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HV5801 .L664 2022 : Long-term recovery from substance use : European perspectives / Sarah Galvani, Alastair Roy, Amanda Clayson, editors.; Online materials     
      Long-term recovery from substance use : European perspectives / Sarah Galvani, Alastair Roy, Amanda C Online materials  EBOOKS 2022
HV 5801 L7 : The addict and the law.; BJL     
      The addict and the law. BJL  BOOK 1965
HV 5801 M1 : Drug diplomacy in the twentieth century : an international history.; BJL     
      Drug diplomacy in the twentieth century : an international history. BJL  BOOK 2000
HV 5801 M2 : Management of drug users in the community : a practical handbook / edited by Roy Robertson.; BJL     
      Management of drug users in the community : a practical handbook / edited by Roy Robertson. BJL  BOOK 1998
HV 5801 M9 : Mystification and drug misuse : hazards in using psychoactive drugs.; BJL     
      Mystification and drug misuse : hazards in using psychoactive drugs. BJL  BOOK 1973
HV 5801 P6 : Drugs and drug rehabilitation : another blasted book about drugs.; BJL     
      Drugs and drug rehabilitation : another blasted book about drugs. BJL  BOOK 1976
HV 5801 P9 : Fixing drugs : the politics of drug prohibition / Sue Pryce.; BJL     
      Fixing drugs : the politics of drug prohibition / Sue Pryce. BJL  BOOK 2012
HV 5801 R1 : Pleasure consuming medicine : the queer politics of drugs / Kane Race.; BJL     
      Pleasure consuming medicine : the queer politics of drugs / Kane Race. BJL  BOOK 2009
HV5801 .R57 2012 : Risk and rehabilitation : management and treatment of substance misuse and mental health problems in the criminal justice system / edited by Aaron Pycroft and Suzie Clift.; Online materials     
      Risk and rehabilitation : management and treatment of substance misuse and mental health problems in Online materials  EBOOKS 2012
HV 5801 R7 / q : After the war on drugs : options for control / [written and edited by Steve Rolles, Danny Kushlick and Mike Jay].; BJL     
      After the war on drugs : options for control / [written and edited by Steve Rolles, Danny Kushlick an BJL  BOOK c2005
HV 5801 R8 : Drug scenes : a report on drugs and drug dependence by the Royal College of Psychiatrists.; BJL     
      Drug scenes : a report on drugs and drug dependence by the Royal College of Psychiatrists. BJL  BOOK 1987
HV 5801 S3 : Narcotic addiction in Britain and America : the impact of public policy.; BJL     
      Narcotic addiction in Britain and America : the impact of public policy. BJL  BOOK 1963
HV 5801 S4 : Controlling illegal drugs : a comparative study / translated by Nora Stern.; BJL     
      Controlling illegal drugs : a comparative study / translated by Nora Stern. BJL  BOOK c2003
HV 5801 S5 : Aspects of drug addiction : a report on a survey.; BJL     
      Aspects of drug addiction : a report on a survey. BJL  BOOK 1967
HV 5801 S6 : Sociological aspects of drug dependence / ed. C.Winick.; BJL     
      Sociological aspects of drug dependence / ed. C.Winick. BJL  BOOK 1974
HV 5801 S8 : Winning the war on drugs : to legalise or not?; BJL     
      Winning the war on drugs : to legalise or not? BJL  BOOK 1994
HV 5801 S9 : Substance abuse and dependence : an introduction for the caring professions / edited by Hamid Ghodse and Douglas Maxwell.; BJL     
      Substance abuse and dependence : an introduction for the caring professions / edited by Hamid Ghodse BJL  BOOK 1990
HV 5801 T1 / q : Tackling drugs together : a strategy for England 1995-98 / presented to Parliament by the Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons...; BJL     
      Tackling drugs together : a strategy for England 1995-98 / presented to Parliament by the Lord Presid BJL  BOOK 1995
HV 5802 B6 : Horatio Alger's children : the role of the family in the origin and prevention of drug risk.; BJL     
      Horatio Alger's children : the role of the family in the origin and prevention of drug risk. BJL  BOOK 1972
HV 5802 C6 : Drug abuse and personality in young offenders.; BJL     
      Drug abuse and personality in young offenders. BJL  BOOK 1971
HV 5802 D7 : Drugs and youth : the challenge of today / ed. E.Harms.; BJL     
      Drugs and youth : the challenge of today / ed. E.Harms. BJL  BOOK 1973
HV 5802 E9 / q : Expert group on drugs in modern society : community reactions to drug use by young people.; BJL     
      Expert group on drugs in modern society : community reactions to drug use by young people. BJL  BOOK 1973
HV 5802 H2 : Drug addiction in youth.; BJL     
      Drug addiction in youth. BJL  BOOK 1965
HV 5802 L7 : Let the children speak : a psychological study of young teenagers and drugs.; BJL     
      Let the children speak : a psychological study of young teenagers and drugs. BJL  BOOK 1975
HV 5802 M1 : Where on drugs : a parent's handbook / ed. by B.McAlhone.; BJL     
      Where on drugs : a parent's handbook / ed. by B.McAlhone. BJL  BOOK 1970
HV 5802 W6 : Drugs and schoolchildren.; BJL     
      Drugs and schoolchildren. BJL  BOOK 1970
HV 5804 E5 : The encyclopedia of drug abuse.; BJL     
      The encyclopedia of drug abuse. BJL  BOOK 1992
HV 5804 L7 : Drugs from Z. : a dictionary.; BJL     
      Drugs from Z. : a dictionary. BJL  BOOK 1970
HV 5808 D2 / q : Drug education : a handbook for teachers and youth workers / Graham T. Davies, Linda Davies.; BJL     
      Drug education : a handbook for teachers and youth workers / Graham T. Davies, Linda Davies. BJL  BOOK 1991
HV 5808 D7 : Drug education in schools / a report from the Office of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools.; BJL     
      Drug education in schools / a report from the Office of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools. BJL  BOOK 1997
HV 5808 R2 : It's my problem as well : drugs prevention and education / Tim Rathbone and Sir Jack Stewart-Clark.; BJL     
      It's my problem as well : drugs prevention and education / Tim Rathbone and Sir Jack Stewart-Clark. BJL  BOOK 1992
HV 5808 U5 : Guidelines for drug abuse prevention education.; BJL     
      Guidelines for drug abuse prevention education. BJL  BOOK 1972
HV 5809 T9 : Parental drug misuse : a review of impact and intervention studies.; BJL     
      Parental drug misuse : a review of impact and intervention studies. BJL  BOOK 2002
HV 5810 C6    
      Cocaine / edited by Emma Carlson Berne. BJL  BOOK c2006
      Cocaine : global histories / edited by Paul Gootenberg. BJL  BOOK 1999
HV 5810 W7 : The cocaine kid : the inside story of a teenage drug ring.; BJL     
      The cocaine kid : the inside story of a teenage drug ring. BJL  BOOK 1990
HV 5816 A2 : The distribution of opium cultivation and the trade in opium.; BJL     
      The distribution of opium cultivation and the trade in opium. BJL  BOOK 1939
HV 5816 G8 : Uit en over Midden-Java : onuitgegeven en uitgegeven brieven over opiumpacht Chinesenwoeker en andere javaaansche belangen.; South East Asian Collection     
      Uit en over Midden-Java : onuitgegeven en uitgegeven brieven over opiumpacht Chinesenwoeker en andere South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1891
HV 5816 L2 / (WC) : The second opium war.; South East Asian Collection     
      The second opium war. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1974
HV 5816 L9    
      The opium clippers. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1933
      The opium clippers. Departmental Locations  BOOK c1967
HV 5816 N4 : The opium question, with special reference to Persia.; BJL     
      The opium question, with special reference to Persia. BJL  BOOK 1927
HV 5816 R8 : The Imperial drug trade : a re-statement of the opium question.; BJL     
      The Imperial drug trade : a re-statement of the opium question. BJL  BOOK 1905
HV 5816 R9    
      Opium farms in nineteenth century Java : institutional continuity and change in a colonial society, 1 South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1984
      Opium to Java : revenue farming and Chinese enterprise in colonial Indonesia, 1860-1910. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1990
HV 5816 W5 : Poppies, pipes and people : opium and its use in Laos.; South East Asian Collection     
      Poppies, pipes and people : opium and its use in Laos. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1982
HV 5822 G4 O1 : Glue sniffing and volatile substance abuse : case studies of children and young adults.; BJL     
      Glue sniffing and volatile substance abuse : case studies of children and young adults. BJL  BOOK 1983
HV5822.H25 .G544 2020 : Acid revival : the psychedelic renaissance and the quest for medical legitimacy / Danielle Giffort.; Online materials     
      Acid revival : the psychedelic renaissance and the quest for medical legitimacy / Danielle Giffort. Online materials  EBOOKS 2020
HV5822.H4 : The survival of the coolest : an addiction memoir / by William Pryor.; BJL     
      The survival of the coolest : an addiction memoir / by William Pryor. BJL  BOOK 2003
HV 5822 H4 B7 : Addiction / ed. by P.G.Bourne.; BJL     
      Addiction / ed. by P.G.Bourne. BJL  BOOK 1974
HV 5822 H4 H8 : Behind the wall of respect : community experiments in heroin addiction control.; BJL     
      Behind the wall of respect : community experiments in heroin addiction control. BJL  BOOK 1977
HV 5822 H4 J9 : Heroin addiction in Britain.; BJL     
      Heroin addiction in Britain. BJL  BOOK 1974
HV 5822 H4 K1 : The hardest drug : heroin and public policy.; BJL     
      The hardest drug : heroin and public policy. BJL  BOOK 1983
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