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DS 63.2 E8 M4 : Europe through Arab eyes, 1578-1727 / Nabil Matar.; Departmental Locations     
      Europe through Arab eyes, 1578-1727 / Nabil Matar. Departmental Locations  BOOK 2008
DS63.2.G7 A8 : False prophets : British leaders' fateful fascination with the Middle East from Suez to Syria / Nigel Ashton.; BJL     
      False prophets : British leaders' fateful fascination with the Middle East from Suez to Syria / Nigel BJL  BOOK 2022
DS 63.2 G7 B8    
      Britain and the Middle East : from imperial power to junior partner / edited by Zach Levey and Elie P BJL  BOOK 2008
      Britain and the Middle East in the 1930s : security problems, 1935-39 / edited by Michael J. Cohen an BJL  BOOK 1992
      Britain, the Six Day War and its aftermath. BJL  BOOK 2005
      The Glubb reports : Glubb Pasha and Britain's empire project in the Middle East 1920-1956 / Tancred B BJL  BOOK 2016
DS 63.2 G7 B9 : Britain, India and the Arabs, 1914-1921.; BJL     
      Britain, India and the Arabs, 1914-1921. BJL  BOOK 1971
DS 63.2 G7 C4 : Dissension among allies : Ernest Bevin's Palestine policy between Whitehall and the White House, 1945-47.; BJL     
      Dissension among allies : Ernest Bevin's Palestine policy between Whitehall and the White House, 1945 BJL  BOOK 2002
DS 63.2 G7 D3 : Demise of the British empire in the Middle East : Britain's responses to nationalist movements, 1943-55 / edited by Michael J. Cohen and Martin Kolinsky.; BJL     
      Demise of the British empire in the Middle East : Britain's responses to nationalist movements, 1943- BJL  BOOK 1998
DS 63.2 G7 F5    
      Curzon and British imperialism in the Middle East, 1916-19. BJL  BOOK 1999
      Empire by treaty : Britain and the Middle East in the twentieth century. BJL  BOOK 1964
DS 63.2 G7 G2 : Britain and the conflict in the Middle East, 1964-1967 : the coming of the Six-Day War.; BJL     
      Britain and the conflict in the Middle East, 1964-1967 : the coming of the Six-Day War. BJL  BOOK 2003
DS63.2.G7 G47 2010 : Castles made of sand : a century of Anglo-American espionage and intervention in the Middle East / Andre Gerolymatos.; BJL     
      Castles made of sand : a century of Anglo-American espionage and intervention in the Middle East / An BJL  BOOK 2010
DS 63.2 G7 H3 : Britain in the Middle East : 1619-1971 / Robert T Harrison.; BJL     
      Britain in the Middle East : 1619-1971 / Robert T Harrison. BJL  BOOK 2016
DS 63.2 G7 H7 : Britain and the Middle East in the 9/11 era / Rosemary Hollis.; BJL     
      Britain and the Middle East in the 9/11 era / Rosemary Hollis. BJL  BOOK 2010
DS 63.2 G7 K2 : In the Anglo-Arab labyrinth : the McMahon-Husayn correspondence and its interpretations, 1914-1939.; BJL     
      In the Anglo-Arab labyrinth : the McMahon-Husayn correspondence and its interpretations, 1914-1939. BJL  BOOK 1976
DS 63.2 G7 K4 : British policy towards Syria & Palestine 1906-1914 : a study of the antecedents of the Hussein-the [sic] McMahon correspondence, the Sykes-Picot Agreement, and the Balfour Declaration.; BJL     
      British policy towards Syria & Palestine 1906-1914 : a study of the antecedents of the Hussein-the [s BJL  BOOK 1980
DS63.2.G7 K46 2011 : Moguls and mandarins [electronic resource] : oil, imperialism and the Middle East in British foreign policy 1900-1940 / Marian Kent.; Online materials     
      Moguls and mandarins [electronic resource] : oil, imperialism and the Middle East in British foreign Online materials  EBOOKS 2011
DS 63.2 G7 K6 : Foundations of British policy in the Arab world : the Cairo Conference of 1921.; BJL     
      Foundations of British policy in the Arab world : the Cairo Conference of 1921. BJL  BOOK 1970
DS 63.2 G7 L8 : The British Empire in the Middle East, 1945-1951 : Arab nationalism, the United States and postwar imperialism.; BJL     
      The British Empire in the Middle East, 1945-1951 : Arab nationalism, the United States and postwar im BJL  BOOK 1984
DS 63.2 G7 L9 : A road to Damascus : mainly diplomatic memoirs from the Middle East / Ivor Lucas.; BJL     
      A road to Damascus : mainly diplomatic memoirs from the Middle East / Ivor Lucas. BJL  BOOK 1997
DS 63.2 G7 M7 : Britain's moment in the Middle East, 1914-1956.; BJL     
      Britain's moment in the Middle East, 1914-1956. BJL  BOOK c1963
DS 63.2 G7 P3 : In the name of oil : Anglo-American relations in the Middle East, 1950-1958 / Ivan L.G. Pearson.; BJL     
      In the name of oil : Anglo-American relations in the Middle East, 1950-1958 / Ivan L.G. Pearson. BJL  BOOK 2010
DS 63.2 G7 P4 : The Middle East between the great powers : Anglo-American conflict and cooperation, 1952-7.; BJL     
      The Middle East between the great powers : Anglo-American conflict and cooperation, 1952-7. BJL  BOOK 2000
DS63.2.G7 W4 : What next for Britain in the Middle East? : security, trade and foreign policy after Brexit / edited by Christopher Phillips and Michael Stephens.; BJL     
      What next for Britain in the Middle East? : security, trade and foreign policy after Brexit / edited BJL  BOOK 2022
DS 63.2 G7 W5 : The Arab Bureau : British policy in the Middle East, 1916-1920.; BJL     
      The Arab Bureau : British policy in the Middle East, 1916-1920. BJL  BOOK 1992
DS 63.2 I8 A6 : Fascist Italy and the Middle East, 1933-40 / Nir Arielli.; BJL     
      Fascist Italy and the Middle East, 1933-40 / Nir Arielli. BJL  BOOK c2010
DS 63.2 R9 F8    
      Moscow and the Middle East : Soviet policy since the invasion of Afghanistan / R.O. Freedman, P. Meye BJL  BOOK 1991
      Soviet policy toward the Middle East since 1970. BJL  BOOK 1982
DS 63.2 R9 G5 : Arms for the Arabs : the Soviet Union and war in the Middle East.; BJL     
      Arms for the Arabs : the Soviet Union and war in the Middle East. BJL  BOOK 1975
DS 63.2 R9 G6 : Soviet policies in the Middle East : from World War Two to Gorbachev.; BJL     
      Soviet policies in the Middle East : from World War Two to Gorbachev. BJL  BOOK 1990
DS 63.2 R9 L3 : The Soviet Union and the Middle East.; BJL     
      The Soviet Union and the Middle East. BJL  BOOK 1959
DS 63.2 R9 L5 : Soviet advances in the Middle East.; BJL     
      Soviet advances in the Middle East. BJL  BOOK 1972
DS 63.2 R9 M1    
      The Middle East in Soviet policy. BJL  BOOK 1975
      Soviet-Middle East relations. BJL  BOOK 1973
DS 63.2 R9 P4 : The U.S.S.R. and the Arabs : the ideological dimension.; BJL     
      The U.S.S.R. and the Arabs : the ideological dimension. BJL  BOOK 1973
DS63.2.R9 .R835 1977eb : Red star on the Nile : the Soviet-Egyptian influence relationship since the June war / by Alvin Z. Rubinstein.; Online materials     
      Red star on the Nile : the Soviet-Egyptian influence relationship since the June war / by Alvin Z. Ru Online materials  EBOOKS 1977
DS 63.2 R9 S6 : The Soviet Union and the Arab East under Khrushchev.; BJL     
      The Soviet Union and the Arab East under Khrushchev. BJL  BOOK 1974
DS 63.2 R9 S73    
      Commonwealth of independent states and the Middle East. BJL  PERIODICAL 1997
      The Soviet Union and the Middle East : a monthly summary and analysis of the Soviet Press. BJL  PERIODICAL 1992
DS 63.2 R9 Y5 : Arab politics in the Soviet mirror.; BJL     
      Arab politics in the Soviet mirror. BJL  BOOK 1973
DS 63.2 T8 K2 : Arabs and Young Turks : Ottomanism, Arabism, and Islamism in the Ottoman Empire, 1908-1918.; BJL     
      Arabs and Young Turks : Ottomanism, Arabism, and Islamism in the Ottoman Empire, 1908-1918. BJL  BOOK 1997
DS63.2.U5 : US approaches to the Arab uprisings [electronic resource] / international relations and democracy promotion / edited by Amentahru Wahlrab, Michael J. McNeal.; Online materials     
      US approaches to the Arab uprisings [electronic resource] / international relations and democracy pro Online materials  EBOOKS 2020
DS 63.2 U5 A8 : Eisenhower, Macmillan and the problem of Nasser : Anglo-American relations and Arab nationalism, 1955-59.; BJL     
      Eisenhower, Macmillan and the problem of Nasser : Anglo-American relations and Arab nationalism, 1955 BJL  BOOK 1996
DS 63.2 U5 B1    
      The American approach to the Arab world. BJL  BOOK 1968
      America's war for the greater Middle East : a military history / Andrew J. Bacevich. BJL  BOOK 2017
DS 63.2 U5 B3 : US foreign policy in the Middle East : the roots of anti-americanism / Kylie Baxter and Shahram Akbarzadeh.; BJL     
      US foreign policy in the Middle East : the roots of anti-americanism / Kylie Baxter and Shahram Akbar BJL  BOOK 2008
DS63.2.U5 C55 2017 : Envisioning the Arab future : modernization in U.S.-Arab relations, 1945-1967 / Nathan Citino, Rice University.; BJL     
      Envisioning the Arab future : modernization in U.S.-Arab relations, 1945-1967 / Nathan Citino, Rice U BJL  BOOK 2017
DS 63.2 U5 C6 : The Cold War in the Middle East : regional conflict and the superpowers, 1967-73 / edited by Nigel J. Ashton.; BJL     
      The Cold War in the Middle East : regional conflict and the superpowers, 1967-73 / edited by Nigel J. BJL  BOOK 2007
DS 63.2 U5 C7    
      Controlling the uncontrollable? : the great powers in the Middle East / edited by Tore T. Petersen. BJL  BOOK c2006
      Payback : America's long war in the Middle East. BJL  BOOK 1991
DS 63.2 U5 D1 : The limits of détente : the United States, the Soviet Union, and the Arab-Israeli conflict, 1969-1973 / Craig Daigle.; BJL     
      The limits of détente : the United States, the Soviet Union, and the Arab-Israeli conflict, 196 BJL  BOOK c2012
DS63.2.U5 D34 2012eb : The limits of détente : the United States, the Soviet Union, and the Arab-Israeli conflict, 1969-1973 / Craig Daigle.; Online materials     
      The limits of détente : the United States, the Soviet Union, and the Arab-Israeli conflict, 196 Online materials  EBOOKS 2012
DS 63.2 U5 E3 : Stability in the Middle East.; BJL     
      Stability in the Middle East. BJL  BOOK  
DS63.2.U5 E38 2016 : After the American century : the ends of U.S. culture in the Middle East / Brian T. Edwards.; Online materials     
      After the American century : the ends of U.S. culture in the Middle East / Brian T. Edwards. Online materials  EBOOKS 2016
DS 63.2 U5 E8 : European-American relations and the Middle East : from Suez to Iraq / edited by Daniel Möckli and Victor Mauer.; BJL     
      European-American relations and the Middle East : from Suez to Iraq / edited by Daniel Möckli a BJL  BOOK 2011
DS 63.2 U5 F5 : Pioneers east : the early American experience in the Middle East.; BJL     
      Pioneers east : the early American experience in the Middle East. BJL  BOOK
DS63.2.U5 F69 2018 : More than a doctrine : the Eisenhower era in the Middle East / Randall Fowler ; foreword by Martin J. Medhurst.; Online materials     
      More than a doctrine : the Eisenhower era in the Middle East / Randall Fowler ; foreword by Martin J. Online materials  EBOOKS 2018
DS 63.2 U5 F8    
      Dawn over Suez : the rise of American power in the Middle East, 1953-1957. BJL  BOOK 1992
      The USA and the Middle East since World War 2. BJL  BOOK 1989
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