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Mark   Media Year
HV6721.L3 S38 2014 : Addiction by design [electronic resource] : machine gambling in Las Vegas / Natasha Dow Schull.; Online materials     
      Addiction by design [electronic resource] : machine gambling in Las Vegas / Natasha Dow Schull. Online materials  EBOOKS 2014
HV 6721 N45 C4 : Casino women : courage in unexpected places / Susan Chandler and Jill B. Jones.; BJL     
      Casino women : courage in unexpected places / Susan Chandler and Jill B. Jones. BJL  BOOK 2011
HV 6721 N45 S3 : Suburban Xanadu : the casino resort on the Las Vegas strip and beyond / David G. Schwartz.; BJL     
      Suburban Xanadu : the casino resort on the Las Vegas strip and beyond / David G. Schwartz. BJL  BOOK 2003
HV 6722 A9 G1 : Gambling in Australia.; BJL     
      Gambling in Australia. BJL  BOOK 1985
HV 6722 G7 B6 : Hell and hazard, or William Crockford versus the Gentlemen of England.; BJL     
      Hell and hazard, or William Crockford versus the Gentlemen of England. BJL  BOOK 1969
HV 6722 G7 C5    
      Better betting with a decent feller : bookmaking, betting and the British working class, 1750-1990. BJL  BOOK 1991
      A bit of a flutter : popular gambling and English society, c.1823-1961. BJL  BOOK 1992
HV 6722 G7 G1 : Gambling, work and leisure : a study across three areas.; BJL     
      Gambling, work and leisure : a study across three areas. BJL  BOOK 1976
HV 6722 G7 M9 : An economic and social history of gambling in Britain and the USA.; BJL     
      An economic and social history of gambling in Britain and the USA. BJL  BOOK 1996
HV 6722 G7 O3 / q : Gambling, competitions and prize draws.; BJL     
      Gambling, competitions and prize draws. BJL  BOOK 1996
HV 6722 G72 Y68 : Working with young problem gamblers : guidelines to practice.; BJL     
      Working with young problem gamblers : guidelines to practice. BJL  BOOK 1992
HV 6722 G8 R8 : Betting & Gambling : a national evil / ed. by B.S.Rowntree.; BJL     
      Betting & Gambling : a national evil / ed. by B.S.Rowntree. BJL  BOOK 1905
HV 6761 A8 M1 : Scandal in the colonies : Sydney and Cape Town, 1820-1850 / Kirsten McKenzie.; BJL     
      Scandal in the colonies : Sydney and Cape Town, 1820-1850 / Kirsten McKenzie. BJL  BOOK 2004
HV6761.G72 T64 : The imposteress rabbit-breeder : Mary Toft and eighteenth-century England / Karen Harvey.; BJL     
      The imposteress rabbit-breeder : Mary Toft and eighteenth-century England / Karen Harvey. BJL  BOOK 2020
HV 6762 G7 B5 / q : Lost from view : missing persons in the UK / Nina Biehal, Fiona Mitchell and Jim Wade.; BJL     
      Lost from view : missing persons in the UK / Nina Biehal, Fiona Mitchell and Jim Wade. BJL  BOOK 2003
HV 6765 J2 : Safe as houses : the schemers and scams behind some of the world's greatest financial scandals / Sam Jaffa.; BJL     
      Safe as houses : the schemers and scams behind some of the world's greatest financial scandals / Sam BJL  BOOK 1997
HV 6766 K9 : Kreuger, genius and swindler.; BJL     
      Kreuger, genius and swindler. BJL  BOOK 1986
HV6768 : The dark side : critical cases on the downside of business / edited by Emmanuel Raufflet and Albert J. Mills.; BJL     
      The dark side : critical cases on the downside of business / edited by Emmanuel Raufflet and Albert J BJL  BOOK c2009
HV 6768 B7 : Money laundering : a practical guide to the new legislation / Rowan Bosworth-Davies and Graham Saltmarsh.; BJL     
      Money laundering : a practical guide to the new legislation / Rowan Bosworth-Davies and Graham Saltma BJL  BOOK 1994
HV6768 .B87 : Kleptopia : how dirty money is conquering the world / Tom Burgis.; BJL     
      Kleptopia : how dirty money is conquering the world / Tom Burgis. BJL  BOOK 2020
HV 6768 C6 : Dirty money : Swiss banks, the Mafia, money laundering, and white collar crime / by T.Clarke and J.J.Tigue.; BJL     
      Dirty money : Swiss banks, the Mafia, money laundering, and white collar crime / by T.Clarke and J.J. BJL  BOOK 1976
HV 6768 C7 : Corporate fraud.; BJL     
      Corporate fraud. BJL  BOOK 1985
HV 6768 C8    
      Corporate and white-collar crime / [edited by] John Minkes and Leonard Minkes. BJL  BOOK 2008
      Corporate crime / edited by Sally Simpson and Carole Gibbs. BJL  BOOK 2007
HV 6768 C9    
      Crimes of the powerful : a reader / edited by David Whyte. BJL  BOOK 2009
      Understanding white collar crime. BJL  BOOK 2001
      White collar crime : criminal justice and criminology. BJL  BOOK 1992
HV 6768 D3 : Technology and anti-money laundering : a systems theory and risk-based approach / Dionysios S. Demetis.; BJL     
      Technology and anti-money laundering : a systems theory and risk-based approach / Dionysios S. Demeti BJL  BOOK 2010
HV 6768 F9 : Trusted criminals : white collar crime in contemporary society / David O. Friedrichs.; BJL     
      Trusted criminals : white collar crime in contemporary society / David O. Friedrichs. BJL  BOOK c2010
HV 6768 G5 : Global financial crime : terrorism, money laundering and off shore centres / edited by Donato Masciandaro.; BJL     
      Global financial crime : terrorism, money laundering and off shore centres / edited by Donato Mascian BJL  BOOK c2004
HV 6768 H7 : Money laundering : a concise guide for all business / Doug Hopton.; BJL     
      Money laundering : a concise guide for all business / Doug Hopton. BJL  BOOK c2009
HV6768 .H85 : White-collar offenders and desistance from crime : future selves and the constancy of change / Ben Hunter.; BJL     
      White-collar offenders and desistance from crime : future selves and the constancy of change / Ben Hu BJL  BOOK 2015
HV6768 .H85 2015 : White-collar offenders and desistance from crime : future selves and the constancy of change / Ben Hunter.; Online materials     
      White-collar offenders and desistance from crime : future selves and the constancy of change / Ben Hu Online materials  EBOOKS 2015
HV6768 .I59 1999 : Invisible crimes [electronic resource] : their victims and their regulation / edited by Pamela Davies, Peter Francis, Victor Jupp.; Online materials     
      Invisible crimes [electronic resource] : their victims and their regulation / edited by Pamela Davies Online materials  EBOOKS 1999
HV 6768 I6 : Invisible crimes : their victims and their regulation / edited by Pamela Davies, Peter Francis and Victor Jupp.; BJL     
      Invisible crimes : their victims and their regulation / edited by Pamela Davies, Peter Francis and Vi BJL  BOOK 1999
HV 6768 K7 : The washing machine / Nick Kochan.; BJL     
      The washing machine / Nick Kochan. BJL  BOOK c2005
HV 6768 L7 : Dirty dealing : the untold truth about global money laundering, international crime and terrorism / Peter Lilley.; BJL     
      Dirty dealing : the untold truth about global money laundering, international crime and terrorism / P BJL  BOOK 2006
HV 6768 M4 : Crime school : money laundering : true crime meets the world of business and finance / Chris Mathers.; BJL     
      Crime school : money laundering : true crime meets the world of business and finance / Chris Mathers. BJL  BOOK 2004
HV6768 .O94 2016 : The Oxford handbook of white-collar crime / edited by Shanna R. Van Slyke, Michael L. Benson, and Francis T. Cullen.; BJL     
      The Oxford handbook of white-collar crime / edited by Shanna R. Van Slyke, Michael L. Benson, and Fra BJL  BOOK 2016
HV 6768 P9 : Dirty business : exploring corporate misconduct : analysis and cases.; BJL     
      Dirty business : exploring corporate misconduct : analysis and cases. BJL  BOOK 1996
HV 6768 S5 : Choosing white-collar crime / Neal Shover, Andy Hochstetler.; BJL     
      Choosing white-collar crime / Neal Shover, Andy Hochstetler. BJL  BOOK 2006
HV 6768 S6 : Corporate crime / Gary Slapper and Steve Tombs.; BJL     
      Corporate crime / Gary Slapper and Steve Tombs. BJL  BOOK 1999
HV 6768 S7 : Corporate fraud : the danger from within.; BJL     
      Corporate fraud : the danger from within. BJL  BOOK 1997
HV 6768 W4    
      Occupational fraud and abuse. BJL  BOOK 1997
      White-collar crime and criminal careers / David Weisburd, Elin Waring with Ellen Chayet. BJL  BOOK 2001
HV 6768 W5 : White-collar crime / edited by David Nelken.; BJL     
      White-collar crime / edited by David Nelken. BJL  BOOK 1994
HV6769 : The Complexities of Human Trafficking and Exploitation : The Circles of Analysis.; Online materials     
      The Complexities of Human Trafficking and Exploitation : The Circles of Analysis. Online materials  EBOOKS 2025
HV 6769 C8 : Corporate and governmental deviance : problems of organizational behavior in contemporary society / [edited by] M. David Ermann and Richard J. Lundman.; BJL     
      Corporate and governmental deviance : problems of organizational behavior in contemporary society / [ BJL  BOOK 1978
HV 6769 D2 : Fraud 101 : techniques and strategies for detection.; BJL     
      Fraud 101 : techniques and strategies for detection. BJL  BOOK 2000
HV 6769 D7 : Accidentally, on purpose : the making of a personal injury underworld in America.; BJL     
      Accidentally, on purpose : the making of a personal injury underworld in America. BJL  BOOK 1996
HV 6769 L4 : Dishonest dollars : the dynamics of white-collar crime / Terry L. Leap.; BJL     
      Dishonest dollars : the dynamics of white-collar crime / Terry L. Leap. BJL  BOOK 2007
HV 6769 P2 : Infectious greed : how deceit and risk corrupted the financial markets / Frank Partnoy.; BJL     
      Infectious greed : how deceit and risk corrupted the financial markets / Frank Partnoy. BJL  BOOK 2004
HV 6769 W5 : White-collar crime reconsidered / edited by Kip Schlegel & David Weisburd.; BJL     
      White-collar crime reconsidered / edited by Kip Schlegel & David Weisburd. BJL  BOOK 1992
HV 6771 E85 E9 : Economic crime / European Committee on Crime Problems.; BJL     
      Economic crime / European Committee on Crime Problems. BJL  BOOK 1981
HV 6771 G7 D6 : Part-time crime : an ethnography of fiddling and pilferage.; BJL     
      Part-time crime : an ethnography of fiddling and pilferage. BJL  BOOK 1977
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