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HC 336.26 S6 : Russia and the world economy : problems of integration.; BJL     
      Russia and the world economy : problems of integration. BJL  BOOK 1993
HC 336.26 S7 : The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the global economy / edited by Marie Lavigne.; BJL     
      The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the global economy / edited by Marie Lavigne. BJL  BOOK 1992
HC 336.27 F8 : Sale of the century : Russia's wild ride from communism to capitalism.; BJL     
      Sale of the century : Russia's wild ride from communism to capitalism. BJL  BOOK 2000
HC336.27 .R87 2011eb : Russia : the challenges of transformation / edited by Piotr Dutkiewicz and Dmitri Trenin ; foreword by Craig Calhoun ; afterword by Vladimir I. Yakunin.; Online materials     
      Russia : the challenges of transformation / edited by Piotr Dutkiewicz and Dmitri Trenin ; foreword b Online materials  EBOOKS 2011
HC 336.27 S9 : Stuck in transit : rethinking Russian economic reform / edited by Erik Berglöf, Romesh Vaitilingam.; BJL     
      Stuck in transit : rethinking Russian economic reform / edited by Erik Berglöf, Romesh Vaitilin BJL  BOOK 2000
HC 336.27 T7 : Transforming post-Communist political economies / Joan M. Nelson, Charles Tilly, and Lee Walker, editors ; Task Force on Economies in Transition, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council.; BJL     
      Transforming post-Communist political economies / Joan M. Nelson, Charles Tilly, and Lee Walker, edit BJL  BOOK 1997
HC 337 A6 G3 : L'oeuvre scientifique et les realisations economiques dans l'arctique sovietique.; BJL     
      L'oeuvre scientifique et les realisations economiques dans l'arctique sovietique. BJL  BOOK 1946
HC 337 B1 V2 : Economic survey of the Baltic States / Brian Van Arkadie and Mats Karlsson.; BJL     
      Economic survey of the Baltic States / Brian Van Arkadie and Mats Karlsson. BJL  BOOK 1992
HC 337 C3 N9 : The Soviet Middle East : a model for development.; BJL     
      The Soviet Middle East : a model for development. BJL  BOOK 1967
HC 337 E8    
      The importance of the port of Reval. BJL  BOOK  
      Report of the financial communication on the economic and financial situation of Esthonia. BJL  BOOK  
HC 337 E8 E1 : Estonian economic year-book.; BJL     
      Estonian economic year-book. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HC 337 E8 E26 : Economic bulletin/ Eesti Pank.; BJL     
      Economic bulletin/ Eesti Pank. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HC 337 E8 E8    
      Estonia; population, cultural and economic life. BJL  BOOK  
      The Estonian yearbook. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HC 337 F5 / q : Finland : Trade and industry.; BJL     
      Finland : Trade and industry. BJL  BOOK  
HC 337 F5 A3 : Suomen maakanpan historia.; BJL     
      Suomen maakanpan historia. BJL  BOOK 1957
HC 337 F5 F5    
      Finland : some aspects of economic life. BJL  BOOK  
      Growth prospects for the Finnish economy up to 1980. BJL  BOOK 1972
      Vuoden 1953 liikeyrityslaskenta 1953 General Economic census. BJL  BOOK 1958
HC 337 F5 F8 : Finland : its public and private economy.; BJL     
      Finland : its public and private economy. BJL  BOOK 1902
HC 337 F5 K1 : A national economy based on wood : what Finland lives on and how.; BJL     
      A national economy based on wood : what Finland lives on and how. BJL  BOOK 1957
HC 337 F5 L3 : Finland : the young republic of the North.; BJL     
      Finland : the young republic of the North. BJL  BOOK 1938
HC 337 F5 M3 : Maaseutuvaeston varallisuusolot ja luottosuhteet Sisa-Suomessa elinkeinoelaman murroskaudella v. 1850-1914.; BJL     
      Maaseutuvaeston varallisuusolot ja luottosuhteet Sisa-Suomessa elinkeinoelaman murroskaudella v. 1850 BJL  BOOK 1977
HC 337 F5 M6 : Facts about Finland.; BJL     
      Facts about Finland. BJL  BOOK  
HC 337 F5 O6 : Economic surveys : Finland.; BJL     
      Economic surveys : Finland. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HC 337 F5 O96    
      Finland : economic and commercial conditions in Finland / by W.J. Scott Laing. BJL  BOOK 1949
      Finland : economic and commercial conditions in Finland. BJL  BOOK 1953
HC 337 F5 U58    
      Unitas : economic review, Finland. BJL  PERIODICAL 2004
      Unitas : economic review, Finland. BJL  PERIODICAL 2004
      Unitas : economic review, Finland. BJL  PERIODICAL 2004
HC 337 F5 Y3 : The Finland yearbook.; BJL     
      The Finland yearbook. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HC 337 F52 L3 / q : Die Entwicklung Finnisch-Lapplands.; BJL     
      Die Entwicklung Finnisch-Lapplands. BJL  BOOK 1977
HC 337 P7    
      Economic Poland in diagrams. BJL  BOOK  
      A handbook of Poland. BJL  BOOK  
HC 337 P7 A4 : Polish postwar economy.; BJL     
      Polish postwar economy. BJL  BOOK 1955
HC 337 P7 B6 : Tracing the development of Polish industry.; BJL     
      Tracing the development of Polish industry. BJL  BOOK 1971
HC 337 P7 B7 : The economy of modern Poland.; BJL     
      The economy of modern Poland. BJL  BOOK 1975
HC 337 P7 B9 : Poland's Economic development.; BJL     
      Poland's Economic development. BJL  BOOK  
HC 337 P7 F3    
      Industrialization and planning under Polish socialism. BJL  BOOK 1971
      Industrialization and planning under Polish socialism. BJL  BOOK 1971
HC 337 P7 G6 : Poland and her economic development.; BJL     
      Poland and her economic development. BJL  BOOK 1935
HC 337 P7 H2 : Poland's western and northern territories.; BJL     
      Poland's western and northern territories. BJL  BOOK 1975
HC 337 P7 I8 : The industrial development of Poland.; BJL     
      The industrial development of Poland. BJL  BOOK 1970
HC 337 P7 J3 : The principal trends of the socio economic development of the Polish People's Republic in the year 1971-1975.; BJL     
      The principal trends of the socio economic development of the Polish People's Republic in the year 19 BJL  BOOK 1971
HC 337 P7 K1 : Twenty years of Poland's economic development, 1944-1964.; BJL     
      Twenty years of Poland's economic development, 1944-1964. BJL  BOOK 1964
HC 337 P7 K9    
      The economic propress of Poland. BJL  BOOK  
      An economic theory of the feudal system : towards a model of the Polish economy, 1500-1800. BJL  BOOK 1976
      Theorie economique du systeme feodal, pour un modele de l'economie polonaise, 16e-18e siecles. BJL  BOOK 1970
HC 337 P7 L2 : The Polish economy in the twentieth century.; BJL     
      The Polish economy in the twentieth century. BJL  BOOK 1985
HC 337 P7 M9 : Poland's progress, 1919-1939.; BJL     
      Poland's progress, 1919-1939. BJL  BOOK 1944
HC 337 P7 N9 : Studies on the theory of reproduction and prices.; BJL     
      Studies on the theory of reproduction and prices. BJL  BOOK 1964
HC 337 P7 P7 : For further development of people's Poland : 6th Congress of the Polish United Workers Party : basic documents.; BJL     
      For further development of people's Poland : 6th Congress of the Polish United Workers Party : basic BJL  BOOK 1972
HC 337 P7 P8 : The upper Silesian industrial region.; BJL     
      The upper Silesian industrial region. BJL  BOOK 1958
HC 337 P7 S7 : Polish economic conditions in 1926.; BJL     
      Polish economic conditions in 1926. BJL  BOOK 1927
HC 337 P7 W4 : Foreign capital in Poland.; BJL     
      Foreign capital in Poland. BJL  BOOK 1938
HC 337 P7 Z6 : Economic reforms in Polish industry.; BJL     
      Economic reforms in Polish industry. BJL  BOOK 1973
HC 337 P7 Z9 : Poland between two wars : a critical study of social and economic changes.; BJL     
      Poland between two wars : a critical study of social and economic changes. BJL  BOOK 1944
HC 337 P72 P8 : Zmiany struktury przestizennej powiazan towarowych miasta Poznania w Latach, 1958-1966.; BJL     
      Zmiany struktury przestizennej powiazan towarowych miasta Poznania w Latach, 1958-1966. BJL  BOOK 1971
HC 337 R7 P1 : Landscape and settlement in Romanov Russia, 1613-1917 / Judith Palliot, Denis J.B. Shaw.; BJL     
      Landscape and settlement in Romanov Russia, 1613-1917 / Judith Palliot, Denis J.B. Shaw. BJL  BOOK 1990
HC 337 S2 K1 : Soviet Sakhalin.; BJL     
      Soviet Sakhalin. BJL  BOOK 1933
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