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HB 1 U58 R4(36) : Economic analysis of tax harmonization.; BJL     
      Economic analysis of tax harmonization. BJL  BOOK 1968?
HB 1 U58 R4(42) : Rebuilding or renovation?; BJL     
      Rebuilding or renovation? BJL  BOOK 1960
HB 1 U58 R4(81) : The economics of population growth and control in developing countries.; BJL     
      The economics of population growth and control in developing countries. BJL  BOOK  
HB 1 U58 R4(87) : Public policy and the scrutiny of taxation.; BJL     
      Public policy and the scrutiny of taxation. BJL  BOOK 1970
HB 1 V95 : Voprosy ekonomiki.; BJL     
      Voprosy ekonomiki. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HB 1 W17 R4 / q : Research and discussion papers in economics, finance and politics/ University of Wales. Institute of Science and Technology.; BJL     
      Research and discussion papers in economics, finance and politics/ University of Wales. Institute of BJL  PERIODICAL  
HB 1 W52    
      Economic inquiry/ Western Economic Association. BJL  PERIODICAL 2001
      Western economic journal. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HB 3 R45 : Revue economique.; BJL     
      Revue economique. BJL  Finance 2003
HB 5 O8 B4(2000/01) / q : Asset ownership and the threat to sell.; BJL     
      Asset ownership and the threat to sell. BJL  BOOK 2000
HB 5 O8 B4(2000/02) / q : Taxing perfectly mobile capital / Michael Braulke, Giacomo Corneo.; BJL     
      Taxing perfectly mobile capital / Michael Braulke, Giacomo Corneo. BJL  BOOK 2000
HB 5 O8 B4(2000/03) / q : Working in public and private firms / Giacomo Corneo and Rafael Rob.; BJL     
      Working in public and private firms / Giacomo Corneo and Rafael Rob. BJL  BOOK 2000
HB 5 O8 B4(2000/04) / q : Individual preferences for political redistribution : Giacomo Corneo and Hans Peter Grüner.; BJL     
      Individual preferences for political redistribution : Giacomo Corneo and Hans Peter Grüner. BJL  BOOK 2000
HB 5 O8 B4(2000/05) / q : Maturity transformation, bank risk, hedging, and central bank policy.; BJL     
      Maturity transformation, bank risk, hedging, and central bank policy. BJL  BOOK 2000
HB 5 O8 B4(2000/06) / q : Inequality and the state : comparing U.S. and German preferences.; BJL     
      Inequality and the state : comparing U.S. and German preferences. BJL  BOOK 2000
HB 5 O8 B4(2000/07) / q : Concepts of taxable income : the German contribution.; BJL     
      Concepts of taxable income : the German contribution. BJL  BOOK 2000
HB 5 O8 B4(2000/08) / q : Deskriptive Analyse von Häufigkeiten und Höhe gemeldeter Sturmschäden für die Jahre 1988-1998.; BJL     
      Deskriptive Analyse von Häufigkeiten und Höhe gemeldeter Sturmschäden für die BJL  BOOK
HB 5 O8 B4(2000/09) / q : Geschäftsprozessbasierte Simulation zur Produktionsplanung.; BJL     
      Geschäftsprozessbasierte Simulation zur Produktionsplanung. BJL  BOOK 2000
HB 5 O8 B4(2000/10) / q : Heuristiken zur Losgrössenplanung in PPS-Systemen / Christian Ortmann und Ingo Siebeking.; BJL     
      Heuristiken zur Losgrössenplanung in PPS-Systemen / Christian Ortmann und Ingo Siebeking. BJL  BOOK 2000
HB 5 O8 B4(2000/11) / q : Datenbankgestützte mehrstufige kapazitätsorientierte Losgrössenplanung / Christian Ortmann und Ingo Siebeking.; BJL     
      Datenbankgestützte mehrstufige kapazitätsorientierte Losgrössenplanung / Christian BJL  BOOK 2000
HB 5 O8 B4(2000/12) / q : Optimale Vertragsgestaltung im Franchising bei symmetrischer und asymmetrischer Kosten-information.; BJL     
      Optimale Vertragsgestaltung im Franchising bei symmetrischer und asymmetrischer Kosten-information. BJL  BOOK 2000
HB 5 O8 B4(2000/13) / q : The efficient side of progressive income taxation.; BJL     
      The efficient side of progressive income taxation. BJL  BOOK 2000
HB 5 O8 B4(2000/14) / q : Regressionsschätzung in geschichteten logistischen Grundgesamtheiten / Lothar Knüppel, Cristian Wieland.; BJL     
      Regressionsschätzung in geschichteten logistischen Grundgesamtheiten / Lothar Knüppel, Cr BJL  BOOK 2000
HB 5 O8 B4(2000/15) / q : Controlling chaos in higher-dimensional discrete maps with constant feedback.; BJL     
      Controlling chaos in higher-dimensional discrete maps with constant feedback. BJL  BOOK 2000
HB 5 O8 B4(2001/01) / q : Qualitative Prognosemethoden.; BJL     
      Qualitative Prognosemethoden. BJL  BOOK 2001
HB 5 O8 B4(2001/02) / q : Explaining exchange rate behavior with a genetic algorithm / Claudia Lawrenz, Frank H. Westerhoff.; BJL     
      Explaining exchange rate behavior with a genetic algorithm / Claudia Lawrenz, Frank H. Westerhoff. BJL  BOOK 2001
HB 5 O8 B4(2001/03) / q : Expectations driven distortions in the foreign exchange market.; BJL     
      Expectations driven distortions in the foreign exchange market. BJL  BOOK 2001
HB 5 O8 B4(2001/04) / q : Income inequality, risk, and the transfer principle : a questionnaire-experimental investigation / by Wulf Gaertner/Ceema Namazie.; BJL     
      Income inequality, risk, and the transfer principle : a questionnaire-experimental investigation / by BJL  BOOK 2001
HB 5 O8 B4(2001/05) / q : Choice and procedures / by Wulf Gaertner/Yongsheng Xu.; BJL     
      Choice and procedures / by Wulf Gaertner/Yongsheng Xu. BJL  BOOK 2001
HB 5 O8 B4(2001/06) / q : Are mergers necessary to realize synergies?; BJL     
      Are mergers necessary to realize synergies? BJL  BOOK 2001
HB 5 O8 B4(2001/07) / q : Alterssicherung, heterogene Humankapitalinvestitionen und Wirtschaftswachstum.; BJL     
      Alterssicherung, heterogene Humankapitalinvestitionen und Wirtschaftswachstum. BJL  BOOK 2001
HB 5 O8 B4(2001/08) / q : Zur Vertragsgestaltung in Agency-Beziehungen mit zweiseitigen Leistungen.; BJL     
      Zur Vertragsgestaltung in Agency-Beziehungen mit zweiseitigen Leistungen. BJL  BOOK 2001
HB 5 O8 B4(2001/09) / q : Work and television.; BJL     
      Work and television. BJL  BOOK 2001
HB 5 O8 B4(2001/10) / q : Speculative behavior and asset price dynamics.; BJL     
      Speculative behavior and asset price dynamics. BJL  BOOK 2001
HB 5 O8 B4(2001/11) / q : Speculative markets and the effectiveness of price limits.; BJL     
      Speculative markets and the effectiveness of price limits. BJL  BOOK 2001
HB 5 O8 B4(2002/02) / q : Unterstutzung von entrepreneurentscheidungen mittels analystischen hierarchie prozesses / byW. Ossadnik, D. Barklage and O. Leistert.; BJL     
      Unterstutzung von entrepreneurentscheidungen mittels analystischen hierarchie prozesses / byW. Ossadn BJL  BOOK 2002
HB 5 O8 B4(2002/03) / q : Central bank intervention and feedback traders.; BJL     
      Central bank intervention and feedback traders. BJL  BOOK 2002
HB 5 O8 B4(2002/04) / q : Hot potato dynamics.; BJL     
      Hot potato dynamics. BJL  BOOK 2002
HB 5 O8 B4(2002/05) / q : Anchoring and psychological barriers in foreign exchange markets.; BJL     
      Anchoring and psychological barriers in foreign exchange markets. BJL  BOOK 2002
HB 5 O8 B4(2002/06) / q : Controlling chaos in business economics systems using constant feedback.; BJL     
      Controlling chaos in business economics systems using constant feedback. BJL  BOOK 2002
HB 5 O8 B4(2003/01) / q : Multi-asset market dynamics.; BJL     
      Multi-asset market dynamics. BJL  BOOK 2003
HB 5 O8 B4(2003/02) / q : Exchange rate dynamics, central bank interventions and chaos control methods / by F.H. Westerhoff and C. Wieland.; BJL     
      Exchange rate dynamics, central bank interventions and chaos control methods / by F.H. Westerhoff and BJL  BOOK 2003
HB 5 O8 B4(2003/03) / q : The organ-dilemma : a plea for a market solution / by C. Aumann and W. Gaertner.; BJL     
      The organ-dilemma : a plea for a market solution / by C. Aumann and W. Gaertner. BJL  BOOK 2003
HB 5 O8 B4(2003/04) / q : Media capture and wealth concentration.; BJL     
      Media capture and wealth concentration. BJL  BOOK 2003
HB 5 O8 B4(2003/05) / q : Observable and non-observable social interactions in labor supply.; BJL     
      Observable and non-observable social interactions in labor supply. BJL  BOOK 2003
HB 5 O8 B4(2003/06) / q : Spill-over dynamics of central bank interventions / by F.H. Westerhoff and C. Wieland.; BJL     
      Spill-over dynamics of central bank interventions / by F.H. Westerhoff and C. Wieland. BJL  BOOK 2003
HB 5 O8 B4(2003/07) / q : De jure naturae et gentium : Samuel von Pufendorf's contribution to social choice theory and economics.; BJL     
      De jure naturae et gentium : Samuel von Pufendorf's contribution to social choice theory and economic BJL  BOOK 2003
HB 5 O8 B4(2003/08) / q : Measuring the standard of living : uncertainty about its development / by W. Gaertner and Y. Xu.; BJL     
      Measuring the standard of living : uncertainty about its development / by W. Gaertner and Y. Xu. BJL  BOOK 2003
HB 5 O8 B4(2003/09) / q : Individual choices in a non-consequentialist framework : the case of procedures / by W. Gaertner and Y. Xu.; BJL     
      Individual choices in a non-consequentialist framework : the case of procedures / by W. Gaertner and BJL  BOOK 2003
HB 5 O8 B4(2003/10) / q : Value orientation in the new market in Germany : empirical evidence in view of the failure of a stock exchange segment / by W. Ossadnik and D. Barklage.; BJL     
      Value orientation in the new market in Germany : empirical evidence in view of the failure of a stock BJL  BOOK 2003
HB 5 O8 B4(2003/11) / q : Zufiedenheit von franchisenehmern in der region Weser-Ems / by B. Hempelmann and G. Grünwald.; BJL     
      Zufiedenheit von franchisenehmern in der region Weser-Ems / by B. Hempelmann and G. Grünwald. BJL  BOOK 2003
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