N4 K7 : The pursuit of victory : the life and achievement of Horatio Nelson / Roger Knight.; BJL     
      The pursuit of victory : the life and achievement of Horatio Nelson / Roger Knight. BJL  BOOK 2006
DA 87.1 N4 L2 : Nelson : Britannia's God of war.; Departmental Locations     
      Nelson : Britannia's God of war. Departmental Locations  BOOK 2004
DA 87.1 N4 L3    
      Nelson and his companions in arms. BJL  BOOK 1905
      The Nelson memorial : Nelson and his companions in arms. BJL  BOOK 1896
DA 87.1 N4 L7 : Nelson and sea power.; BJL     
      Nelson and sea power. BJL  BOOK 1973
DA 87.1 N4 M2    
      The life of Nelson. BJL  BOOK 1899
      The life of Nelson : the embodiment of the sea power of Great Britain. BJL  BOOK 1897
DA 87.1 N4 M4 : The Nelsons of Burnham Thorpe.; BJL     
      The Nelsons of Burnham Thorpe. BJL  BOOK 1911
DA 87.1 N4 N1    
      Nelson & Bronte : an illustrated guide to his life and times. BJL  BOOK 1958
      Nelson's letters to his wife, and other documents, 1785-1831 / edited by George P.B. Naish. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1958
DA 87.1 N4 O5    
      Nelson. BJL  BOOK 1947
      Nelson. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1967
DA 87.1 N4 P7 : Nelson and his world.; Departmental Locations     
      Nelson and his world. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1974
DA 87.1 N4 R8 : Nelson : Britain's greatest naval commander.; Departmental Locations     
      Nelson : Britain's greatest naval commander. Departmental Locations  BOOK 2005
DA 87.1 N4 S7    
      The life of Horatio Lord Nelson / Robert Southey. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1925
      The life of Nelson. BJL  BOOK 1813
      The life of Nelson. BJL  BOOK 1903
      Southey's life of Nelson / edited with introduction and critical notes by G .Callender. BJL  BOOK 1922
DA 87.1 N4 W2    
      Nelson's battles. BJL  BOOK 1965
      Nelson's battles. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1971
      A portrait of Lord Nelson. BJL  BOOK 1958
      A portrait of Lord Nelson. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1963
DA 87.1 N4 W5 : Nelson and the twentieth century by A.White and E.Hallam.; BJL     
      Nelson and the twentieth century by A.White and E.Hallam. BJL  BOOK 1905
DA 87.1 N4 W6 : Nelson.; BJL     
      Nelson. BJL  BOOK 1931
DA 87.1 P18    
      Nelsonian reminiscences. BJL  BOOK 1905
      Nelsonian reminiscences : leaves from memory's log : a dramatic eye-witness account of the war at sea Departmental Locations  BOOK 1998
DA 87.1 P2 : Private sea journals,1778-1782.; BJL     
      Private sea journals,1778-1782. BJL  BOOK 1931
DA87.1.R3 W37 2013 : British Naval Power in the East, 1794-1805 : the Command of Admiral Peter Rainier / Peter A. Ward.; Online materials     
      British Naval Power in the East, 1794-1805 : the Command of Admiral Peter Rainier / Peter A. Ward. Online materials  EBOOKS 2013
DA 87.1 R6 S7 : Rodney.; BJL     
      Rodney. BJL  BOOK 1969
DA 87.1 S7 : The narrative of William Spavens, a Chatham pensioner : a unique lower deck view of the Navy of the Seven Years War / written by himself.; Departmental Locations     
      The narrative of William Spavens, a Chatham pensioner : a unique lower deck view of the Navy of the S Departmental Locations  BOOK 1998
DA 87.1 W18 V9 : The voyages and cruises of Commodore Walker / with introduction and notes by H.S. Vaughan.; BJL, Departmental Locations      
      The voyages and cruises of Commodore Walker / with introduction and notes by H.S. Vaughan. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1928
DA 87.5 B5 : A history of the late siege of Gibraltar.; BJL     
      A history of the late siege of Gibraltar. BJL  BOOK 1790
DA 87.5 M1 : The siege of Gibraltar,1779-1783.; BJL     
      The siege of Gibraltar,1779-1783. BJL  BOOK 1965
DA 87.7 B3 : British naval administration in the age of Walpole.; BJL     
      British naval administration in the age of Walpole. BJL  BOOK 1965
DA 87.7 D2 : Nelson's favourite : H.M.S. Agamemnon at war, 1781-1809.; Departmental Locations     
      Nelson's favourite : H.M.S. Agamemnon at war, 1781-1809. Departmental Locations  BOOK 2003
DA 87.7 D8 : The great mutiny.; BJL     
      The great mutiny. BJL  BOOK 1966
DA 87.7 G7 : The manning of the British Navy during the Seven Years' War.; BJL     
      The manning of the British Navy during the Seven Years' War. BJL  BOOK 1980
DA 87.7 M2    
      The floating republic / by G. E. Manwaring and Bonamy DobrĂ©e. BJL  BOOK 1966
      The floating republic : an account of the mutinies at Spithead and the Nore in 1797 / by G. E. Manwar Departmental Locations  BOOK 1937
DA87.7 N38 2011eb : The Naval Mutinies of 1797 : unity and perseverance / edited by Ann Veronica Coats and Philip MacDougall.; Online materials     
      The Naval Mutinies of 1797 : unity and perseverance / edited by Ann Veronica Coats and Philip MacDoug Online materials  EBOOKS 2011
DA 87.7 P8 : The black ship.; Departmental Locations     
      The black ship. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1963
DA 87.7 R6    
      The wooden world : an anatomy of the Georgian navy / N.A.M. Rodger. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1986
      The wooden world : an anatomy of the Georgian navy. BJL  BOOK 1988
DA 87.7 S9 : Shipping and the American war, 1775-83 : a study of British transport organization / by David Syrett.; BJL, Departmental Locations      
      Shipping and the American war, 1775-83 : a study of British transport organization / by David Syrett. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1970
DA 88 B2 : Great Britain and sea power, 1815-1853.; BJL     
      Great Britain and sea power, 1815-1853. BJL  BOOK 1963
DA 88 B3    
      Before the mast : naval ratings of the 19th century. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1972
      British naval policy in the Gladstone-Disraeli era, 1866-1880. BJL  BOOK 1997
DA 88 B4 : Victorian myths of the sea.; BJL     
      Victorian myths of the sea. BJL  BOOK 1977
DA 88 E9 : Exploiting the sea : aspects of Britain's maritime economy since 1870 / edited by David J. Starkey and Alan G. Jamieson.; BJL, Departmental Locations      
      Exploiting the sea : aspects of Britain's maritime economy since 1870 / edited by David J. Starkey an BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1998
DA 88 G7    
      Great Britain in the Indian Ocean : a study of maritime enterprise 1810-1850. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1967
      The politics of naval supremacy : studies in British maritime ascendancy. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1965
DA 88 H2 : Anglo-French naval rivalry 1840-1870.; Departmental Locations     
      Anglo-French naval rivalry 1840-1870. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1993
DA 88 H3 : The evolution of the sailing navy, 1509-1815 / Richard Harding.; BJL     
      The evolution of the sailing navy, 1509-1815 / Richard Harding. BJL  BOOK 1995
DA 88 H6 : The prizes of war : the naval prize system in the Napoleonic Wars, 1793-1815.; BJL     
      The prizes of war : the naval prize system in the Napoleonic Wars, 1793-1815. BJL  BOOK 1998
DA 88 K5 : Our sailors : anecdotes of the engagements & gallant deeds of the British Navy during the reign of Queen Victoria.; Departmental Locations     
      Our sailors : anecdotes of the engagements & gallant deeds of the British Navy during the reign of Qu Departmental Locations  BOOK 1877
DA 88 L6    
      The navy in transition, 1814-1864 : a social history. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1965
      A social history of the Navy, 1793-1815. BJL  BOOK 1960
DA 88 M3 : The anatomy of British sea power.; BJL     
      The anatomy of British sea power. BJL  BOOK 1964
DA 88 M8 : Naval power and British culture, 1760-1850 : public trust and government ideology.; BJL     
      Naval power and British culture, 1760-1850 : public trust and government ideology. BJL  BOOK 2004
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