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HB 1013 L6 : The decline of Belgian fertility, 1800-1970.; BJL     
      The decline of Belgian fertility, 1800-1970. BJL  BOOK 1977
HB 1013 V5 : Le probleme de la natalite en Belgique.; BJL     
      Le probleme de la natalite en Belgique. BJL  BOOK 1910
HB 1015 B7 : Demographic transition in the Netherlands : a statistical analysis of regional differences in the level and development of the birth rate and of fertility, 1850-1890 / O.W.A. Boonstra and A.M. van der Woude.; BJL     
      Demographic transition in the Netherlands : a statistical analysis of regional differences in the lev BJL  BOOK 1984
HB 1015 I5 : Onstaan, doel en werkprogramma van de Commissie voor het Geboorte-Onderzoek = Aims and program of work of the Committee for the Birth Problem.; BJL     
      Onstaan, doel en werkprogramma van de Commissie voor het Geboorte-Onderzoek = Aims and program of wor BJL  BOOK 1949
HB 1015 M8 : Child spacing and family size in the Netherlands.; BJL     
      Child spacing and family size in the Netherlands. BJL  BOOK 1974
HB 1015 N2 / q : Nationaal Onderzoek Vruchtbaarheid en Ouderschapsmotivatie : eerste resultaten.; BJL     
      Nationaal Onderzoek Vruchtbaarheid en Ouderschapsmotivatie : eerste resultaten. BJL  BOOK 1976
HB 1015 N7 / q : De constructie van meetinstrumenten in het Nationaal Onderzoek Vruchtbaarheid en Ouderschapsmotivatie 1975 / M. Niphuis-Nell, H.G. Moors.; BJL     
      De constructie van meetinstrumenten in het Nationaal Onderzoek Vruchtbaarheid en Ouderschapsmotivatie BJL  BOOK 1979
HB 1027 J6 : Fertility of Swedish women born 1927-1960 / Leif Johansson, Fjalar Finnäs.; BJL     
      Fertility of Swedish women born 1927-1960 / Leif Johansson, Fjalar Finnäs. BJL  BOOK 1983
HB 1027 L3 : Fruktsamhetsmönster, produktionsstruktur och sekularisering : en jämforelse mellan 69 härader vid 1800-talets slut.; BJL     
      Fruktsamhetsmönster, produktionsstruktur och sekularisering : en jämforelse mellan 69 h BJL  BOOK 1984
HB 1027 L7 : Breast-feeding and reproduction : studies in marital fertility and infant mortality in 19th century Finland and Sweden.; BJL     
      Breast-feeding and reproduction : studies in marital fertility and infant mortality in 19th century F BJL  BOOK 1981
HB 1043 A3 U5 : Multivariate analysis of world fertility survey data for selected ESCAP countries : report and selected papers of the regional workshop and seminar...; BJL     
      Multivariate analysis of world fertility survey data for selected ESCAP countries : report and select BJL  BOOK 198-
HB 1044 U5 / q : A report on levels and trends of fertility in the ESCAP region : comparative analysis of World Fertility Survey data.; South East Asian Collection     
      A report on levels and trends of fertility in the ESCAP region : comparative analysis of World Fertil South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1981?
HB 1049 U5 / q : Levels and trends of fertility in India : using the census data of 1971 and 1981.; BJL     
      Levels and trends of fertility in India : using the census data of 1971 and 1981. BJL  BOOK 1985
HB 1050.6 A3 U5 / q : Study of levels and trends of fertility in Bangladesh using the census data.; BJL     
      Study of levels and trends of fertility in Bangladesh using the census data. BJL  BOOK 1986?
HB 1054.5 A83 : Asia-Pacific population journal.; BJL     
      Asia-Pacific population journal. BJL  PERIODICAL 1996
HB 1059 W8 : Ethnicity and fertility in Southeast Asia : a comparative analysis / by A.K. Wong and Ng Shui Meng.; South East Asian Collection     
      Ethnicity and fertility in Southeast Asia : a comparative analysis / by A.K. Wong and Ng Shui Meng. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1985
HB 1059.8 C5    
      A preliminary report of the national survey of fertility, mortality and family planning in Thailand, South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1981
      The survey of fertility in Thailand : country report. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1977
HB 1059.8 C7 : Labor force participation, village characteristics and modernism and their influence on fertility among rural Thai women / M.J. Cook, Boonlert Leoprapai.; South East Asian Collection     
      Labor force participation, village characteristics and modernism and their influence on fertility amo South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1977
HB 1059.8 G6 : The fertility of migrants to urban places in Thailand.; South East Asian Collection     
      The fertility of migrants to urban places in Thailand. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1977
HB 1059.8 K7 : Thailand's continuing fertility decline.; South East Asian Collection     
      Thailand's continuing fertility decline. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1981?
HB 1059.8 M4 / q : A micro-economic analysis of the determinants of fertility in Thailand.; South East Asian Collection     
      A micro-economic analysis of the determinants of fertility in Thailand. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1979
HB 1059.8 O9 : Own children estimates of fertility for Thailand based on the 1970 census.; South East Asian Collection     
      Own children estimates of fertility for Thailand based on the 1970 census. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1979
HB 1059.8 S6 : Fertility and family planning in rural northern Thailand, by Somphong Shevasunt and D.P. Hogan.; South East Asian Collection     
      Fertility and family planning in rural northern Thailand, by Somphong Shevasunt and D.P. Hogan. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1979
HB 1059.8 S9 : Ethnicity and fertility in Thailand.; South East Asian Collection     
      Ethnicity and fertility in Thailand. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1985
HB 1059.8 T3    
      Female employment and fertility : 1990 population and housing census. BJL  BOOK 1995?
      Own children : estimates of fertility of the Thai hill tribes. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1997
      Population and housing census, 1970 : subject report no. 3 : fertility / [by] Aphichat Chamratrithiro South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1977
      Report of the 1996 survey of fertility in Thailand. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1997
HB 1059.8 U5 / q : Declines in fertility by district in Thailand : an analysis of the 1980 census / [Chintana Pejaranonda].; South East Asian Collection     
      Declines in fertility by district in Thailand : an analysis of the 1980 census / [Chintana Pejaranond South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1985?
HB 1059.8 V6 : Fertility in Thailand, 1960-1970.; South East Asian Collection     
      Fertility in Thailand, 1960-1970. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1977
HB 1059.8 W9 / p : The survey of fertility in Thailand, 1975 : a summary of findings.; South East Asian Collection     
      The survey of fertility in Thailand, 1975 : a summary of findings. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1978
HB 1059.8 Y5 : Land, income, wealth and human fertility among rural farm families in the central plain of Thailand.; South East Asian Collection     
      Land, income, wealth and human fertility among rural farm families in the central plain of Thailand. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1981
HB 1061 C9 : Culture and fertility : the case of Malaysia / by Nor Laily Aziz ... and others.; South East Asian Collection     
      Culture and fertility : the case of Malaysia / by Nor Laily Aziz ... and others. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1980
HB 1061 E8 : Ethnicity and fertility in Malaysia / by Noor Laily Abu Bakar ... [et al.].; South East Asian Collection     
      Ethnicity and fertility in Malaysia / by Noor Laily Abu Bakar ... [et al.]. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1985
HB 1061 M2 / q : Malaysian fertility and family survey, 1974 : first country report.; South East Asian Collection     
      Malaysian fertility and family survey, 1974 : first country report. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1979
HB 1061 M3 / q : Evaluation of the Malaysian fertility and family survey, 1974.; South East Asian Collection     
      Evaluation of the Malaysian fertility and family survey, 1974. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1982
HB 1061 R1 : Fertility differentials in West Malaysia.; South East Asian Collection     
      Fertility differentials in West Malaysia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1974
HB 1061 T8 : Changes in fertility in Japan by region, 1920-1965.; BJL     
      Changes in fertility in Japan by region, 1920-1965. BJL  BOOK  
HB 1061 W9 / p : The Malaysian fertility and family survey 1974 : a summary of findings.; South East Asian Collection     
      The Malaysian fertility and family survey 1974 : a summary of findings. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1978
HB 1062 U5 / q : Estimates of levels and trends of fertility of administrative districts, Peninsular Malaysia, 1970 and 1980.; South East Asian Collection     
      Estimates of levels and trends of fertility of administrative districts, Peninsular Malaysia, 1970 an South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1986
HB 1062.5 A3 U5 / q : Levels and trends of fertility for small geographical areas in the Republic of Korea : using census data of 1970, 1975 and 1980 / [Bong Ho Choi].; BJL     
      Levels and trends of fertility for small geographical areas in the Republic of Korea : using census d BJL  BOOK 1985
HB 1063 C4 : Culture and fertility : the case of Singapore / by Chang Chen-Tung, Ong Jin Hui, P.S.J. Chen.; South East Asian Collection     
      Culture and fertility : the case of Singapore / by Chang Chen-Tung, Ong Jin Hui, P.S.J. Chen. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1980
HB 1063 K9 : Ethnicity and fertility in Singapore / by E.C.Y. Kuo and Chiew Seen Kong.; South East Asian Collection     
      Ethnicity and fertility in Singapore / by E.C.Y. Kuo and Chiew Seen Kong. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1984
HB 1064 A3 U5 / q : Levels and trends of fertility in Jilin and Hebei Provinces, China / [Chen Shengli and Zhao Wei-gang].; BJL     
      Levels and trends of fertility in Jilin and Hebei Provinces, China / [Chen Shengli and Zhao Wei-gang] BJL  BOOK 1986
HB 1065 A3 M1 : Levels and trends in fertility and childhood mortality in Indonesia / by P.F. McDonald, M. Yasin and G.W. Jones.; South East Asian Collection     
      Levels and trends in fertility and childhood mortality in Indonesia / by P.F. McDonald, M. Yasin and South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1976
HB 1065 D5 : Diferensial fertilitas di Indonesia : suatu analisa regional.; South East Asian Collection     
      Diferensial fertilitas di Indonesia : suatu analisa regional. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1982
HB 1065 H3 / q : Analisa fertilitas di Indonesia, berdasarkan data sensus penduduk 1980. ? penyunting / penyunting. S.H. Hatmadji, S.I. Achmad.; South East Asian Collection     
      Analisa fertilitas di Indonesia, berdasarkan data sensus penduduk 1980. ? penyunting / penyunting. S. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1984
HB 1065 I4 / q : Indonesia fertility survey, 1976 : principal report.; South East Asian Collection     
      Indonesia fertility survey, 1976 : principal report. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1978
HB 1065 I8 : Effect of infant and child mortality on subsequent fertility in Indonesia.; South East Asian Collection     
      Effect of infant and child mortality on subsequent fertility in Indonesia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1977
HB 1065 M1    
      An assessment of the reliability of the Indonesia fertility survey data. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1978
      Fertility decline in Indonesia : analysis and interpretation / G. McNicoll, M. Singarimbun. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1986
HB 1065 S9    
      Evaluation of the Indonesian fertility survey, 1976. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1982
      Pengaruh perbedaan sosio ekonomi terhadap fertilitas dan mortalitas masa kanak-kanak di Indonesia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1979
HB 1065 T1 : Ethnicity and fertility in Indonesia / by M.G. Tan and B. Soeradji.; South East Asian Collection     
      Ethnicity and fertility in Indonesia / by M.G. Tan and B. Soeradji. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1986
HB 1065 W9 / p : The Indonesia fertility survey, 1976 : a summary of findings.; South East Asian Collection     
      The Indonesia fertility survey, 1976 : a summary of findings. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1978
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