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HB 99.3 R8    
      The measurement of social welfare. BJL  BOOK 1961
      Welfare economics. BJL  BOOK 1975
HB 99.3 S3 : Property, power and public choice : an enquiry into law and economics.; BJL     
      Property, power and public choice : an enquiry into law and economics. BJL  BOOK 1978
HB 99.3 S4    
      Charge. BJL  BOOK 1977
      The econocrats and the policy process : the politics and philosophy of cost-benefit analysis. BJL  BOOK 1976
      Government by the market? : the politics of public choice. BJL  BOOK 1993
      Human desire and economic satisfaction : essays on the frontiers of economics. BJL  BOOK 1986
HB 99.3 S9 : The political economy of public choice : an introduction to welfare economics.; BJL     
      The political economy of public choice : an introduction to welfare economics. BJL  BOOK 1981
HB 99.3 T3 : Theory and measurement of economic externalities.; BJL     
      Theory and measurement of economic externalities. BJL  BOOK 1976
HB 99.3 T5 : An interdisciplinary approach to the measurement of utility or welfare : fifth Geary lecture, 1972.; BJL     
      An interdisciplinary approach to the measurement of utility or welfare : fifth Geary lecture, 1972. BJL  BOOK 1972
HB 99.3 U8 : Using shadow prices ; edited by I.M.D Little and M.FG. Scott.; BJL     
      Using shadow prices ; edited by I.M.D Little and M.FG. Scott. BJL  BOOK 1976
HB 99.3 W7    
      Analytical welfare economics. BJL  BOOK 1971
      Welfare analysis of policies affecting prices and products. BJL  BOOK 1979
HB 99.3 W8    
      Cost benefit analysis and the economics of investment in human resources. BJL  BOOK 1970
      Cost benefit and cost effectiveness : studies and analysis / edited by J.N. Wolfe. BJL  BOOK 1973
HB 99.5 A6 : Information, corporate governance, and institutional diversity : competitiveness in Japan, the USA, and the transitional economies / translated by Stacey Jehlik.; BJL     
      Information, corporate governance, and institutional diversity : competitiveness in Japan, the USA, a BJL  BOOK 2000
HB 99.5 C7    
      Conventions and structures in economic organization : markets, networks, and hierarchies / edited by BJL  BOOK 2002
      Institutional economics : its place in political economy. BJL  BOOK 1961
HB 99.5 E1    
      Economics as a process : essays in the new institutional economics. BJL  BOOK 1986
      Economics in institutional perspective : memorial essays in honor of K. William Kapp. BJL  BOOK 1977
HB 99.5 E2 : Economic behavior and institutions.; BJL     
      Economic behavior and institutions. BJL  BOOK 1990
HB 99.5 E4 : Elgar companion to institutional and evolutionary economics / edited by Geoffrey M. Hodgson, Warren J. Samuels, and Marc R. Tool.; BJL     
      Elgar companion to institutional and evolutionary economics / edited by Geoffrey M. Hodgson, Warren J BJL  BOOK 1994
HB 99.5 G1 : Beyond supply and demand : a reappraisal in institutional economics.; BJL     
      Beyond supply and demand : a reappraisal in institutional economics. BJL  BOOK 1976
HB 99.5 G8 : Contemporary economic thought : the contribution of neo-institutional economics.; BJL     
      Contemporary economic thought : the contribution of neo-institutional economics. BJL  BOOK 1972
HB 99.5 H6 : Economics and institutions : a manifesto for a modern institutional economics.; BJL     
      Economics and institutions : a manifesto for a modern institutional economics. BJL  BOOK 1988
HB 99.5 I5 : Institutional economics : contributions to the development of holistic economics : essays in honor of Allan G. Gruchy.; BJL     
      Institutional economics : contributions to the development of holistic economics : essays in honor of BJL  BOOK 1980
HB99.5 .I585 1998 : Institutions and economic change : new perspectives on markets, firms and technology / edited by Klaus Nielsen and Björn Johnson.; BJL     
      Institutions and economic change : new perspectives on markets, firms and technology / edited by Klau BJL  BOOK c1998
HB 99.5 M6 : A modern reader in institutional and evolutionary economics : key concepts / edited by Geoffrey M. Hodgson.; BJL     
      A modern reader in institutional and evolutionary economics : key concepts / edited by Geoffrey M. Ho BJL  BOOK 2002
HB 99.5 N8 : Institutions, institutional change and economic performance / Douglass C. North.; BJL     
      Institutions, institutional change and economic performance / Douglass C. North. BJL  BOOK 1990
HB 99.5 O5 : On economic institutions : theory and applications / edited by John Groenewegen, Christos Pitelis, Sven-Erik Sjöstrand.; BJL     
      On economic institutions : theory and applications / edited by John Groenewegen, Christos Pitelis, Sv BJL  BOOK 1995
HB 99.5 O9 : The Oxford handbook of comparative institutional analysis / edited by Glenn Morgan ... [et al.].; BJL     
      The Oxford handbook of comparative institutional analysis / edited by Glenn Morgan ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 2010
HB 99.5 R2 : Rationality, institutions and economic methodology / edited by Uskali Mäki, Bo Gustafsson & Christian Knudsen.; BJL     
      Rationality, institutions and economic methodology / edited by Uskali Mäki, Bo Gustafsson & Christian BJL  BOOK 1993
HB 99.5 S3 : Conflict and cooperation : institutional and behavioral economics.; BJL     
      Conflict and cooperation : institutional and behavioral economics. BJL  BOOK c2004
HB99.5 .V76 1995 : Economic evolution : an inquiry into the foundations of new institutional economics / Jack J. Vromen.; BJL     
      Economic evolution : an inquiry into the foundations of new institutional economics / Jack J. Vromen. BJL  BOOK 1995
HB 99.5 W7 : The economic institutions of capitalism : firms, markets, relational contracting / Oliver E. Williamson.; BJL     
      The economic institutions of capitalism : firms, markets, relational contracting / Oliver E. Williams BJL  BOOK 1985
HB 99.7 A8 : Keynes's general theory and accumulation.; BJL     
      Keynes's general theory and accumulation. BJL  BOOK 1991
HB 99.7 B6    
      John Maynard Keynes : life, ideas, legacy. BJL  BOOK 1990
      The rise and fall of Keynesian economics : an investigation of its contribution to capitalist develop BJL  BOOK 1985
HB 99.7 B9 : The consequences of Mr. Keynes : an analysis of the misuse of economic theory for political profiteering, with proposals for constitutional disciplines / by J.M. Buchanan, R.E. Wagner and J. Burton.; BJL     
      The consequences of Mr. Keynes : an analysis of the misuse of economic theory for political profiteer BJL  BOOK 1978
HB 99.7 C2 : On Keynes's method.; BJL     
      On Keynes's method. BJL  BOOK 1988
HB 99.7 C4 : Keynes and India : a study in economics and biography.; BJL     
      Keynes and India : a study in economics and biography. BJL  BOOK 1989
HB 99.7 C5 : Macroeconomics after Keynes : a reconsideration of the "General theory".; BJL     
      Macroeconomics after Keynes : a reconsideration of the "General theory". BJL  BOOK 1983
HB 99.7 C6    
      Keynes : the twentieth century's most influential economist / Peter Clarke. BJL  BOOK 2009
      Keynesian economics : the search for first principles. BJL  BOOK 1983
      The Keynesian revolution in the making 1924-1936. BJL  BOOK 1988
HB 99.7 C7 : Controverses sur le systeme keynesien / par A. Barrere [et d'autres].; BJL     
      Controverses sur le systeme keynesien / par A. Barrere [et d'autres]. BJL  BOOK 1975
HB 99.7 D2 : The Keynes solution : the path to global economic prosperity / Paul Davidson.; BJL     
      The Keynes solution : the path to global economic prosperity / Paul Davidson. BJL  BOOK 2009
HB 99.7 D5 : The origins of the Keynesian revolution : the development of Keynes' theory of employment and output.; BJL     
      The origins of the Keynesian revolution : the development of Keynes' theory of employment and output. BJL  BOOK 1988
HB 99.7 E1 : The fall and rise of Keynesian economics / John Eatwell and Murray Milgate.; BJL     
      The fall and rise of Keynesian economics / John Eatwell and Murray Milgate. BJL  BOOK c2011
HB 99.7 E5 : An encyclopedia of Keynesian economics / edited by Thomas Cate ; associate editors, Geoff Harcourt, David C. Colander.; BJL     
      An encyclopedia of Keynesian economics / edited by Thomas Cate ; associate editors, Geoff Harcourt, D BJL  BOOK 1997
HB 99.7 F3 : Understanding Keynes : an analysis of 'The general theory'.; BJL     
      Understanding Keynes : an analysis of 'The general theory'. BJL  BOOK 1981
HB 99.7 F5 : Keynes's vision : a new political economy.; BJL     
      Keynes's vision : a new political economy. BJL  BOOK 1988
HB 99.7 F7 : The foundations of Keynesian analysis : proceedings of a conference held at the University of Paris I-Pantheon-Sorbonne [Sept.12-15 1983] / edited by A. Barrere.; BJL     
      The foundations of Keynesian analysis : proceedings of a conference held at the University of Paris I BJL  BOOK 1988
HB 99.7 F8 : The new Keynesian economics : unemployment, search and contracting.; BJL     
      The new Keynesian economics : unemployment, search and contracting. BJL  BOOK 1986
HB 99.7 H2 : A guide to Keynes.; BJL     
      A guide to Keynes. BJL  BOOK 1953
HB 99.7 H4    
      A tiger by the tail : a 40 years running commentary on Keynesianism / by Hayek; compiled and introdu BJL  BOOK 1972
      A tiger by the tail : a 40-years running commentary on Keynesianism. BJL  BOOK 1978
HB 99.7 H6    
      The crisis in Keynesian economics. BJL  BOOK 1974
      On the reappraisal of Keynesian economics. BJL  BOOK 1971
      On the reappraisal of Keynesian economics. BJL  BOOK 1971
HB 99.7 H9    
      Keynes versus the 'Keynesians'. BJL  BOOK 1977
      The revolution that never was : an assessment of Keynesian economics. BJL  BOOK 1986
HB 99.7 J1 : J M Keynes in retrospect : the legacy of the Keynesian revolution / edited by J. Hillard.; BJL     
      J M Keynes in retrospect : the legacy of the Keynesian revolution / edited by J. Hillard. BJL  BOOK 1988
HB 99.7 K1 : The making of Keynes' 'General theory'.; BJL     
      The making of Keynes' 'General theory'. BJL  BOOK 1984
HB99.7.K38 C76 : Keynes against capitalism : his economic case for liberal socialism / James Crotty.; BJL     
      Keynes against capitalism : his economic case for liberal socialism / James Crotty. BJL  BOOK 2019
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