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DD 87 M5 : Geschichte der Deutschen.; BJL     
      Geschichte der Deutschen. BJL  BOOK  
DD 87 S2 : Deutsche Geschichte.; BJL     
      Deutsche Geschichte. BJL  BOOK  
DD 87 S8    
      Geschichte des deutschen Volkes. BJL  BOOK  
      A short history of Germany. BJL  BOOK 1945
DD 87 V1 : The German people.; BJL     
      The German people. BJL  BOOK  
DD 87 Z7    
      Aus der Chronika deren von Zimmern : Historien und Kuriosa aus sechs Jahrhunderten deutschen Lebens / BJL  BOOK 1911
      Wappen, Becher, Liebesspiel : die Chronik der Grafen von Zimmern 1288-1566 / Auswahl und Einfüh BJL  BOOK 1940
DD 88 V9 : Annals of the empire, from the reign of Charlemagne.; BJL     
      Annals of the empire, from the reign of Charlemagne. BJL  BOOK 1755
DD 89 B2 : Factors in German history.; BJL     
      Factors in German history. BJL  BOOK 1946
DD 89 B6 : The Holy Roman Empire and the Ottomans : from global imperial power to absolutist states / Mehmet Sinan Birdal.; BJL     
      The Holy Roman Empire and the Ottomans : from global imperial power to absolutist states / Mehmet Sin BJL  BOOK 2011
DD 89 B9 : The Holy Roman Empire.; BJL     
      The Holy Roman Empire. BJL  BOOK 1906
DD 89 C7 : The shaping of the German nation : a historical analysis.; BJL     
      The shaping of the German nation : a historical analysis. BJL  BOOK 1979
DD 89 E9 : Rereading German history : from unification to reunification, 1800-1996.; BJL     
      Rereading German history : from unification to reunification, 1800-1996. BJL  BOOK 1997
DD 89 F8 : Deutsche Geschichte.; BJL     
      Deutsche Geschichte. BJL  BOOK 1960
DD 89 F9 : A concise history of Germany / Mary Fulbrook.; BJL     
      A concise history of Germany / Mary Fulbrook. BJL  BOOK 2004
DD 89 G2    
      Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte. BJL  BOOK 1973
      Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte / Gebhardt ; wissenschaftliche Redaktion, Rolf Häfele. BJL  BOOK c2006
DD 89 H7 : The Holy Roman Empire, reconsidered / edited by Jason Philip Coy, Benjamin Marschke, & David Warren Sabean.; BJL     
      The Holy Roman Empire, reconsidered / edited by Jason Philip Coy, Benjamin Marschke, & David Warren S BJL  BOOK 2010
DD 89 K7 : A history of Germany from the earliest period to the present time.; BJL     
      A history of Germany from the earliest period to the present time. BJL  BOOK 1972
DD 89 L9 : The Germans.; BJL     
      The Germans. BJL  BOOK 1942
DD 89 M9    
      Die Deutschen : ihre Klassenkampfe, Aufstande, Staatsstreiche und Revolutionen : eine Chronik. BJL  BOOK 1972
      Schlaglichter der deutschen Geschichte / Helmut M. Muller in Zusammenarbeit mit Karl-Friedrich Kriege BJL  BOOK 1987
DD 89 N7 : Le Saint-Empire.; BJL     
      Le Saint-Empire. BJL  BOOK 1976
DD 89 O7 : Deutsche Geschichte : Lebenslauf des deutschen Volkes : Werdegang des Deutschen Reiches.; BJL     
      Deutsche Geschichte : Lebenslauf des deutschen Volkes : Werdegang des Deutschen Reiches. BJL  BOOK 1954
DD 89 O9 : A mighty fortress : a new history of the German people / Steven Ozment.; BJL     
      A mighty fortress : a new history of the German people / Steven Ozment. BJL  BOOK 2005
DD 89 R1 : Deutsche Geschichte, vom Alten Reich zur Zweiten Republik.; BJL     
      Deutsche Geschichte, vom Alten Reich zur Zweiten Republik. BJL  BOOK 1985
DD 89 R2    
      Deutsche Geschichte im Überblick : ein Handbuch. BJL  BOOK 1953
      Histoire de l'Allemagne des origines a nos jours. BJL  BOOK 1969
DD 89 S3 : Germany : a new history / Hagen Schulze ; translated by Deborah Lucas Schneider.; BJL     
      Germany : a new history / Hagen Schulze ; translated by Deborah Lucas Schneider. BJL  BOOK 1998
DD 89 T9 : The history of Germany.; BJL     
      The history of Germany. BJL  BOOK 1999
DD 89 W4 : A history of Germany / Peter Wende.; BJL     
      A history of Germany / Peter Wende. BJL  BOOK 2005
DD 89 Z7 : Illustrierte Geschichte des deutschen Volkes.; BJL     
      Illustrierte Geschichte des deutschen Volkes. BJL  BOOK 1873
DD 90 V4 / q : Bremmpunkte deutschen Geschichte, 1450-1850 / von W.Venohr und F.Kabebermann.; BJL     
      Bremmpunkte deutschen Geschichte, 1450-1850 / von W.Venohr und F.Kabebermann. BJL  BOOK 1978
DD 91 K5 : Chronicles of three Free Cities, Hamburg, Bremen, Lubeck.; BJL     
      Chronicles of three Free Cities, Hamburg, Bremen, Lubeck. BJL  BOOK 1914
DD 93 H6 : The historical essays of Otto Hintze / edited by F.Gilbert with...R.M.Berdahl.; BJL     
      The historical essays of Otto Hintze / edited by F.Gilbert with...R.M.Berdahl. BJL  BOOK 1975
DD 93 H8 : Studies in medieval and modern German history ...; BJL     
      Studies in medieval and modern German history ... BJL  BOOK 1985
DD 93 S3 : Is there a German history?; BJL     
      Is there a German history? BJL  BOOK 1988
DD 94 T6 : Asiaten über Deutsche : Kulturkonflikte ostasiatischer Studentinen in der Bundesrepublik.; BJL     
      Asiaten über Deutsche : Kulturkonflikte ostasiatischer Studentinen in der Bundesrepublik. BJL  BOOK 1972
DD 95 H5 : The straight line : (from soldier to dictator).; BJL     
      The straight line : (from soldier to dictator). BJL  BOOK 1942
DD 101 C5 : The German way of war : from the Thirty Years' War to the Third Reich / Robert M. Citino.; BJL     
      The German way of war : from the Thirty Years' War to the Third Reich / Robert M. Citino. BJL  BOOK c2005
DD 101 H4 : Germany the aggressor throughout the ages.; BJL     
      Germany the aggressor throughout the ages. BJL  BOOK 1940
DD 101 K6 : A military history of Germany from the eighteenth century to the present day.; BJL     
      A military history of Germany from the eighteenth century to the present day. BJL  BOOK 1975
DD 101 O1 : Soldaten, Burger, Militaristen : Militar und Demokratie in Deutschland.; BJL     
      Soldaten, Burger, Militaristen : Militar und Demokratie in Deutschland. BJL  BOOK 1958
DD 101.5 Z9 : Inventing the Schlieffen plan : German war planning, 1871-1914.; BJL     
      Inventing the Schlieffen plan : German war planning, 1871-1914. BJL  BOOK 2002
DD 102 S8 : Medieval and Reformation Germany to 1648 : a select bibliography.; BJL     
      Medieval and Reformation Germany to 1648 : a select bibliography. BJL  BOOK 1972
DD 102.5 B7 : The Battle of Lechfeld and its aftermath, August 955 : the end of the age of migrations in the Latin west / Charles R. Bowlus.; BJL     
      The Battle of Lechfeld and its aftermath, August 955 : the end of the age of migrations in the Latin BJL  BOOK c2006
DD 102.7 P2 : Von der Miliz zum Stehenden Heer : Wehrwesen im Absolutismus.; BJL     
      Von der Miliz zum Stehenden Heer : Wehrwesen im Absolutismus. BJL  BOOK 1979
DD 102.7 W7 : German armies : war and German politics, 1648-1806.; BJL     
      German armies : war and German politics, 1648-1806. BJL  BOOK 1998
DD103 .H85 2005 : Absolute destruction [electronic resource] : military culture and the practices of war in Imperial Germany / Isabel V. Hull.; Online materials     
      Absolute destruction [electronic resource] : military culture and the practices of war in Imperial Ge Online materials  EBOOKS 2005
DD 103 S7 : The German idea of militarism : radical and socialist critics, 1866-1914.; BJL     
      The German idea of militarism : radical and socialist critics, 1866-1914. BJL  BOOK 1994
DD 104 K4 : The Luftwaffe : a history.; BJL     
      The Luftwaffe : a history. BJL  BOOK 1967
DD 106 H5 : 'Luxury' fleet : the Imperial German Navy, 1888-1918.; BJL     
      'Luxury' fleet : the Imperial German Navy, 1888-1918. BJL  BOOK 1980
DD 110 H7 : Deutsche Reichstagakten, altere Reihe, 1376-1445 / hrsg. durch die historische Kommission bei der bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften ; herausgegeben von J. Weizsacker u.a.; BJL     
      Deutsche Reichstagakten, altere Reihe, 1376-1445 / hrsg. durch die historische Kommission bei der bay BJL  BOOK 1956
DD 112 C8 : Germany and the West : the ambivalent relationship.; BJL     
      Germany and the West : the ambivalent relationship. BJL  BOOK 1982
DD 112 H5    
      Deutschland und die europaische Ordnung. BJL  BOOK 1941
      The development of the German public mind : a social history of German political sentiments, aspirati BJL  BOOK 1962
      The development of the German public mind : a social history of the German political sentiments, aspi BJL  BOOK 1957
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