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F 1435 V9 : World of the Maya.; BJL     
      World of the Maya. BJL  BOOK 1960
F 1435 W3 : The fall of the ancient Maya : solving the mystery of the Maya collapse.; BJL     
      The fall of the ancient Maya : solving the mystery of the Maya collapse. BJL  BOOK 2002
F 1435.1 C5 C5 / q : Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, México : Sylvanus G. Morley, 1946 / edited by John M. Weeks, Nuria Matarredona Desantes.; BJL     
      Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, México : Sylvanus G. Morley, 1946 / edited by John M. BJL  BOOK 2015
F1435.1.C5 L36 2018 : Landscapes of the Itza : archaeology and art history at Chichen Itza and neighboring sites / edited by Linnea Wren, Cynthia Kristan-Graham, Travis Nygard, and Kaylee Spencer.; Online materials     
      Landscapes of the Itza : archaeology and art history at Chichen Itza and neighboring sites / edited b Online materials  EBOOKS 2018
F 1435.1 C7 C7 : Copán : the history of an ancient Maya kingdom / edited by E. Wyllys Andrews and William L. Fash.; BJL     
      Copán : the history of an ancient Maya kingdom / edited by E. Wyllys Andrews and William L. Fa BJL  BOOK 2005
F 1435.1 C7 F2 : Scribes, warriors and kings : the city of Copán and the ancient Maya / William L. Fash ; drawings by Barbara W. Fash.; BJL     
      Scribes, warriors and kings : the city of Copán and the ancient Maya / William L. Fash ; drawin BJL  BOOK 1991
F 1435.1 M4 P7 : Mayapan, Yucatan, Mexico / edited by H.E.D.Pollock [and others].; BJL     
      Mayapan, Yucatan, Mexico / edited by H.E.D.Pollock [and others]. BJL  BOOK 1962
F 1435.1 P2 P2 : Palenque : recent investigations at the classic Maya center / edited by Damien B. Marken.; BJL     
      Palenque : recent investigations at the classic Maya center / edited by Damien B. Marken. BJL  BOOK c2007
F 1435.1 P2 S9 : Palenque : eternal city of the Maya / David Stuart & George Stuart.; BJL     
      Palenque : eternal city of the Maya / David Stuart & George Stuart. BJL  BOOK c2008
F 1435.1 T5 T5 : Tikal : dynasties, foreigners & affairs of state : advancing Maya archaeology / edited by Jeremy A. Sabloff.; BJL     
      Tikal : dynasties, foreigners & affairs of state : advancing Maya archaeology / edited by Jeremy A. S BJL  BOOK 2003
F 1435.1 Y89 A6 / q : The archaeology of Yucatán / edited by Travis W. Stanton.; BJL     
      The archaeology of Yucatán / edited by Travis W. Stanton. BJL  BOOK 2014
F 1435.3 A6 C6 / q : Royal cities of the ancient Maya / Michael D. Coe ; photographs by Barry Brukoff.; BJL     
      Royal cities of the ancient Maya / Michael D. Coe ; photographs by Barry Brukoff. BJL  BOOK 2012
F 1435.3 A7 M6 : Maya art and architecture.; BJL     
      Maya art and architecture. BJL  BOOK c1999
F 1435.3 E27 A5 : Ancient Maya political economies / edited by Marilyn A. Masson, David A. Freidel.; BJL     
      Ancient Maya political economies / edited by Marilyn A. Masson, David A. Freidel. BJL  BOOK c2002
F 1435.3 E74 M8 / q : Food, fire and fragrance : a paleoethnobotanical perspective on classic Maya cave rituals / Christopher T. Morehart.; BJL     
      Food, fire and fragrance : a paleoethnobotanical perspective on classic Maya cave rituals / Christoph BJL  BOOK 2011
F 1435.3 P6 V9    
      A Belgian contribution to the world's historical inheritance : the deciphering of Mayan hieroglyphic BJL  BOOK 1973
      Bijdrage van Belgie tot het geschiedkundig wereldpatrimonium. BJL  BOOK 1973
F 1435.3 P8 M4 : The Maya and their Central American neighbors : settlement patterns, architecture, hieroglyphic texts, and ceramics / edited by Geoffrey E. Braswell.; BJL     
      The Maya and their Central American neighbors : settlement patterns, architecture, hieroglyphic texts BJL  BOOK 2014
F 1435.3 R3 C9 : Crosscurrents in indigenous spirituality : interface of Maya, Catholic, and Protestant worldviews / edited by Guillermo Cook.; BJL     
      Crosscurrents in indigenous spirituality : interface of Maya, Catholic, and Protestant worldviews / e BJL  BOOK 1997
F 1435.3 R3 H2 : Converting words : Maya in the age of the cross / William F. Hanks.; BJL     
      Converting words : Maya in the age of the cross / William F. Hanks. BJL  BOOK c2010
F1435.3.S68 H86 2015eb : Human adaptation in ancient Mesoamerica : empirical approaches to Mesoamerican archaeology / edited by Nancy Gonlin and Kirk D. French.; Online materials     
      Human adaptation in ancient Mesoamerica : empirical approaches to Mesoamerican archaeology / edited b Online materials  EBOOKS 2015
F 1435.3 S7 B6 / q : Constructing 'commoner' identity in an Ancient Maya village : class, status, and ritual at the Northeast Group, Chan Belize / Chelsea Blackmore.; BJL     
      Constructing 'commoner' identity in an Ancient Maya village : class, status, and ritual at the Northe BJL  BOOK 2014
F 1436 C3 : Central America / edited by J.L. Flora and E. Torres-Rivas.; BJL     
      Central America / edited by J.L. Flora and E. Torres-Rivas. BJL  BOOK 1989
F 1436 W9 : Central America : a nation divided.; BJL     
      Central America : a nation divided. BJL  BOOK 1976
F 1436.8 U6 B5 : What's wrong in Central America and what to do about it.; BJL     
      What's wrong in Central America and what to do about it. BJL  BOOK 1984
F 1436.8 U6 C6 : The business of empire : United Fruit, race, and U.S. expansion in Central America / Jason M. Colby.; Departmental Locations     
      The business of empire : United Fruit, race, and U.S. expansion in Central America / Jason M. Colby. Departmental Locations  BOOK 2011
F 1436.8 U6 L1    
      Inevitable revolutions : the United States in Central America. BJL  BOOK 1984
      Inevitable revolutions : the United States in Central America. BJL  BOOK c1993
F 1436.8 U6 L5 : Our own backyard : the United States in Central America, 1977-1992 / William M. LeoGrande.; BJL     
      Our own backyard : the United States in Central America, 1977-1992 / William M. LeoGrande. BJL  BOOK 1998
F 1436.8 U6 S3 : The United States in Central America, 1860-1911 : episodes of social imperialism and imperial rivalry in the world system.; BJL     
      The United States in Central America, 1860-1911 : episodes of social imperialism and imperial rivalry BJL  BOOK 1991
F 1437 A4 : An account of the conquest of Guatemala in 1524.; BJL     
      An account of the conquest of Guatemala in 1524. BJL  BOOK 1972
F 1438 D9 : Power in the Isthmus : a political history of modern Central America.; BJL     
      Power in the Isthmus : a political history of modern Central America. BJL  BOOK 1988
F 1438 K1 : The failure of union : Central America,1824-1960.; BJL     
      The failure of union : Central America,1824-1960. BJL  BOOK 1961
F 1438 L7 : Radical thought in Central America.; BJL     
      Radical thought in Central America. BJL  BOOK 1991
F 1438 W7 : Anglo-American Isthmian diplomacy,1815-1915.; BJL     
      Anglo-American Isthmian diplomacy,1815-1915. BJL  BOOK 1965
F 1439.5 B6 : The good neighbor : how the United States wrote the history of Central America and the Caribbean.; BJL     
      The good neighbor : how the United States wrote the history of Central America and the Caribbean. BJL  BOOK 1988
F 1439.5 B7    
      Understanding Central America / John A. Booth, Thomas W. Walker. BJL  BOOK 1993
      Understanding central America / J.A. Booth, T.W. Walker. BJL  BOOK 1989
F 1439.5 C3    
      Central America : anatomy of conflict / edited by R.S. Leiken. BJL  BOOK 1984
      Central America : crisis and adaptation / edited by S.C. Ropp and J.A. Morris. BJL  BOOK 1984
      The Central American crisis : sources of conflict and the failure of U.S. policy / edited by Kenneth BJL  BOOK 1985
      The Central American impasse / edited by G. Di Palma and L. Whitehead. BJL  BOOK 1986
F 1439.5 C5 : The Central American peace process, 1983-1991 : sheathing swords, building confidence.; BJL     
      The Central American peace process, 1983-1991 : sheathing swords, building confidence. BJL  BOOK 1992
F 1439.5 C9 : Crisis in Central America : regional dynamics and U.S. Policy in the 1980s / edited by Nora Hamilton ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Crisis in Central America : regional dynamics and U.S. Policy in the 1980s / edited by Nora Hamilton BJL  BOOK 1988
F 1439.5 D9 : The pacification of Central America : political change in the Isthmus, 1987-1993.; BJL     
      The pacification of Central America : political change in the Isthmus, 1987-1993. BJL  BOOK 1994
F 1439.5 I6 / q : Force without reason : a view of the conflict in Central America : report on the visit of Inter Church Action for Central America in February 1984.; BJL     
      Force without reason : a view of the conflict in Central America : report on the visit of Inter Churc BJL  BOOK 1984
F 1439.5 P7 : Political change in Central America : internal and external dimensions.; BJL     
      Political change in Central America : internal and external dimensions. BJL  BOOK 1984
F 1439.5 R4 : Revolution and counter revolution in Central America and the Caribbean / edited by D.E. Schulz and D.H. Graham.; BJL     
      Revolution and counter revolution in Central America and the Caribbean / edited by D.E. Schulz and D. BJL  BOOK 1984
F 1439.5 T4 : Third world instability : Central America as a European-American issue / A.J. Pierre, editor.; BJL     
      Third world instability : Central America as a European-American issue / A.J. Pierre, editor. BJL  BOOK 1985
F 1439.5 T7 : Towards an alternative for Central America and the Caribbean / edited by G. Irvin and X. Gorostiaga.; BJL     
      Towards an alternative for Central America and the Caribbean / edited by G. Irvin and X. Gorostiaga. BJL  BOOK 1985
F 1443 A5 : Brief sketch of British Honduras.; BJL     
      Brief sketch of British Honduras. BJL  BOOK 1944
F 1443.3 C3 : British Honduras.; BJL     
      British Honduras. BJL  BOOK 1961
F 1443.3 S9 : British Honduras.; BJL     
      British Honduras. BJL  BOOK 1957
F 1446 H9 : The diplomatic history of British Honduras, 1638-1901.; BJL     
      The diplomatic history of British Honduras, 1638-1901. BJL  BOOK 1961
F 1446 W1 : British Honduras : a historical and contemporary survey : issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of Intetaional Affairs.; BJL     
      British Honduras : a historical and contemporary survey : issued under the auspices of the Royal Inst BJL  BOOK 1961
F 1448 G7 : The making of modern Belize : politics society and British colonialism in central America.; BJL     
      The making of modern Belize : politics society and British colonialism in central America. BJL  BOOK 1976
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