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HE 8699 S72 L9 : Russia in the microphone age : a history of Soviet radio, 1919-1970 / Stephen Lovell.; BJL     
      Russia in the microphone age : a history of Soviet radio, 1919-1970 / Stephen Lovell. BJL  BOOK 2015
HE 8699 V3 R1 : Radio Vaticana e ordinamento italiano : atti del seminoraio di studi, Roma 26 aprile 2004 / a cura di Giuseppe Dalla Torre e Cesare Mirabelli.; BJL     
      Radio Vaticana e ordinamento italiano : atti del seminoraio di studi, Roma 26 aprile 2004 / a cura di BJL  BOOK c2005
HE 8700 T82 A6 / q : Annual report/ Trident Television Limited.; BJL     
      Annual report/ Trident Television Limited. BJL  PERIODICAL 1983
HE 8700.4 C9 : A study of modern television : thinking inside the box / Andrew Crisell.; BJL     
      A study of modern television : thinking inside the box / Andrew Crisell. BJL  BOOK 2006
HE 8700.4 D9 : The world television industry : an economic analysis.; BJL     
      The world television industry : an economic analysis. BJL  BOOK 1990
HE 8700.6 C8 : Television form and public address.; BJL     
      Television form and public address. BJL  BOOK 1995
HE 8700.6 F6 : Television and sponsorship / Bianca Ford and James Ford.; BJL     
      Television and sponsorship / Bianca Ford and James Ford. BJL  BOOK 1993
HE 8700.6 W8 : Television and social control / M. Wober and B. Gunter.; BJL     
      Television and social control / M. Wober and B. Gunter. BJL  BOOK 1988
HE 8700.65 W4 : Ratings analysis : the theory and practice of audience research / James G. Webster, Patricia F. Phalen, Lawrence W. Lichty.; BJL     
      Ratings analysis : the theory and practice of audience research / James G. Webster, Patricia F. Phale BJL  BOOK 2006
HE 8700.66 E8 B8 : Broadcasting and new media policies in Western Europe : a comparative study of technological change and public policy / Kenneth Dyson and Peter Humphreys, with Ralph Negrine and Jean-Paul Simon.; BJL     
      Broadcasting and new media policies in Western Europe : a comparative study of technological change a BJL  BOOK 1988
HE 8700.66 G7 L6 : Home video and the changing nature of the television audience / M.R. Levy and B. Gunter.; BJL     
      Home video and the changing nature of the television audience / M.R. Levy and B. Gunter. BJL  BOOK 1988
HE 8700.66 G7 M8    
      Family television : cultural power and domestic leisure. BJL  BOOK 1986
      Television, audiences, and cultural studies. BJL  BOOK 1992
HE 8700.66 G7 V3 : The VCR age : home video and mass communication / edited by Mark R. Levy.; BJL     
      The VCR age : home video and mass communication / edited by Mark R. Levy. BJL  BOOK 1989
HE 8700.66 U5 A5 : Desperately seeking the audience.; BJL     
      Desperately seeking the audience. BJL  BOOK 1991
HE8700.66.U6 F76 2018 : From networks to Netflix : a guide to changing channels / edited by Derek Johnson.; BJL     
      From networks to Netflix : a guide to changing channels / edited by Derek Johnson. BJL  BOOK 2018
HE8700.66.U6 .F766 2018 : From networks to Netflix : a guide to changing channels / edited by Derek Johnson.; Online materials     
      From networks to Netflix : a guide to changing channels / edited by Derek Johnson. Online materials  EBOOKS 2018
HE 8700.7 C6 V4 : Choice by cable : the economics of a new era in television.; BJL     
      Choice by cable : the economics of a new era in television. BJL  BOOK 1983
HE 8700.7 F8 : La télévision par câble.; BJL     
      La télévision par câble. BJL  BOOK 1990
HE 8700.7 P6 B6 : Television in politics : its uses and influence.; BJL     
      Television in politics : its uses and influence. BJL  BOOK 1968
HE 8700.7 P6 S1 : Electronic democracy : television's impact on the American political process.; BJL     
      Electronic democracy : television's impact on the American political process. BJL  BOOK 1979
HE 8700.7 P6 T2 : Television and political life : studies in six European countries / edited by A. Smith.; BJL     
      Television and political life : studies in six European countries / edited by A. Smith. BJL  BOOK 1979
HE 8700.7 P6 T7 : The production of political television.; BJL     
      The production of political television. BJL  BOOK 1977
HE 8700.72 G7 C5 : Dished! : the rise and fall of British satellite broadcasting / Peter Chippindale & Suzanne Franks.; BJL     
      Dished! : the rise and fall of British satellite broadcasting / Peter Chippindale & Suzanne Franks. BJL  BOOK 1992
HE8700.72.U6 C355 : Cable visions : television beyond broadcasting / edited by Sarah Banet-Weiser, Cynthia Chris, and Anthony Freitas.; BJL     
      Cable visions : television beyond broadcasting / edited by Sarah Banet-Weiser, Cynthia Chris, and Ant BJL  BOOK c2007
HE8700.72.U6 C355 2007 : Cable visions : television beyond broadcasting / edited by Sarah Banet-Weiser, Cynthia Chris, and Anthony Freitas.; Online materials     
      Cable visions : television beyond broadcasting / edited by Sarah Banet-Weiser, Cynthia Chris, and Ant Online materials  EBOOKS 2007
HE 8700.74 U5 B8 : Defining vision : the battle for the future of television.; BJL     
      Defining vision : the battle for the future of television. BJL  BOOK 1997
HE8700.79.G7 F88 : A future for public service television / edited by Des Freedman and Vana Goblot.; BJL     
      A future for public service television / edited by Des Freedman and Vana Goblot. BJL  BOOK 2018
HE8700.79.G7 .F888 2018 : A future for public service television / edited by Des Freedman and Vana Goblot.; Online materials     
      A future for public service television / edited by Des Freedman and Vana Goblot. Online materials  EBOOKS 2018
HE 8700.8 N5 : Economic aspects of television regulation.; BJL     
      Economic aspects of television regulation. BJL  BOOK 1973
HE 8700.9 A78 C7 : Contemporary television : eastern perspectives / edited by David French, Michael Richards.; BJL     
      Contemporary television : eastern perspectives / edited by David French, Michael Richards. BJL  BOOK 1996
HE 8700.9 A78 T4 : Imagi-nations and borderless television : media, culture and politics across Asia.; BJL     
      Imagi-nations and borderless television : media, culture and politics across Asia. BJL  BOOK c2005
HE 8700.9 A9 A9 / q : The demand for colour television receivers.; BJL     
      The demand for colour television receivers. BJL  BOOK 1973
HE8700.9.E3 : Dramas of nationhood : the politics of television in Egypt / Lila Abu-Lughod.; BJL     
      Dramas of nationhood : the politics of television in Egypt / Lila Abu-Lughod. BJL  BOOK c2005
HE 8700.9 E8 N3 : The internationalisation of television / R.M. Negrine and S. Papathanassopoulos.; BJL     
      The internationalisation of television / R.M. Negrine and S. Papathanassopoulos. BJL  BOOK 1990
HE 8700.9 E8 T2 : Television and the public interest : vulnerable values in west European broadcasting / edited by Jay G. Blumler.; BJL     
      Television and the public interest : vulnerable values in west European broadcasting / edited by Jay BJL  BOOK 1992
HE 8700.9 G7 C7 / q : Carlton Communications Plc and Granada Group PLC and United News and Media plc : a report on the three proposed mergers / Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry by the Command of Her Majesty, July 2000.; BJL     
      Carlton Communications Plc and Granada Group PLC and United News and Media plc : a report on the thre BJL  BOOK 2000
HE 8700.9 G7 F8 : Freedom in broadcasting / edited by C. Veljanovski.; BJL     
      Freedom in broadcasting / edited by C. Veljanovski. BJL  BOOK 1989
HE 8700.9 G7 G3    
      Broadcasting : further memorandum on the report of the committee on Broadcasting, 1960. / Pilkington BJL  BOOK 1962
      Broadcasting : memorandum on the report of the committee on Broadcasting, 1960. BJL  BOOK 1962
      The future of sound radio and television : a short version of the report of the Pilkington Committee. BJL  BOOK 1962
HE 8700.9 G7 M7 / q : British Sky Broadcasting Group plc and Manchester United plc : a report on the proposed merger / presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry by Command of Her Majesty, April 1999.; BJL     
      British Sky Broadcasting Group plc and Manchester United plc : a report on the proposed merger / pres BJL  BOOK 1999
HE 8700.9 G7 S4 : Independent television in Britain.; BJL     
      Independent television in Britain. BJL  BOOK 1982
HE 8700.9 G7 S7 : Switching to digital television : UK public policy and the market / Michael Starks.; BJL     
      Switching to digital television : UK public policy and the market / Michael Starks. BJL  BOOK 2007
HE 8700.9 I3 J6 : Television and social change in rural India.; BJL     
      Television and social change in rural India. BJL  BOOK 2000
HE 8700.9 Q22 E4 : Al-Jazeera : how the free Arab news network scooped the world and changed the Middle East / Mohammed el-Nawawy, Adel Iskander.; BJL     
      Al-Jazeera : how the free Arab news network scooped the world and changed the Middle East / Mohammed BJL  BOOK c2002
HE 8700.9 V6 D2 : Dieu-tra ve vo-tuyen truyen-hinh tai xa-hoi Viet-Nam, dac-beit o' thu-do Saigon.; South East Asian Collection     
      Dieu-tra ve vo-tuyen truyen-hinh tai xa-hoi Viet-Nam, dac-beit o' thu-do Saigon. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1970
HE 8701 : The story of the telephone department.; BJL     
      The story of the telephone department. BJL  BOOK  
HE 8735 C2 : Telephones public or private? a comparative study of the British and American system.; BJL     
      Telephones public or private? a comparative study of the British and American system. BJL  BOOK 1966
HE 8748 G7 S4 / q : Report from the Select Committee on Post Office.; BJL     
      Report from the Select Committee on Post Office. BJL  BOOK 1905
HE 9144 B8 / q : Competitive markets in telecommunications.; BJL     
      Competitive markets in telecommunications. BJL  BOOK 1990
HE 9144 P8 / q : Notes on telephone development.; BJL     
      Notes on telephone development. BJL  BOOK 1968
HE 9145 B3 : The future of telecommunications : an assessment of competition in UK policy / M.E. Beesley and B. Laidlaw.; BJL     
      The future of telecommunications : an assessment of competition in UK policy / M.E. Beesley and B. La BJL  BOOK 1989
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