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HV 6250.3 E8 E9 : Explanatory report on the European Convention on the Compensation of Victims of Violent Crimes.; BJL     
      Explanatory report on the European Convention on the Compensation of Victims of Violent Crimes. BJL  BOOK 1984
HV 6250.3 G7 B8 / q : Preventing repeat victimisation : the police officers' guide / Cressida Bridgeman, Louise Hobbs.; BJL     
      Preventing repeat victimisation : the police officers' guide / Cressida Bridgeman, Louise Hobbs. BJL  BOOK 1997
HV 6250.3 G7 G6 : Good practice in safeguarding adults : working effectively in adult protection / edited by Jacki Pritchard.; BJL     
      Good practice in safeguarding adults : working effectively in adult protection / edited by Jacki Prit BJL  BOOK 2008
HV 6250.3 G7 H1 : Victims of crime : policy and practice in criminal justice / Matthew Hall.; BJL     
      Victims of crime : policy and practice in criminal justice / Matthew Hall. BJL  BOOK 2009
HV 6250.3 G7 H8    
      The 1996 British Crime Survey : England and Wales / C. Mirrlees-Black, P. Mayhew and A. Percy. BJL  BOOK 1996
      The 1998 British crime survey : England and Wales / Catriona Mirrlees-Black ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 1998
      The 2000 British crime survey : England and Wales / Chris Kershaw... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 2000
      The 2001 British crime survey : England and Wales, first results / Chris Kershaw ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 2001
2 additional entries    
HV 6250.3 G7 J7 : Victims of violence.; BJL     
      Victims of violence. BJL  BOOK 1986
HV 6250.3 G7 K7 : Crime surveys and victims of crime.; BJL     
      Crime surveys and victims of crime. BJL  BOOK 1996
HV 6250.3 G7 M4 : Crime victims : needs, services, and the voluntary sector / R.I. Mawby,M.L. Gill.; BJL     
      Crime victims : needs, services, and the voluntary sector / R.I. Mawby,M.L. Gill. BJL  BOOK 1987
HV 6250.3 G7 N5    
      Keeping in touch : police-victim communication in two areas / by T. Newburn and S. Merry. BJL  BOOK  
      The long-term needs of victims : a review of the literature. BJL  BOOK 1993
      New visions of crime victims / edited by Carolyn Hoyle and Richard Young. BJL  BOOK 2002
HV 6250.3 G7 P2 / q : Increasing the rights of victims of crime.; BJL     
      Increasing the rights of victims of crime. BJL  BOOK 1996
HV 6250.3 G7 P9 : Recording skills in safeguarding adults : best practice and evidential requirements / Jacki Pritchard with Simon Leslie.; BJL     
      Recording skills in safeguarding adults : best practice and evidential requirements / Jacki Pritchard BJL  BOOK 2011
HV 6250.3 G7 R4 : Reparation and victim-focused social work / edited by Brian Williams.; BJL     
      Reparation and victim-focused social work / edited by Brian Williams. BJL  BOOK 2002
HV 6250.3 G7 S1    
      Safeguarding adults in social work / edited by Andy Mantell and Terry Scragg. BJL  BOOK 2008
      Safeguarding adults in social work / edited by Andy Mantell and Terry Scragg. BJL  BOOK 2011
HV6250.3.G7 S24 2016 : Safeguarding adults and children : dilemmas and complex practice / edited by Georgina Koubel.; BJL     
      Safeguarding adults and children : dilemmas and complex practice / edited by Georgina Koubel. BJL  BOOK 2016
HV 6250.3 G7 S7 : Surveying victims : a study of the measurement of criminal victimization, perceptions of crime, and attitudes to criminal justice / R.F. Sparks, H.G. Genn, D.J. Dodd.; BJL     
      Surveying victims : a study of the measurement of criminal victimization, perceptions of crime, and a BJL  BOOK 1977
HV 6250.3 G7 T1 / q : Victim and witness intimidation : findings from the British Crime Survey / Roger Tarling, Lizanne Dowds, Tracey Budd.; BJL     
      Victim and witness intimidation : findings from the British Crime Survey / Roger Tarling, Lizanne Dow BJL  BOOK 2000
HV6250.3.G7 V5113 : Victims, crime & society : an introdution / Pamela Davies, Peter Francis and Chris Greer.; BJL     
      Victims, crime & society : an introdution / Pamela Davies, Peter Francis and Chris Greer. BJL  BOOK 2017
HV 6250.3 G7 V6    
      Victims, crime and society / edited by Pamela Davies, Peter Francis, Chris Greer. BJL  BOOK 2007
      Victims of crime : a new deal? / edited by Mike Maguire and John Pointing. BJL  BOOK 1988
HV 6250.3.G7 W7    
      Victims of crime and community justice / Brian Williams. BJL  BOOK 2005
      Working with victims of crime : policies, politics, and practice. BJL  BOOK 1999
HV 6250.3 N4 D5 : Compensation by the State or by the offender : the victim's perspective : paper presented at the Conference on victims, restitution and compensation in the criminal justice system at Cambridge U.K. on 13-16 August 1984.; BJL     
      Compensation by the State or by the offender : the victim's perspective : paper presented at the Conf BJL  BOOK 1985
HV 6250.3 U5 D8 : Victims in the war on crime : the use and abuse of victims' rights.; BJL     
      Victims in the war on crime : the use and abuse of victims' rights. BJL  BOOK 2002
HV 6250.3 U5 E4 : Victims still : the political manipulation of crime victims.; BJL     
      Victims still : the political manipulation of crime victims. BJL  BOOK 1993
HV 6250.3 U5 H6 : Victims of personal crime : an empirical foundation for a theory of personal victimization / by M.J.Hindelang, M.R.Cottfredson and J.Garofalo.; BJL     
      Victims of personal crime : an empirical foundation for a theory of personal victimization / by M.J.H BJL  BOOK 1978
HV 6250.3 U5 R4 : Second wounds : victims' rights and the media in the U.S. / Carrie A. Rentschler.; BJL     
      Second wounds : victims' rights and the media in the U.S. / Carrie A. Rentschler. BJL  BOOK 2011
HV 6250.3 U5 V6    
      Victims of crime / Robert C. Davis, Arthur J. Lurigio, Susan Herman, editors. BJL  BOOK c2007
      Victims of crime / Robert C. Davis, Arthur J. Lurigio, Susan Herman, editors. BJL  BOOK c2013
      Victims of crime : problems, policies, and programs / Arthur J. Lurigio, Wesley G. Skogan, Robert C. BJL  BOOK 1990
HV 6250.4 A34 B8 : Geronticide : killing the elderly.; BJL     
      Geronticide : killing the elderly. BJL  BOOK 2001
HV 6250.4 C48 C5 : Children as victims / edited by Peter Kennison, Anthony Goodman.; BJL     
      Children as victims / edited by Peter Kennison, Anthony Goodman. BJL  BOOK 2008
HV 6250.4 E75 A2    
      The UK Chinese and racially-motivated crime : a pilot study in West Yorkshire and Humberside / Sue Ad Departmental Locations  BOOK 2006
      The UK Chinese and racially-motivated crime : a pilot study in West Yorkshire and Humberside / Sue Ad Departmental Locations  BOOK 2006
      The UK Chinese and racially-motivated crime : a pilot study in West Yorkshire and Humberside / Sue Ad Departmental Locations  BOOK 2006
      The UK Chinese and racially-motivated crime : a pilot study in West Yorkshire and Humberside / Sue Ad Departmental Locations  BOOK 2006
2 additional entries    
HV 6250.4 E75 B7 : Violent racism : victimization, policing, and social context.; BJL     
      Violent racism : victimization, policing, and social context. BJL  BOOK 1998
HV 6250.4 E75 C9 : Crime, policing and justice : the experience of ethnic minorities : findings from the 2000 British Crime Survey / Anna Clancy ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Crime, policing and justice : the experience of ethnic minorities : findings from the 2000 British Cr BJL  BOOK 2001
HV 6250.4 E75 H6    
      Hidden from public view? : racism against the UK's Chinese population / the authors of the report are Departmental Locations, BJL   BOOK c2009
      Hidden from public view? : racism against the UK's Chinese population / the authors of the report are Departmental Locations, BJL   BOOK c2009
      Hidden from public view? : racism against the UK's Chinese population / the authors of the report are Departmental Locations, BJL   BOOK c2009
HV6250.4.H35 : Safeguarding adults together under the Care Act 2014 : a multi-agency practice guide / Barbara Starns.; Online materials     
      Safeguarding adults together under the Care Act 2014 : a multi-agency practice guide / Barbara Starns Online materials  EBOOKS 2019
HV6250.4.H35 S2 : Safeguarding adults under the Care Act 2014 : understanding good practice / edited by Adi Cooper OBE and Emily White ; foreword by Lyn Romeo.; BJL     
      Safeguarding adults under the Care Act 2014 : understanding good practice / edited by Adi Cooper OBE BJL  BOOK 2017
HV 6250.4 H35 S5 / q : Just gateways? : towards a changed police response to people with learning difficulties as victims of crime.; BJL     
      Just gateways? : towards a changed police response to people with learning difficulties as victims of BJL  BOOK 2001
HV6250.4.H35 S7 : Safeguarding adults together under the Care Act 2014 : a multi-agency practice guide / Barbara Starns.; BJL     
      Safeguarding adults together under the Care Act 2014 : a multi-agency practice guide / Barbara Starns BJL  BOOK 2019
HV 6250.4 H35 W7 / q : Invisible victims : crime and abuse against people with learning disabilities.; BJL     
      Invisible victims : crime and abuse against people with learning disabilities. BJL  BOOK 1995
      Gender violence in peace and war : states of complicity / edited by Victoria Sanford, Katerina Stefat Online materials  EBOOKS 2016
      Researching gender violence [electronic resource] : feminist methodology in action / edited by Tina S Online materials  EBOOKS 2005
      Violence against women [electronic resource]. Online materials  EJOURNALS  
HV 6250.4 W65 C9 : Rape on prime time : television, masculinity, and sexual violence.; BJL     
      Rape on prime time : television, masculinity, and sexual violence. BJL  BOOK 2000
HV 6250.4 W65 D3 : Violence against women : myths, facts, controversies / Walter S. DeKeseredy.; BJL     
      Violence against women : myths, facts, controversies / Walter S. DeKeseredy. BJL  BOOK c2011
HV 6250.4 W65 F3 : Femicide in global perspective / Diana E. H. Russell, Roberta A. Harmes, editors.; BJL     
      Femicide in global perspective / Diana E. H. Russell, Roberta A. Harmes, editors. BJL  BOOK c2001
HV6250.4.W65 F64 2016 : Forever loved : exposing the hidden crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls in Canada / edited by D. Memee Lavell-Harvard and Jennifer Brant.; Online materials     
      Forever loved : exposing the hidden crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls in Cana Online materials  EBOOKS 2016
HV 6250.4 W65 G3    
      Gender and catastrophe / edited by Ronit Lentin. BJL  BOOK 1997
      Gender violence : interdisciplinary perspectives / edited by Laura L. O'Toole and Jessica R. Schiffma BJL  BOOK 1997
      Gender violence : interdisciplinary perspectives. BJL  BOOK 2007
HV6250.4.W65 G46 2022 : Geographies of gender-based violence : a multi-disciplinary perspective / edited by Hannah Bows and Bianca Fileborn.; Online materials     
      Geographies of gender-based violence : a multi-disciplinary perspective / edited by Hannah Bows and B Online materials  EBOOKS 2022
HV6250.4.W65 G4722 2013eb : Gender, violence, and human security : critical feminist perspectives / edited by Aili Mari Tripp, Myra Marx Ferree, and Christina Ewig.; Online materials     
      Gender, violence, and human security : critical feminist perspectives / edited by Aili Mari Tripp, My Online materials  EBOOKS 2013
HV6250.4.W65 G48 2020eb : Gender violence : interdisciplinary perspectives / edited by Laura L. O'Toole, Jessica R. Schiffman, and Rosemary Sullivan.; Online materials     
      Gender violence : interdisciplinary perspectives / edited by Laura L. O'Toole, Jessica R. Schiffman, Online materials  EBOOKS 2020
HV6250.4.W65 G6 : Nobody's victim : fighting harassment online & off / Carrie Goldberg.; BJL     
      Nobody's victim : fighting harassment online & off / Carrie Goldberg. BJL  BOOK 2020
HV6250.4.W65 G655 : The femicide machine / Sergio Gonzalez Rodriguez ; translated by Michael Parker-Stainback.; BJL     
      The femicide machine / Sergio Gonzalez Rodriguez ; translated by Michael Parker-Stainback. BJL  BOOK c2012
HV 6250.4 W65 H1 : Surviving child sexual abuse : a handbook for helping women challenge their past / L. Hall, S. Lloyd.; BJL     
      Surviving child sexual abuse : a handbook for helping women challenge their past / L. Hall, S. Lloyd. BJL  BOOK 1989
HV 6250.4 W65 H2 : Women, policing, and male violence : international perspectives / edited by Jalna Hanmer, Jill Radford, and Elizabeth A. Stanko.; BJL     
      Women, policing, and male violence : international perspectives / edited by Jalna Hanmer, Jill Radfor BJL  BOOK 1989
HV 6250.4 W65 H7    
      'Honour' killing and violence : theory, policy and practice / edited by Aisha K. Gill, Carolyn Strang BJL  BOOK 2014
      Honour, violence, women and Islam / edited by Mohammad Mazher Idriss and Tahir Abbas. BJL  BOOK 2011
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