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DK 70 A3 : Iosafovskaia letopis'.; BJL     
      Iosafovskaia letopis'. BJL  BOOK 1957
DK 70 T8 : Troitskaia letopis' : rekonstruktsiia teksta.; BJL     
      Troitskaia letopis' : rekonstruktsiia teksta. BJL  BOOK 1950
DK 70 V5 : The origins of Russia.; BJL     
      The origins of Russia. BJL  BOOK 1959
DK 71 B2 : Explorations in Muscovite history.; BJL     
      Explorations in Muscovite history. BJL  BOOK c1991
DK 71 B5 : Russkaia istoriia.; BJL     
      Russkaia istoriia. BJL  BOOK 1969
DK 71 C4 : The beginnings of Russian history : an enquiry into sources.; BJL     
      The beginnings of Russian history : an enquiry into sources. BJL  BOOK 1946
DK 71 C5 : Goroda Moskovskago gosudarstva v XVI veke.; BJL     
      Goroda Moskovskago gosudarstva v XVI veke. BJL  BOOK 1969
DK 71 D5    
      Ocherki obshchestvennago i gosudarstvennagostroia drevnei Rusi. BJL  BOOK 1966
      Vlast' moskovskikh gosudarei. BJL  BOOK 1969
DK 71 E1 : Le moyen age russe.; BJL     
      Le moyen age russe. BJL  BOOK 1968
DK 71 G8    
      Feodal'nye otnosheniia v Kievskom gosudarstve. BJL  BOOK 1936
      Kiev Rus. BJL  BOOK 1959
      Kievskaia Rus'. BJL  BOOK 1949
DK 71 I9    
      Obshchestvenno-politicheskii stroi i pravo Kievskogo gosudarstva. BJL  BOOK
      Ocherki po istorii feodalizma v Kievskom Rusi. BJL  BOOK 1969
DK 71 K1    
      The growth of the law in medieval Russia. BJL  BOOK 1980
      A memoir on ancient and modern Russia. BJL  BOOK 1959
      Memoir on ancient and modern Russia. BJL  BOOK 1966
DK 71 K8 : Russkaia istoriia v zhizneopisaniiakh eia glavneishikh deiatelei.; BJL     
      Russkaia istoriia v zhizneopisaniiakh eia glavneishikh deiatelei. BJL  BOOK 1873
DK 71 M3 : Medieval Russia, 980-1584.; BJL     
      Medieval Russia, 980-1584. BJL  BOOK 1995
DK 71 M6 : Byzantium and the rise of Russia : a study of Byzantino-Russian relations in the 14th century.; BJL     
      Byzantium and the rise of Russia : a study of Byzantino-Russian relations in the 14th century. BJL  BOOK 1981
DK 71 N9 : Dnevnerusskoe gosudarstvo i ego mezhdunarodnoe znachenie.; BJL     
      Dnevnerusskoe gosudarstvo i ego mezhdunarodnoe znachenie. BJL  BOOK 1965
DK 71 P9    
      Kniazhoe pravo v drevnei Rusi : ocherki po istorii X-XII stoletii. BJL  BOOK 1966
      Lektsii po russkoi istorii. BJL  BOOK 1966
      Moskovskoe tsarstvo. BJL  BOOK 1967
      Obrazovanie velikorusskago gosudarstva. BJL  BOOK 1966
      The origin of Rus'. BJL  BOOK 1981
DK 71 R85 : Russia mediaevalis.; BJL     
      Russia mediaevalis. BJL  BOOK 1973
DK 71 R9 : Pervye veka russkoi istorii.; BJL     
      Pervye veka russkoi istorii. BJL  BOOK 1964
DK 71 S7    
      La Russie : des origines a la naissance de Pierre le Grand. BJL  BOOK 1946
      Srednevekovaia Rus'. BJL  BOOK 1976
DK 71 T4 : The relations between ancient Russia and Scandinavia, and the origin of the Russian state.; BJL     
      The relations between ancient Russia and Scandinavia, and the origin of the Russian state. BJL  BOOK 1964
DK 71 Z1 : Istoriia russkoi zhizni s drevneishikh vremen.; BJL     
      Istoriia russkoi zhizni s drevneishikh vremen. BJL  BOOK 1969
DK 72 M4 : Drevniaia Rus'.; BJL     
      Drevniaia Rus'. BJL  BOOK 1946
DK 72 R4 : Finding out about the early Russians.; BJL     
      Finding out about the early Russians. BJL  BOOK 1963
DK 72 R8 / q : Iranians and Greeks in South Russia.; BJL     
      Iranians and Greeks in South Russia. BJL  BOOK  
DK 73 F8 : The emergence of Rus, 750-1200 / Simon Franklin and Jonathan Shepard.; BJL     
      The emergence of Rus, 750-1200 / Simon Franklin and Jonathan Shepard. BJL  BOOK 1996
DK 73 K6 : Boiarskaia duma drevnei Rusi.; BJL     
      Boiarskaia duma drevnei Rusi. BJL  BOOK 1965
DK 73 S1 : Diplomatiia drevnei Rusi, 9-pervaia polovina 10v.; BJL     
      Diplomatiia drevnei Rusi, 9-pervaia polovina 10v. BJL  BOOK 1980
DK 90 F3    
      The crisis of medieval Russia 1200-1304. BJL  BOOK 1983
      The emergence of Moscow, 1304-1359. BJL  BOOK 1968
DK 90 H1 : Russia and the Golden Horde : the Mongol impact on medieval Russian history.; BJL     
      Russia and the Golden Horde : the Mongol impact on medieval Russian history. BJL  BOOK 1985
DK 90 H3 : Russia and the Mongol yoke : the history of the Russian principalities and the Golden Horde, 1221-1502.; BJL     
      Russia and the Mongol yoke : the history of the Russian principalities and the Golden Horde, 1221-150 BJL  BOOK 1996
DK 99 K1 : Dmitrii Donskoi.; BJL     
      Dmitrii Donskoi. BJL  BOOK 1950
DK 100 C9 : The formation of Muscovy, 1304-1613.; BJL     
      The formation of Muscovy, 1304-1613. BJL  BOOK 1987
DK 100 D5 : Ocherki iz istorii sel'skago naseleniia v Moskovskom gosudarstve (16-17 vv.).; BJL     
      Ocherki iz istorii sel'skago naseleniia v Moskovskom gosudarstve (16-17 vv.). BJL  BOOK 1969
DK100 .R66 2012 : The elusive empire : Kazan and the creation of Russia, 1552-1671 / Matthew P. Romaniello.; BJL     
      The elusive empire : Kazan and the creation of Russia, 1552-1671 / Matthew P. Romaniello. BJL  BOOK c2012
DK 100 T5 : Rossiia v XVI stoletii.; BJL     
      Rossiia v XVI stoletii. BJL  BOOK 1962
DK 101 F3 : Ivan the Great of Moscow.; BJL     
      Ivan the Great of Moscow. BJL  BOOK 1961
DK 101 G8 : Ivan III and the unification of Russia.; BJL     
      Ivan III and the unification of Russia. BJL  BOOK 1964
DK 101 R8 : J.I.L. Fennell [sic] : 'Ivan the Great of Moscow'; reprinted from 'Jahrbuch für Geschichte der UdSSR und der Volksdemokratischen Lander Europas', Bd. 7, 1963, p. 627-631.; BJL     
      J.I.L. Fennell [sic] : 'Ivan the Great of Moscow'; reprinted from 'Jahrbuch für Geschichte der UdSSR BJL  BOOK  
DK 106 B5 : Rude and barbarous kingdom : Russia in the accounts of sixteenth century Englissh voyagers.; BJL     
      Rude and barbarous kingdom : Russia in the accounts of sixteenth century Englissh voyagers. BJL  BOOK 1968
DK 106 I9 : Poslaniia Ivana Groznogo / pod red. V.P. Adrianovoi-Peretts.; BJL     
      Poslaniia Ivana Groznogo / pod red. V.P. Adrianovoi-Peretts. BJL  BOOK 1956
DK 106 K8 : Ivan the terrible.; BJL     
      Ivan the terrible. BJL  BOOK 1961
DK 106 K9 : Tsar loann IV.; BJL     
      Tsar loann IV. BJL  BOOK  
DK 106 N8 : The shaping of czardom under Ivan Groznyj.; BJL     
      The shaping of czardom under Ivan Groznyj. BJL  BOOK 1971
DK 106 S7 : The land and government of Muscovy : a sixteenth-century account.; BJL     
      The land and government of Muscovy : a sixteenth-century account. BJL  BOOK 1967
DK 106 Y2 : The origins of autocracy : Ivan the Terrible in Russian history / translated by S. Dunn.; BJL     
      The origins of autocracy : Ivan the Terrible in Russian history / translated by S. Dunn. BJL  BOOK 1981
DK 106 Z7 : Oprichnina Ivana Groznogo.; BJL     
      Oprichnina Ivana Groznogo. BJL  BOOK 1964
DK 106.5 I9 : Tsar Ivan IV's reply to Jan Rokyta / edited by V.A. Tumins.; BJL     
      Tsar Ivan IV's reply to Jan Rokyta / edited by V.A. Tumins. BJL  BOOK 1971
DK 106.5 S1 : Ocherki po istorii Oprichniny.; BJL     
      Ocherki po istorii Oprichniny. BJL  BOOK 1969
DK 107 K8    
      The correspondence between Prince A.M. Kurbsky and Tsar Ivan IV of Russia / by A.M. Kurbshil and Ivan BJL  BOOK 1955
      Histoire du regne de Jean IV (Ivan le Terrible). BJL  BOOK  
      History of Ivan IV / edited by J.L.I. Fennell. BJL  BOOK 1965
      Perepiska Ivana Groznogo s Andreem Kurbskim. BJL  BOOK 1979
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