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HT 384 C37 U7 : The Urban Caribbean : transition to the new global economy / edited by Alejandro Portes, Carlos Dore-Cabral, and Patricia Landolt.; BJL     
      The Urban Caribbean : transition to the new global economy / edited by Alejandro Portes, Carlos Dore- BJL  BOOK 1997
HT 384 C5 F2 : Farewell to peasant China : rural urbanization and social change in the late twentieth century / edited by Gregory Eliyu Guldin.; BJL     
      Farewell to peasant China : rural urbanization and social change in the late twentieth century / edit BJL  BOOK c1997
HT 384 C5 F9 : China's urban transition / John Friedmann.; BJL     
      China's urban transition / John Friedmann. BJL  BOOK 2005
HT 384 C5 T7 : Transforming Chinese cities / edited by Mark Y. Wang, Pookong Kee, and Jia Gao.; BJL     
      Transforming Chinese cities / edited by Mark Y. Wang, Pookong Kee, and Jia Gao. BJL  BOOK 2014
HT 384 C5 U7 : Urbanization and social welfare in China / edited by Aimin Chen, Gordon G. Liu, Kevin H. Zhang.; BJL     
      Urbanization and social welfare in China / edited by Aimin Chen, Gordon G. Liu, Kevin H. Zhang. BJL  BOOK c2004
HT 384 C5 Z6    
      China's limited urbanization : under socialism and beyond / Li Zhang. BJL  BOOK c2004
      The transition of China's urban development : from plan-controlled to market-led / Jieming Zhu. BJL  BOOK 1999
HT 384 C92 H38 : Havana : two faces of the Antillean metropolis / Joseph L. Scarpaci, Roberto Segre, Mario Coyula.; BJL     
      Havana : two faces of the Antillean metropolis / Joseph L. Scarpaci, Roberto Segre, Mario Coyula. BJL  BOOK 2002
HT 384 D44 C5 : Cities transformed : demographic change and its implications in the developing world / Panel on Urban Population Dynamics, Mark R. Montgomery ... [et al.], editors ; Committee on Population, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council of the National Academies.; BJL     
      Cities transformed : demographic change and its implications in the developing world / Panel on Urban BJL  BOOK c2003
HT 384 D44 U7 : Urbanization in large developing countries : China, Indonesia, Brazil, and India / edited by Gavin W. Jones and Pravin Visaria.; BJL     
      Urbanization in large developing countries : China, Indonesia, Brazil, and India / edited by Gavin W. BJL  BOOK 1997
HT 384 E18 G5 : Globalization and the sustainability of cities in the Asia Pacific region / edited by Fu-chen Lo and Peter J. Marcotullio.; BJL     
      Globalization and the sustainability of cities in the Asia Pacific region / edited by Fu-chen Lo and BJL  BOOK c2001
HT 384 E32 C1 : Remaking the modern : space, relocation, and the politics of identity in a global Cairo / Farha Ghannam.; BJL     
      Remaking the modern : space, relocation, and the politics of identity in a global Cairo / Farha Ghann BJL  BOOK c2002
HT 384 E8 U7 : Urban sprawl in Western Europe and the United States / edited by Harry W. Richardson, Chang-Hee Christine Bae.; BJL     
      Urban sprawl in Western Europe and the United States / edited by Harry W. Richardson, Chang-Hee Chris BJL  BOOK c2004
HT 384 G3 R4 : Geschichte der Urbanisierung in Deutschland.; BJL     
      Geschichte der Urbanisierung in Deutschland. BJL  BOOK 1985
HT 384 G7 L8 : Localities : the changing face of urban Britain / edited by P. Cooke.; BJL     
      Localities : the changing face of urban Britain / edited by P. Cooke. BJL  BOOK 1989
HT 384 G7 U7 : Urbanising Britain : essays on class and community in the nineteenth century / edited by Gerry Kearns and Charles W.J. Withers.; BJL     
      Urbanising Britain : essays on class and community in the nineteenth century / edited by Gerry Kearns BJL  BOOK 1991
HT 384 I4 M6 : Urbanization in India : challenges and opportunities / R.P. Misra.; BJL     
      Urbanization in India : challenges and opportunities / R.P. Misra. BJL  BOOK c1998
HT 384 I4 S6 : Handbook of urbanization in India : an analysis of trends and processes / K.C. Sivaramakrishnan, Amitabh Kundu, B.N. Singh.; BJL     
      Handbook of urbanization in India : an analysis of trends and processes / K.C. Sivaramakrishnan, Amit BJL  BOOK 2007
HT 384 I4 U7 : Urbanization in India : sociological contributions / editor: Ranvinder Singh Sandhu.; BJL     
      Urbanization in India : sociological contributions / editor: Ranvinder Singh Sandhu. BJL  BOOK 2003
HT 384 M2 B8 : The city in the village : the in-situ urbanization of villages, villagers and their land around Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / Harold Brookfield, Abdul Samad Hadi and Zaharah Mahmud.; South East Asian Collection     
      The city in the village : the in-situ urbanization of villages, villagers and their land around Kuala South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1991
HT 384 P16 C7 : Urbanisation in the Island Pacific : towards sustainable development / John Connell and John Lea.; BJL     
      Urbanisation in the Island Pacific : towards sustainable development / John Connell and John Lea. BJL  BOOK 2002
HT 384 S6 A6 : The apartheid city and beyond : urbanization and social change in South Africa / edited by David M. Smith.; BJL, Departmental Locations      
      The apartheid city and beyond : urbanization and social change in South Africa / edited by David M. S BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1992
HT 384 S72 O6 : Urbanismo e historia : la ciudad de Orduña.; BJL     
      Urbanismo e historia : la ciudad de Orduña. BJL  BOOK 1995
HT 384 T34 L9 : Crisis, urbanization, and urban poverty in Tanzania : a study of urban poverty and survival politics.; BJL     
      Crisis, urbanization, and urban poverty in Tanzania : a study of urban poverty and survival politics. BJL  BOOK 1995
HT 384 T342 D2 : African underclass : urbanisation, crime & colonial order in Dar es Salaam / Andrew Burton.; BJL     
      African underclass : urbanisation, crime & colonial order in Dar es Salaam / Andrew Burton. BJL  BOOK 2006
HT 384 U5 D8 : Suburban nation : the rise of sprawl and the decline of the American dream / Andres Duany, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, and Jeff Speck.; BJL     
      Suburban nation : the rise of sprawl and the decline of the American dream / Andres Duany, Elizabeth BJL  BOOK 2001
HT 384 U5 J1 : Crabgrass frontier : the suburbanization of the United States.; BJL, Departmental Locations      
      Crabgrass frontier : the suburbanization of the United States. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1985
HT 384 U52 L673 : From Chicago to L.A. : making sense of urban theory / Michael J. Dear, editor ; with J. Dallas Dishman.; BJL     
      From Chicago to L.A. : making sense of urban theory / Michael J. Dear, editor ; with J. Dallas Dishma BJL  BOOK c2002
HT 384 U52 L77 : Los Angeles, globalization, urbanization, and social struggles.; BJL     
      Los Angeles, globalization, urbanization, and social struggles. BJL  BOOK 1998
      Economics of agglomeration : cities, industrial location, and regional growth / Masahisa Fujita, Jacq BJL  BOOK 2002
      Handbook of regional growth and development theories / edited by Roberta Capello and Peter Nijkamp. BJL  BOOK c2009
      Regional economics / Roberta Capello. BJL  BOOK 2007
HT 388 C7 / q : Community economic development : linking the grassroots to regional economic development : proceedings of the Regional Studies Association Annual Conference 1997.; BJL     
      Community economic development : linking the grassroots to regional economic development : proceeding BJL  BOOK 1997
HT 388 E2 : An introduction to coastal zone economics : concepts, methods and case materials.; BJL     
      An introduction to coastal zone economics : concepts, methods and case materials. BJL  BOOK 1987
HT 388 H2 : Handbook of regional innovation and growth / edited by Philip Cooke with Bjørn T. Asheim ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Handbook of regional innovation and growth / edited by Philip Cooke with Bjørn T. Asheim ... [e BJL  BOOK 2011
HT 388 I5 : Innovation, networks and learning regions / edited by James Simmie.; BJL     
      Innovation, networks and learning regions / edited by James Simmie. BJL  BOOK c1997
HT 388 K2 : Spatial knowledge spillovers and the dynamics of agglomeration and regional growth.; BJL     
      Spatial knowledge spillovers and the dynamics of agglomeration and regional growth. BJL  BOOK c2000
HT 388 P7 : The political economy of regionalism / edited by Michael Keating and John Loughlin.; BJL     
      The political economy of regionalism / edited by Michael Keating and John Loughlin. BJL  BOOK 1997
HT 388 S8 : The regional world : territorial development in a global economy.; BJL     
      The regional world : territorial development in a global economy. BJL  BOOK 1997
HT 388 S838 : Spatial economic analysis.; BJL     
      Spatial economic analysis. BJL  PERIODICAL 2006-
HT390 : Regional studies (Online); Online materials     
      Regional studies [electronic resource]. Online materials  EJOURNALS 1967-
HT 390 C39 C1(1) / q : Implantation manufacturiere dans la region de Montreal / par J.C. Thibodeau; avec la collaboration de Y. Martineau.; BJL     
      Implantation manufacturiere dans la region de Montreal / par J.C. Thibodeau; avec la collaboration de BJL  BOOK 1971
HT 390 C39 C1(2) / q : L'interdisciplinarite.; BJL     
      L'interdisciplinarite. BJL  BOOK 1972
HT 390 R33 / q : Regional studies : journal of the Regional Studies Association.; BJL     
      Regional studies : journal of the Regional Studies Association. BJL  PERIODICAL 1967-
HT 390 U5 / q : Symposium on European co-operation in training regional planners from developing countries, Stockholm, Sweden.; BJL     
      Symposium on European co-operation in training regional planners from developing countries, Stockholm BJL  BOOK 1972
HT 390 U58 R3(1) : Regional development : experiences and prospects in south and southeastAsia / ed. by Lefeber and Datta Chaudhuri.; BJL     
      Regional development : experiences and prospects in south and southeastAsia / ed. by Lefeber and Datt BJL  BOOK 1971
HT 390 U58 R3(12) : Dilemmas in regional policy.; BJL     
      Dilemmas in regional policy. BJL  BOOK 1983
HT 390 U58 R3(2) : Regional development : experiences and prospects in the United States of America.; BJL     
      Regional development : experiences and prospects in the United States of America. BJL  BOOK 1971
HT 390 U58 R3(3) : Regional development experiences and prospects in Latin America.; BJL     
      Regional development experiences and prospects in Latin America. BJL  BOOK 1975
HT 390 U58 R3(4) : Regional development : experiences and prospects in eastern Europe.; BJL     
      Regional development : experiences and prospects in eastern Europe. BJL  BOOK 1972
HT 390 U58 R3(5) : Growth poles and growth centres in regional planning / A. Kuklinski editor.; BJL     
      Growth poles and growth centres in regional planning / A. Kuklinski editor. BJL  BOOK 1972
HT 390 U58 R3(6) : Regional information and regional planning / editor A Kuklinski.; BJL     
      Regional information and regional planning / editor A Kuklinski. BJL  BOOK 1974
HT 390 U58 R3(8) : Regional disaggregation of national policies and plans / editor A Kuklinski.; BJL     
      Regional disaggregation of national policies and plans / editor A Kuklinski. BJL  BOOK 1975
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