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HC 467 A2    
      Income distribution policy in developing countries. BJL  BOOK 1978
      Practical approaches to development planning : Korea's second five-year plan / ed by I.Adelman. BJL  BOOK 1969
HC 467 A5 : Asia's next giant : South Korea and late industrialization.; BJL     
      Asia's next giant : South Korea and late industrialization. BJL  BOOK 1989
HC 467 B2 : South Korea.; BJL     
      South Korea. BJL  BOOK 1972
HC 467 B3 : Basic documents and selected papers of Korea's third five-year economic development plan (1972-1976) / edited by S.H. Jo and S.Y. Park.; BJL     
      Basic documents and selected papers of Korea's third five-year economic development plan (1972-1976) BJL  BOOK 197-
HC 467 C5    
      The economic history of Korea - from the earliest times to 1945. BJL  BOOK 1971
      Han-kuk kyung-je-sa. BJL  BOOK 1981
      Hankuk kyongjesa. BJL  BOOK 1983
      The way to Korea's prosperity. BJL  BOOK 1967
HC 467 C6 : Korean development : the interplay of politics and economics. / by D.C.Cole and P.N.Lyman.; BJL     
      Korean development : the interplay of politics and economics. / by D.C.Cole and P.N.Lyman. BJL  BOOK 1971
HC 467 D4    
      Developmental states in East Asia / edited by Gordon White. BJL  BOOK 1988
      Developmental states in East Asia : a research report to the Gatsby-Charitable Foundation / editors : BJL  BOOK 1985
HC 467 E1    
      The economic and social modernization of the republic of Korea. BJL  BOOK 1980
      Economic life in Korea / edited by International Cultural Foundation; Chun Shin-yong, general editor. BJL  BOOK 1982
HC 467 H3 : Korea : policy issues for long-term development.; BJL     
      Korea : policy issues for long-term development. BJL  BOOK 1979
HC 467 H7 / q : Republic of Korea.; BJL     
      Republic of Korea. BJL  BOOK 1984
HC 467 J7 : Government, business, and entrepreneurship in economic development : the Korean case / by L.P. Jones and I. Sakong.; BJL     
      Government, business, and entrepreneurship in economic development : the Korean case / by L.P. Jones BJL  BOOK 1980
HC 467 K1 : Is Korea the next Japan? : understanding the structure, strategy, and tactics of America's next competitor.; BJL     
      Is Korea the next Japan? : understanding the structure, strategy, and tactics of America's next compe BJL  BOOK 1989
HC 467 K4    
      Growth and structural transformation / [by] K.S. Kim and M. Roemer. BJL  BOOK 1981
      Han-kuk kyung-je-u ko-do-sung-jang-yo-in / [by] Kim Kwang-suk [and] Park Jun-kyung. BJL  BOOK 1979
HC 467 K8    
      Korea's economy : past and present. BJL  BOOK 1975
      Korea's globalization / edited by Samuel S. Kim. BJL  BOOK 2000
      Major statistics of Korean economy 1981. BJL  BOOK 1981
      The politics of economic reform in South Korea : a fragile miracle. BJL  BOOK 2000
      A summary draft of the fifth five-year economic and social development plan, 1982-86. BJL  BOOK 1981
HC 467 K84 A6 : Annual report / Korea Republic National Bureau of Statistics : on Current industrial production survey.; BJL     
      Annual report / Korea Republic National Bureau of Statistics : on Current industrial production surve BJL  BOOK 1980
HC 467 L4 : Sin Hankuk kyongjeron.; BJL     
      Sin Hankuk kyongjeron. BJL  BOOK 1982
HC 467 L7 : Han unbound : the political economy of South Korea.; BJL     
      Han unbound : the political economy of South Korea. BJL  BOOK 1998
HC 467 M1 : The colonial origins of Korean enterprise, 1910-1945.; BJL     
      The colonial origins of Korean enterprise, 1910-1945. BJL  BOOK 1990
HC 467 M6 / q : The republic of Korea : employment, industrialisation and trade.; BJL     
      The republic of Korea : employment, industrialisation and trade. BJL  BOOK 1983
HC 467 S6 : The rise of the Korean economy.; BJL     
      The rise of the Korean economy. BJL  BOOK 1997
HC 467 S9 : Growth and structural changes in the Korean economy, 1910-1940.; BJL     
      Growth and structural changes in the Korean economy, 1910-1940. BJL  BOOK 1978
HC 467 T1 : The economic development of Korea : past, present and future.; BJL     
      The economic development of Korea : past, present and future. BJL  BOOK 1973
HC 467 W1 : Economic development of South Korea; the political economy of success / by L.L. Wade and B.S.Kim.; BJL     
      Economic development of South Korea; the political economy of success / by L.L. Wade and B.S.Kim. BJL  BOOK 1978
HC 467 W9 : Korea's economy : man-made miracle.; BJL     
      Korea's economy : man-made miracle. BJL  BOOK 1983
HC 467.95 M6 : Globalisation and labour struggle in Asia : a neo-Gramscian critique of South Korea's political economy / Phoebe Moore.; BJL     
      Globalisation and labour struggle in Asia : a neo-Gramscian critique of South Korea's political econo BJL  BOOK 2007
HC 468 A2 C5 : The North Korean economy : structure and development.; BJL     
      The North Korean economy : structure and development. BJL  BOOK 1974
HC 468 A2 I3 : In the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance.; BJL     
      In the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance. BJL  BOOK 1976
HC 468 A2 K4    
      All efforts to attain the goal of eight million tons of grain. BJL  BOOK 1975
      On bringing about a fresh upsurging in socialist economic construction. BJL  BOOK 1974
HC 468 A2 K9 : Economic growth and structure in the Republic of Korea.; BJL     
      Economic growth and structure in the Republic of Korea. BJL  BOOK 1977
HC 468 A2 O9 : Our party's policy for the building of an independent national economy.; BJL     
      Our party's policy for the building of an independent national economy. BJL  BOOK 1975
HC 470.3 H7 / q : Hong Kong.; BJL     
      Hong Kong. BJL  BOOK 1984
HC470.3 .S5 2014 : Pacific crossing : California gold, Chinese migration, and the making of Hong Kong / Elizabeth Sinn.; BJL     
      Pacific crossing : California gold, Chinese migration, and the making of Hong Kong / Elizabeth Sinn. BJL  BOOK 2014
HC 470.3 Y8 : Hong Kong : economic growth and policy.; BJL     
      Hong Kong : economic growth and policy. BJL  BOOK 1982
HC 471 F2 : The economic postion of Persia.; BJL     
      The economic postion of Persia. BJL  BOOK 1926
HC 471 I6 : An economic survey of Iran.; BJL     
      An economic survey of Iran. BJL  BOOK  
HC 471 O96 : Iran : economic and commercial conditions.; BJL     
      Iran : economic and commercial conditions. BJL  BOOK 1948
HC 475 B2 : The economy of Iran, 1940-1970 : a bibliography.; BJL     
      The economy of Iran, 1940-1970 : a bibliography. BJL  BOOK 1971
HC 475 B5 : Economic development in Iran 1900-1970.; BJL     
      Economic development in Iran 1900-1970. BJL  BOOK 1971
HC 475 G7 : Iran : the illusion of power.; BJL     
      Iran : the illusion of power. BJL  BOOK 1978
HC 475 I6    
      Outline of the Third Plan. BJL  BOOK 1965
      Report on the results of annual industrial survey in 1967 (1346). BJL  BOOK 1967
HC 475 J4 : Capitalism and revolution in Iran : selected writings of Bizhan Jazani.; BJL     
      Capitalism and revolution in Iran : selected writings of Bizhan Jazani. BJL  BOOK 1980
HC 475 K2 : The political economy of modern Iran : despotism and pseudo-modernism, 1926-1979.; BJL     
      The political economy of modern Iran : despotism and pseudo-modernism, 1926-1979. BJL  BOOK 1981
HC 475 M6    
      Address of the Shahanshah Aryamehr, and reports by the Prime Minister and the Plan Organization : at BJL  BOOK 1970
      Press conference given by his Imperial Majesty the Shahanshah Aryamehr. BJL  BOOK 1971
HC 478 K3 C5 : Kermanshah : an Iranian provincial city.; BJL     
      Kermanshah : an Iranian provincial city. BJL  BOOK 1969
HC 487 K2 P8 : Kazakhstanskaia Magnitka / avtory. A. Popov i N. Zver'ev.; BJL     
      Kazakhstanskaia Magnitka / avtory. A. Popov i N. Zver'ev. BJL  BOOK 1958
HC 488 S96 C6 / p : Nelken und der Clan der Handler : Agrarproduktion und Handel auf der Insel Simeulue (West Aceh, Indonesien).; South East Asian Collection     
      Nelken und der Clan der Handler : Agrarproduktion und Handel auf der Insel Simeulue (West Aceh, Indon South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1988
HC 492 B9 : Ottoman-Dutch economic relations in the early modern period 1571-1699.; BJL     
      Ottoman-Dutch economic relations in the early modern period 1571-1699. BJL  BOOK 2001
HC 492 C6 : Turkish economic, social and political change : the development of a more prosperous and open society.; BJL     
      Turkish economic, social and political change : the development of a more prosperous and open society BJL  BOOK 1970
HC 492 E1 : An economic and social history of the Ottoman Empire / edited by Halil Inalcik with Donald Quataert.; BJL     
      An economic and social history of the Ottoman Empire / edited by Halil Inalcik with Donald Quataert. BJL  BOOK 1997
HC 492 F7 : Four studies on the economic development of Turkey / [by] F.C. Shorter ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Four studies on the economic development of Turkey / [by] F.C. Shorter ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 1967
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