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G 2 C53 R4(107) : Waterway industrial sites : a Chicago case study.; BJL  1966 1
G 2 C53 R4(108) : The Dodecanese : diversity and unity in island politics.; BJL  1966 1
G 2 C53 R4(109) : Environmental perception and behavior.; BJL  1967 1
G 2 C53 R4(110) : Areal interaction in India : commodity flows of the Bengal-Bihar industrial area.; BJL  1967 1
G 2 C53 R4(112) : Private redevelopment of the central city : spatial processes of structural change in the city of Toronto.; BJL  1967 1
G 2 C53 R4(113) : Service centres and consumer trips : studies on the Philadelphia metropolitan fringe / by J.E. Brush and H.L. Gauthier.; BJL  1968 1
G 2 C53(R4(114) : The cultural ecology of a Chinese village : Cameron Highlands, Malaysa (sic. ie. Malaysia).; BJL  1968 1
G 2 C53 R4(115) : The human ecology of coastal flood hazard in metralopolis / by I. Burton, R.W. Kates and R.E. Snead.; BJL  1969 1
G 2 C53 R4(116) : Factorial ecology of metropolitan Toronto, 1951-1961.; BJL  1969 1
G 2 C53 R4(117) : Perception of choice and factors affecting industrial water supply decisions in Northeastern Illinois.; BJL  1969 1
G 2 C53 R4(118) : The nature of nomadism : a comparative study of pastoral migrations in Southwestern Asia and Northern Africa.; BJL  1969 1
G 2 C53 R4(119) : Locational factors and locational developments in the Soviet chemical industry.; BJL  1969 1
G 2 C53 R4(120) : The political element in the port geography of Trieste.; BJL  1969 1
G 2 C53 R4(122) : Coastal landforms of Cat Islands, Bahamas.; BJL  1969 1
G 2 C53 R4(123) : China : area, administration and nation building.; BJL  1969 1
G 2 C53 R4(124) : The spatial behavior of hospital patients.; BJL  1970 1
G 2 C53 R4(125) : Managing the Rio Grande : an experience in international river development.; BJL  1970 1
G 2 C53 R4(126) : Urban water supply alternatives : perception and choice in the Grand Basin, Ontario.; BJL  1970 1
G 2 C53 R4(127) : Victorian Toronto, 1850-1900.; BJL  1970 1
G 2 C53 R4(128) : Rural markets and trade in East Africa.; BJL  1970 1
G 2 C53 R4(129) : Spatial variation of black urban households.; BJL  1970 1
G 2 C53 R4(13) : Areal pattern of religious institutions in Cincinnati.; BJL  1950 1
G 2 C53 R4(130) : Meseta and Campina landforms in central Spain : a geomorphology of the alto Henares basin.; BJL  1971 1
G 2 C53 R4(131) : Reservation to city : Indian migration and federal relocation.; BJL  1971 1
G 2 C53 R4(132) : Mobility and the small town, 1900-1930 : transportation change in Oregon, Illinois.; BJL  1971 1
G 2 C53 R4(133) : Migration and regional development in the United States, 1950-1960.; BJL  1971 1
G 2 C53 R4(134) : Heart disease, cancer and stroke in Chicago.; BJL  1971 1
G 2 C53 R4(135) : Renovated waste water : an alternative source of municipal water supply in the United States.; BJL  1971 1
G 2 C53 R4(136) : Recent history of an Ethiopian delta : the Omo River and the level of Lake Rudolf.; BJL  1971 1
G 2 C53 R4(137) : Annotated world list of selected current geographical serials in English, French and German.; BJL  1971 1
G 2 C53 R4(138) : International list of geographical serials / compiled by C.D. Harris, J.D. Fellmann and J.A. Licate.; BJL  1971 1
G 2 C53 R4(139) : European impressions of the New England coast, 1497-1620.; BJL  1972 1
G 2 C53 R4(140) : Diffusion of an innovation in an urban system.; BJL  1972 1
G 2 C53 R4(141) : The Indian hill-station : Kodaikanal.; BJL  1972 1
G 2 C53 R4(142) : The open space decision process : spatial allocation of costs and benefits.; BJL  1972 1
G 2 C53 R4(143) : The residential location and spatial behavior of the elderly : a Canadian example.; BJL  1972 1
G 2 C53 R4(144) : T'ai Chung, T'ai-Wan : structureand function.; BJL  1973 1
G 2 C53 R4(145) : Regional incomes in the United States, 1929-1967 : level distribution, stability and growth.; BJL  1972 1
G 2 C53 R4(147) : Language shift among migrants to Lima.; BJL  1973 1
G 2 C53 R4(148) : Jabal al-Akhdar, Cyrenica : an historical geography of settlement and livelihood.; BJL  1973 1
G 2 C53 R4(149) : National development policy and urban transformation in Singapore.; BJL  1973 1
G 2 C53 R4(150) : Location critieria for high schools : student transportation and racial integration.; BJL  1973 1
G 2 C53 R4(151) : Residence employment, and mobility of Puerto Ricans in New York City.; BJL  1974 1
G 2 C53 R4(152) : Geographers abroad : essays on the problems and prospects of research in foreign areas / edited by M.W.Mikesell.; BJL  1973 1
G 2 C53 R4(153) : Area, development policy and the middle city in Malaysia.; BJL  1974 1
G 2 C53 R4(154) : The domestic air transportation network of the United States.; BJL  1974 1
G 2 C53 R4(155) : Land use, urban form and environmental quality.; BJL  1974 1
G 2 C53 R4(156) : Community response to coastal erosion : individual and collective adjustments to hazard on the Atlantic shore.; BJL  1974 1
G 2 C53 R4(157) : Spatial dynamics of business growth in Witwatersand.; BJL  1975 1
G 2 C53 R4(158) : The evolution of the unit train, 1960-1969.; BJL  1976 1
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