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F 1401 U54 R4(42) : Health, hygiene and sanitation in Latin America, c.1870 to c.1950.; BJL     
      Health, hygiene and sanitation in Latin America, c.1870 to c.1950. BJL  BOOK 1996
F 1401 U54 R4(43) : State, gender and institutional change in Cuba's "special period" : the Federacion de Mujeres Cubanas.; BJL     
      State, gender and institutional change in Cuba's "special period" : the Federacion de Mujeres Cubanas BJL  BOOK 1996
F 1401 U54 R4(44) : Britain and Latin America : "Hope in a time of change?" / Louise Fawcett and Eduardo Posada-Carbo.; BJL     
      Britain and Latin America : "Hope in a time of change?" / Louise Fawcett and Eduardo Posada-Carbo. BJL  BOOK 1996
F 1401 U54 R4(45) : The Viva Rio movement : the struggle for peace.; BJL     
      The Viva Rio movement : the struggle for peace. BJL  BOOK 1996
F 1401 U54 R4(46) : The Paraguayan war : 1864-1870.; BJL     
      The Paraguayan war : 1864-1870. BJL  BOOK 1996
F 1401 U54 R4(47) : Military political identity and reformism in independent Mexico : an analysis of the Memorias de Guerra (1821-1855).; BJL     
      Military political identity and reformism in independent Mexico : an analysis of the Memorias de Guer BJL  BOOK 1996
F 1401 U54 R4(48) : Customary law and democratic transition in Guatemala.; BJL     
      Customary law and democratic transition in Guatemala. BJL  BOOK 1997
F 1401 U54 R4(49) : Reforming the state : business, unions and regions in Brazil / edited by Maria D'Alva Gil Kinzo.; BJL     
      Reforming the state : business, unions and regions in Brazil / edited by Maria D'Alva Gil Kinzo. BJL  BOOK 1997
F 1401 U54 R4(51) : New regionalism and Latin America : the case of MERCOSUL.; BJL     
      New regionalism and Latin America : the case of MERCOSUL. BJL  BOOK 1999
F 1401 U54 R4(52) : Fray Juan de Santa Gertrudis and the marvels of New Granada.; BJL     
      Fray Juan de Santa Gertrudis and the marvels of New Granada. BJL  BOOK 1999
F 1401 U56 N1 / q : Latin American and Iberian Institute : Nafta-Mercosur working paper series.; BJL     
      Latin American and Iberian Institute : Nafta-Mercosur working paper series. BJL  PERIODICAL 2001
F 1401 U56 O1(1) / q : The Chilean military under authoritarian rule, 1973-1987.; BJL     
      The Chilean military under authoritarian rule, 1973-1987. BJL  BOOK 1988
F 1401 U56 O1(2) / q : A description of rare and important Medina imprints in the University of New Mexico Library / by R. Davidson and J.T. Medina.; BJL     
      A description of rare and important Medina imprints in the University of New Mexico Library / by R. D BJL  BOOK 1988
F 1401 U56 O1(3) / q : The military in Ecuador : policies and politics of authoritarian rule.; BJL     
      The military in Ecuador : policies and politics of authoritarian rule. BJL  BOOK 1988
F 1401 U56 O1(4) / q : The Canudos War Collection.; BJL     
      The Canudos War Collection. BJL  BOOK 1990
F 1401 U56 O1(5) / q : OAXACA : a critical bibliography of rare and specialized materials in the University of New Mexico's general library / edited by C.L. Benaud and O.E. Delepiani.; BJL     
      OAXACA : a critical bibliography of rare and specialized materials in the University of New Mexico's BJL  BOOK 1992
F 1401 U56 O1(6) / q : Between two worlds : the decline and fall of a failed U.S. foreign policy initiative.; BJL     
      Between two worlds : the decline and fall of a failed U.S. foreign policy initiative. BJL  BOOK 1995
F 1401 U58(1) / q : Bureaucracy and the unmanaged forest commons in Costa Rica.; BJL     
      Bureaucracy and the unmanaged forest commons in Costa Rica. BJL  BOOK 1979
F 1401 U58(10) / q : Peasants, capitalists and the state : Mexico's changing agricultural policies and the "Hungarian project".; BJL     
      Peasants, capitalists and the state : Mexico's changing agricultural policies and the "Hungarian proj BJL  BOOK 1982
F 1401 U58(11) / q : Black labor on a white canal : West Indians in Panama, 1904-1980.; BJL     
      Black labor on a white canal : West Indians in Panama, 1904-1980. BJL  BOOK 1983
F 1401 U58(12) / q : Conservation and indigenous human land use in the Rio Platano watershed, northeast Honduras.; BJL     
      Conservation and indigenous human land use in the Rio Platano watershed, northeast Honduras. BJL  BOOK 1983
F 1401 U58(13) / q : Comparing media use and political orientation among squatter settlers of two Latin American countries [Peru and Ecuador].; BJL     
      Comparing media use and political orientation among squatter settlers of two Latin American countries BJL  BOOK 1983
F 1401 U58(14) / q : Ancient Maya settlement patterns at the site of Sayil, Puuc Region, Yucatan, Mexico : initial reconnaissance (1983) / by J.A. Sabloff ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Ancient Maya settlement patterns at the site of Sayil, Puuc Region, Yucatan, Mexico : initial reconna BJL  BOOK 1984
F 1401 U58(15) / q : Final field report of the Matacapan archaeological project : the 1982 season.; BJL     
      Final field report of the Matacapan archaeological project : the 1982 season. BJL  BOOK 1984
F 1401 U58(16) / q : Canto porque es necesario cantar : the new song movement in Chile, 1973-1983.; BJL     
      Canto porque es necesario cantar : the new song movement in Chile, 1973-1983. BJL  BOOK 1984
F 1401 U58(17) / q : Settlement and community patterns at Sayil, Yucatan, Mexico : the 1984 season / by J.A. Sabloff ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Settlement and community patterns at Sayil, Yucatan, Mexico : the 1984 season / by J.A. Sabloff ... [ BJL  BOOK 1985
F 1401 U58(18) / q : An analysis of inflation in the small, open economy of Costa Rica.; BJL     
      An analysis of inflation in the small, open economy of Costa Rica. BJL  BOOK 1986
F 1401 U58(19) / q : The social and environmental effects of the palm-oil industry of the Oriente of Ecuador.; BJL     
      The social and environmental effects of the palm-oil industry of the Oriente of Ecuador. BJL  BOOK 1987
F 1401 U58(2) / q : The political economy of drug trafficking : the Herrera organization (Mexico and the United States) / P.A. Lupsha and K. Schlegel.; BJL     
      The political economy of drug trafficking : the Herrera organization (Mexico and the United States) / BJL  BOOK 1980
F 1401 U58(20) / q : Perceptions of Spanish-English code-switching in Juarez, Mexico.; BJL     
      Perceptions of Spanish-English code-switching in Juarez, Mexico. BJL  BOOK 1988
F 1401 U58(21) / q : Ceramic production and consumption in the Sierra de los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico.; BJL     
      Ceramic production and consumption in the Sierra de los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico. BJL  BOOK 1988
F 1401 U58(22) / q : Undocumented migration to the United States : can the flow be stemmed?; BJL     
      Undocumented migration to the United States : can the flow be stemmed? BJL  BOOK 1989
F 1401 U58(23) / q : Mexican immigrant labor : an alternative analysis and policy proposal.; BJL     
      Mexican immigrant labor : an alternative analysis and policy proposal. BJL  BOOK 1989
F 1401 U58(24) / q : On the non-Creole basis for Afro-Caribbean Spanish.; BJL     
      On the non-Creole basis for Afro-Caribbean Spanish. BJL  BOOK 1993
F 1401 U58(25) / q : Treasures of the "Mama Huaca" : oral tradition and ecological consciousness in Chinchaysuyu.; BJL     
      Treasures of the "Mama Huaca" : oral tradition and ecological consciousness in Chinchaysuyu. BJL  BOOK 1993
F 1401 U58(26) / q : A new perspective on Afro-Dominican Spanish : the Haitian contribution.; BJL     
      A new perspective on Afro-Dominican Spanish : the Haitian contribution. BJL  BOOK 1994
F 1401 U58(27) / q : Issues of otherness and identity in the works of Izqierdo, Kahlo, Artaud and Breton.; BJL     
      Issues of otherness and identity in the works of Izqierdo, Kahlo, Artaud and Breton. BJL  BOOK 1996
F 1401 U58(28) / q : Chinese immigrants in Porfirian Mexico : a preliminary study of settlement, economic activity and anti-Chinese sentiment.; BJL     
      Chinese immigrants in Porfirian Mexico : a preliminary study of settlement, economic activity and ant BJL  BOOK 1996
F 1401 U58(29) / q : The economic context of the Mexican crisis.; BJL     
      The economic context of the Mexican crisis. BJL  BOOK 1996
F 1401 U58(3) / q : Employment, unemployment, and underemployment in Latin America.; BJL     
      Employment, unemployment, and underemployment in Latin America. BJL  BOOK 1981
F 1401 U58(31) / q : The delegitimation of land tenure in tropical Peten, Guatemala.; BJL     
      The delegitimation of land tenure in tropical Peten, Guatemala. BJL  BOOK 1998
F 1401 U58(32) / q : The making of an indigenous movement : culture ethnicity, and post-Marxist social praxis in Ecuador.; BJL     
      The making of an indigenous movement : culture ethnicity, and post-Marxist social praxis in Ecuador. BJL  BOOK 2000
F 1401 U58(33) / q : Nicaraguan gay and lesbian rights and the sex of post-Sandinismo.; BJL     
      Nicaraguan gay and lesbian rights and the sex of post-Sandinismo. BJL  BOOK 2000
F 1401 U58(34) / q : "Ni chicha ni limonada" : depictions of the mulatto woman in Cuban tobacco art.; BJL     
      "Ni chicha ni limonada" : depictions of the mulatto woman in Cuban tobacco art. BJL  BOOK 2000
F 1401 U58(35) / q : 'No somos nada' : ethnicity and three dominant and contradictory indegenist discourses in Costa Rica.; BJL     
      'No somos nada' : ethnicity and three dominant and contradictory indegenist discourses in Costa Rica. BJL  BOOK 2000
F 1401 U58(36) / q : Chicano artists and neo-Mexicanists : (de) constructions of national identity.; BJL     
      Chicano artists and neo-Mexicanists : (de) constructions of national identity. BJL  BOOK 2000
F 1401 U58(37) / q : Society, culture, and heroes : depictions of Cuban heroine Mariana Grajales Cuello, 1893-2000.; BJL     
      Society, culture, and heroes : depictions of Cuban heroine Mariana Grajales Cuello, 1893-2000. BJL  BOOK 2001
F 1401 U58(38) / q : Pre-paid phone cards, "cosas", and photos of the saints : transnational santeria practices in a southwest city.; BJL     
      Pre-paid phone cards, "cosas", and photos of the saints : transnational santeria practices in a south BJL  BOOK 2002
F 1401 U58(39) / q : Maquila employment and fertility in Mexicali, Mexico : a study of the dynamics of productive and reproductive relations / Robert Fiala and Susan Tiano.; BJL     
      Maquila employment and fertility in Mexicali, Mexico : a study of the dynamics of productive and repr BJL  BOOK 2003
F 1401 U58(4) / q : The challenge to democratic reformism in Ecuador / J. Levy and N.D. Mills.; BJL     
      The challenge to democratic reformism in Ecuador / J. Levy and N.D. Mills. BJL  BOOK 1981
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