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HD 9710 G72 B5 : The future of the UK motor industry.; BJL     
      The future of the UK motor industry. BJL  BOOK 1979
HD 9710 G72 C3 / q : The future of the British car industry.; BJL     
      The future of the British car industry. BJL  BOOK 1975
HD 9710 G72 C5    
      Herbert Austin : the British motor car industry to 1941. BJL  BOOK 1979
      The rise and decline of the British motor industry. BJL  BOOK 1994
HD 9710 G72 C7 / q : New cars : a report on the supply of new motor cars within the UK / presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry by Command of Her Majesty, April 2000.; BJL     
      New cars : a report on the supply of new motor cars within the UK / presented to Parliament by the Se BJL  BOOK 2000
HD 9710 G72 D9 : The decline of the British motor industry.; BJL     
      The decline of the British motor industry. BJL  BOOK 1980
HD 9710 G72 F7 : The British motor industry / James Foreman-Peck, Sue Bowden, and Alan McKinlay.; BJL     
      The British motor industry / James Foreman-Peck, Sue Bowden, and Alan McKinlay. BJL  BOOK 1995
HD 9710 G72 H3 : Management of vehicle production.; BJL     
      Management of vehicle production. BJL  BOOK 1981
HD 9710 G72 L1 : Labour and the motor industry : Labour's jobs and industry campaign.; BJL     
      Labour and the motor industry : Labour's jobs and industry campaign. BJL  BOOK 1985
HD 9710 G72 M6 : The car market.; BJL     
      The car market. BJL  BOOK 1983
HD 9710 G72 M8    
      The life of Lord Nuffield : a study in enterprise and benevolence. / by P.W.S. Andrews and E. Brunner BJL  BOOK 1955
      William Morris, Viscount Nuffield. BJL  BOOK 1976
HD 9710 G72 N2 / q : Motors : industrial review to 1977.; BJL     
      Motors : industrial review to 1977. BJL  BOOK 1973
HD 9710 G72 N6 : The birth of the British motor car, 1769-1897.; BJL     
      The birth of the British motor car, 1769-1897. BJL  BOOK 1982
HD 9710 G72 R5 : The British motor industry, 1896-1939 / by K. Richardson, assisted by C.N. O'Gallagher.; BJL     
      The British motor industry, 1896-1939 / by K. Richardson, assisted by C.N. O'Gallagher. BJL  BOOK 1977
HD 9710 G73 C8 : The motor car industry in Coventry since the 1890's / D. Thoms and T. Donnelly.; BJL     
      The motor car industry in Coventry since the 1890's / D. Thoms and T. Donnelly. BJL  BOOK 1985
HD 9710 G73 M5 : Industrial development in Merseyside : motor vehicle assembly and the port of Liverpool / P.J.M. Stoney, M. Bourn.; BJL     
      Industrial development in Merseyside : motor vehicle assembly and the port of Liverpool / P.J.M. Ston BJL  BOOK 1984
HD 9710 G74 B8    
      Back from the brink : an apocalyptic experience. BJL  BOOK 1983
      The future of British Leyland and the motor industry. BJL  BOOK 1975
HD 9710 G74 B85 / q : Report and accounts/ British Leyland Motor Corporation.; BJL     
      Report and accounts/ British Leyland Motor Corporation. BJL  PERIODICAL 1985
HD 9710 G74 F3 : The Ferodo story : sixty years of safety.; BJL     
      The Ferodo story : sixty years of safety. BJL  BOOK 1957
HD 9710 G74 F6 : Ford's - whose hands on the wheel? ...; BJL     
      Ford's - whose hands on the wheel? ... BJL  BOOK 1962
HD 9710 G74 L6    
      British Leyland : what will really happen : a report on the Ryder report. BJL  BOOK 1975
      Leyland in crisis : Cowley under fire. BJL  BOOK 1974
      The Leyland papers. BJL  BOOK 1971
HD 9710 G74 L61 / q : Annual report and accounts/ Lex Service Group Limited.; BJL     
      Annual report and accounts/ Lex Service Group Limited. BJL  PERIODICAL 2001
HD 9710 G74 N7 : The Nissan enigma : flexibility at work in a local economy / Philip Garrahan and Paul Stewart.; BJL     
      The Nissan enigma : flexibility at work in a local economy / Philip Garrahan and Paul Stewart. BJL  BOOK 1992
HD 9710 G74 N9 : Calling all arms : the story of how a loyal company of British men and women lived through six historic years.; BJL     
      Calling all arms : the story of how a loyal company of British men and women lived through six histor BJL  BOOK 1946?
HD9710.G74R : Globalisation & manufacturing decline : aspects of British industry / Nicola R. Hothi.; BJL     
      Globalisation & manufacturing decline : aspects of British industry / Nicola R. Hothi. BJL  BOOK 2005
HD 9710 G74 R2 : Rolls-Royce : the years of endeavour.; BJL     
      Rolls-Royce : the years of endeavour. BJL  BOOK 1978
HD 9710 G74 R7 : Rolls-Royce : the growth of a firm / Ian Lloyd.; BJL     
      Rolls-Royce : the growth of a firm / Ian Lloyd. BJL  BOOK 1978
HD 9710 I32 I3    
      Report on the fixation of fair selling prices of automobiles- standard herald passenger cars 4-door m BJL  BOOK 1972
      A study of the strike in the Premier Automobiles Ltd. from the point of view of the code of disciplin BJL  BOOK 1965
      A study of the strike in the Premier Automobiles Ltd. from the point of view of the code of disciplin BJL  BOOK 1960
HD 9710 I5 / q : Gli stabilimenti di Milano.; BJL     
      Gli stabilimenti di Milano. BJL  BOOK 1900
HD 9710 I6    
      Essays on the behavior and performance of the car industry. BJL  BOOK 1993
      General report : labour statistics in the Motor vehicle industry (Preliminary study.). BJL  BOOK 1970
HD 9710 I8 C3 : Giovanni Agnelli.; BJL     
      Giovanni Agnelli. BJL  BOOK 1971
HD 9710 I84 F4 / q : Technological choices and spatial organization of production in the Fiat system.; BJL     
      Technological choices and spatial organization of production in the Fiat system. BJL  BOOK 1985
HD9710.J34 L55 2016 : The Toyota way to service excellence : lean transformation in service organizations / by Jeffrey Liker and Karyn Ross.; Online materials     
      The Toyota way to service excellence : lean transformation in service organizations / by Jeffrey Like Online materials  EBOOKS 2016
HD 9710 J34 T75 / q : Annual report.; BJL     
      Annual report. BJL  PERIODICAL 1993
HD 9710 L7 : America and the automobile : technology, reform and social change.; BJL     
      America and the automobile : technology, reform and social change. BJL  BOOK 1990
HD 9710 M4    
      The motor industry / by G.E. Maxcy and Z.A. Silberston. BJL  BOOK 1959
      The motor industry. BJL  BOOK 1959
HD 9710 N27    
      The effect of government economic policy on the motor industry. BJL  BOOK 1968
      Future demand for garage workshop services. BJL  BOOK 1968
      Industrial report...on the economic assessment to 1972. BJL  BOOK 1970
      Motor industry statistics 1958-1967 : data book. BJL  BOOK 1969
HD 9710 N3 : Crisis in the motor industry.; BJL     
      Crisis in the motor industry. BJL  BOOK 1957
HD 9710 N42 N46 / q : Productiestatistiek van de automobiel- en carosseriefabrieken.; BJL     
      Productiestatistiek van de automobiel- en carosseriefabrieken. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HD 9710 N44 R5 : Geschiedenis eener Nederlandsche Vereeniging : RAI 1893-1968.; BJL     
      Geschiedenis eener Nederlandsche Vereeniging : RAI 1893-1968. BJL  BOOK 1968
HD 9710 P7 : Motor vehicles : a report on the organisation and structure of the industry, its products, and its market prospects.; BJL     
      Motor vehicles : a report on the organisation and structure of the industry, its products, and its ma BJL  BOOK 1950
HD 9710 S6    
      The motor industry of Great Britain, 1931. BJL  BOOK 1931
      The motor industry of Great Britain, 1936. BJL  BOOK 1936
      The motor industry of Great Britain, 1938. BJL  BOOK 1938
      My years with General Motors. BJL  BOOK 1968
HD 9710 S61 / q : Monthly statistical review/ Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders.; BJL     
      Monthly statistical review/ Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HD 9710 S72 D6 : Driving a bargain : automobile industrialization and Japanese firms in Southeast Asia.; South East Asian Collection     
      Driving a bargain : automobile industrialization and Japanese firms in Southeast Asia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1991
HD 9710 T9 : The car makers.; BJL     
      The car makers. BJL  BOOK 1963
HD 9710 U5 D9 : U.S. - Japan automobile diplomacy : a study in economic confrontation.; BJL     
      U.S. - Japan automobile diplomacy : a study in economic confrontation. BJL  BOOK 1973
HD 9710 U5 F4 : The automobile under the Blue Eagle : labor management and the Automobile Manufacturing Code.; BJL     
      The automobile under the Blue Eagle : labor management and the Automobile Manufacturing Code. BJL  BOOK 1963
HD 9710 U5 S6 : Consumer demand for cars in the U.S.A.; BJL     
      Consumer demand for cars in the U.S.A. BJL  BOOK 1975
HD 9710 U52 T6 : Trade policy and the U.S. automobile industry.; BJL     
      Trade policy and the U.S. automobile industry. BJL  BOOK 1978
HD 9710 U52 U5 : Report on motor vehicle industry.; BJL     
      Report on motor vehicle industry. BJL  BOOK 1940
HD 9710 U52 W5 : The automobile industry since 1945.; BJL     
      The automobile industry since 1945. BJL  BOOK 1971
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