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HV 6941 H76 P2(130) : Police stops, decision-making and practice / Paul Quinton, Nick Bland, Joel Miller.; BJL     
      Police stops, decision-making and practice / Paul Quinton, Nick Bland, Joel Miller. BJL  BOOK 2000
HV 6941 H76 P2(131) : Profiling populations available for stops and searches.; BJL     
      Profiling populations available for stops and searches. BJL  BOOK 2000
HV 6941 H76 P2(132) : Managing the use and impact of searches : a review of force interventions / Nick Bland, Joel Miller, Paul Quinton.; BJL     
      Managing the use and impact of searches : a review of force interventions / Nick Bland, Joel Miller, BJL  BOOK 2000
HV 6941 H76 P2(133) : Serving up : the impact of low-level police enforcement on drug markets / Tiggey May ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Serving up : the impact of low-level police enforcement on drug markets / Tiggey May ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 2000
HV 6941 H76 P2(134) : For love or money : pimps and the management of sex work / Tiggey May, Alex Harocopos, Michael Hough.; BJL     
      For love or money : pimps and the management of sex work / Tiggey May, Alex Harocopos, Michael Hough. BJL  BOOK 2000
HV 6941 H76 P2(135) : Reading between the lines : an evaluation of the Scientific Content Analysis technique (SCAN).; BJL     
      Reading between the lines : an evaluation of the Scientific Content Analysis technique (SCAN). BJL  BOOK 2001
HV 6941 H76 P2(136) : Attitudes of people from minority ethnic communities towards a career in the police service / Vanessa Stone, Rachel Tuffin.; BJL     
      Attitudes of people from minority ethnic communities towards a career in the police service / Vanessa BJL  BOOK 2000
HV 6941 H76 P2(137) : Assessing the police use of decoy vehicles.; BJL     
      Assessing the police use of decoy vehicles. BJL  BOOK 2001
HV 6941 H76 P2(138) : Widening access : improving police relations with hard to reach groups / Trevor Jones, Tim Newburn.; BJL     
      Widening access : improving police relations with hard to reach groups / Trevor Jones, Tim Newburn. BJL  BOOK 2001
HV 6941 H76 P2(139) : Risk management of sexual and violent offenders : the work of public protection panels / Mike Maguire ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Risk management of sexual and violent offenders : the work of public protection panels / Mike Maguire BJL  BOOK 2001
HV 6941 H76 P2(14) : The prevention of robbery at building society branches.; BJL     
      The prevention of robbery at building society branches. BJL  BOOK 1988
HV 6941 H76 P2(143) : In sickness and in health : reducing sickness absence in the police service / Jenny Arnott, Kaite Emmerson.; BJL     
      In sickness and in health : reducing sickness absence in the police service / Jenny Arnott, Kaite Emm BJL  BOOK 2001
HV 6941 H76 P2(146) : The role of the forensic medical examiner with "drunken detainees" in police custody / Alison Noble ... [et al.].; BJL     
      The role of the forensic medical examiner with "drunken detainees" in police custody / Alison Noble . BJL  BOOK 2002
HV 6941 H76 P2(147) : Flexible working practices in the police service / Rachel Tuffin with the assistance of Yasmine Baladi.; BJL     
      Flexible working practices in the police service / Rachel Tuffin with the assistance of Yasmine Balad BJL  BOOK 2001
HV 6941 H76 P2(148) : Consultation by crime and disorder partnerships / Tim Newburn, Trevor Jones.; BJL     
      Consultation by crime and disorder partnerships / Tim Newburn, Trevor Jones. BJL  BOOK 2002
HV 6941 H76 P2(149) : Diary of a police officer.; BJL     
      Diary of a police officer. BJL  BOOK 2001
HV 6941 H76 P2(15) : Crime and racial harassment in Asian-run small shops : the scope for prevention.; BJL     
      Crime and racial harassment in Asian-run small shops : the scope for prevention. BJL  BOOK 1988
HV 6941 H76 P2(150) : Drunks and disorder : processing intoxicated arrestees in two city-centre custody suites / Ann Deehan, Emma Marshall, Esther Saville.; BJL     
      Drunks and disorder : processing intoxicated arrestees in two city-centre custody suites / Ann Deehan BJL  BOOK 2002
HV 6941 H76 P2(151) : Crime and disorder reduction partnerships : round one progress / Coretta Phillips ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Crime and disorder reduction partnerships : round one progress / Coretta Phillips ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 2002
HV 6941 H76 P2(155) : The police perspective on sex offender orders : a preliminary review of policy and practice.; BJL     
      The police perspective on sex offender orders : a preliminary review of policy and practice. BJL  BOOK 2002
HV 6941 H76 P2(16) : Crime and nuisance in the shopping centre : a case study in crime prevention.; BJL     
      Crime and nuisance in the shopping centre : a case study in crime prevention. BJL  BOOK 1988
HV 6941 H76 P2(17) : The prevention of fraud.; BJL     
      The prevention of fraud. BJL  BOOK 1988
HV 6941 H76 P2(18) : An evaluation of domestic security surveys.; BJL     
      An evaluation of domestic security surveys. BJL  BOOK 1989
HV 6941 H76 P2(19) : Downtown drinkers : the perceptions and fears of the public in a city centre.; BJL     
      Downtown drinkers : the perceptions and fears of the public in a city centre. BJL  BOOK 1989
HV 6941 H76 P2(2) : Reducing crime : developing the role of crime prevention panels.; BJL     
      Reducing crime : developing the role of crime prevention panels. BJL  BOOK 1985
HV 6941 H76 P2(20) : The management and prevention of juvenile crime problems.; BJL     
      The management and prevention of juvenile crime problems. BJL  BOOK 1989
HV 6941 H76 P2(21) : Victim support and crime prevention in an inner-city setting.; BJL     
      Victim support and crime prevention in an inner-city setting. BJL  BOOK 1990
HV 6941 H76 P2(22) : Lagerland lost? : an experiment in keeping drinkers off the streets in central Coventry and elsewhere.; BJL     
      Lagerland lost? : an experiment in keeping drinkers off the streets in central Coventry and elsewhere BJL  BOOK 1990
HV 6941 H76 P2(23) : The Kirkholt burglary prevention project : phase II.; BJL     
      The Kirkholt burglary prevention project : phase II. BJL  BOOK 1990
HV 6941 H76 P2(24) : Probation practice in crime prevention.; BJL     
      Probation practice in crime prevention. BJL  BOOK 1991
HV 6941 H76 P2(25) : Lessons from a victim support crime prevention project.; BJL     
      Lessons from a victim support crime prevention project. BJL  BOOK 1991
HV 6941 H76 P2(26) : The prevention of cheque and credit card fraud.; BJL     
      The prevention of cheque and credit card fraud. BJL  BOOK 1991
HV 6941 H76 P2(27) : Making crime prevention pay : initiatives from business.; BJL     
      Making crime prevention pay : initiatives from business. BJL  BOOK 1991
HV 6941 H76 P2(28) : The influence of street lighting on crime and fear of crime.; BJL     
      The influence of street lighting on crime and fear of crime. BJL  BOOK 1991
HV 6941 H76 P2(29) : The effect of better street lighting on crime and fear : a review.; BJL     
      The effect of better street lighting on crime and fear : a review. BJL  BOOK 1991
HV 6941 H76 P2(3) : Property marking : a deterrent to domestic burglary?; BJL     
      Property marking : a deterrent to domestic burglary? BJL  BOOK 1985
HV 6941 H76 P2(30) : Reducing crime on the London underground : an evaluation of three pilot projects.; BJL     
      Reducing crime on the London underground : an evaluation of three pilot projects. BJL  BOOK 1992
HV 6941 H76 P2(31) : Assessing crime prevention initiatives : the first steps.; BJL     
      Assessing crime prevention initiatives : the first steps. BJL  BOOK 1992
HV 6941 H76 P2(32) : Tackling car crime : the nature and extent of the problem.; BJL     
      Tackling car crime : the nature and extent of the problem. BJL  BOOK 1992
HV 6941 H76 P2(33) : Car theft in England and Wales : the Home Office car theft index.; BJL     
      Car theft in England and Wales : the Home Office car theft index. BJL  BOOK 1992
HV 6941 H76 P2(34) : Preventing car crime in car parks.; BJL     
      Preventing car crime in car parks. BJL  BOOK 1992
HV 6941 H76 P2(35) : Closed circuit television in public places.; BJL     
      Closed circuit television in public places. BJL  BOOK 1992
HV 6941 H76 P2(36) : Multiple victimisation : racial attacks on an east London estate.; BJL     
      Multiple victimisation : racial attacks on an east London estate. BJL  BOOK 1992
HV 6941 H76 P2(37) : Theft and loss from UK libraries : a national survey.; BJL     
      Theft and loss from UK libraries : a national survey. BJL  BOOK 1992
HV 6941 H76 P2(38) : Safer cities and community safety strategies.; BJL     
      Safer cities and community safety strategies. BJL  BOOK 1992
HV 6941 H76 P2(39 : Community service and crime prevention : the Cheadle Heath project.; BJL     
      Community service and crime prevention : the Cheadle Heath project. BJL  BOOK 1992
HV 6941 H76 P2(4) : Designing for car security : towards a crime free car.; BJL     
      Designing for car security : towards a crime free car. BJL  BOOK 1985
HV 6941 H76 P2(41) : Developing police crime prevention : management and organisational change.; BJL     
      Developing police crime prevention : management and organisational change. BJL  BOOK 1993
HV 6941 H76 P2(42) : Understanding car parks, crime ad CCTV : evaluation lessons form safer cities.; BJL     
      Understanding car parks, crime ad CCTV : evaluation lessons form safer cities. BJL  BOOK 1993
HV 6941 H76 P2(43) : Kerb-crawling, prostitution and multi-agency policing.; BJL     
      Kerb-crawling, prostitution and multi-agency policing. BJL  BOOK 1993
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