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HV 6941 H76 P2(81) : Tackling rural drugs problems : a participatory approach / Norman Davidson, Louise Sturgeon-Adams, Coral Burrows.; BJL     
      Tackling rural drugs problems : a participatory approach / Norman Davidson, Louise Sturgeon-Adams, Co BJL  BOOK 1997
HV 6941 H76 P2(82) : Biting back II : reducing repeat victimisation in Huddersfield / Sylvia Chenery, John Holt, Ken Pease.; BJL     
      Biting back II : reducing repeat victimisation in Huddersfield / Sylvia Chenery, John Holt, Ken Pease BJL  BOOK 1997
HV 6941 H76 P2(83) : Keeping track? : observations on sex offenders registers in the U.S. / by Bill Hebenton and T. Thomas.; BJL     
      Keeping track? : observations on sex offenders registers in the U.S. / by Bill Hebenton and T. Thomas BJL  BOOK 1997
HV 6941 H76 P2(84) : Policing racially motivated incidents / by W. Maynard and T. Read.; BJL     
      Policing racially motivated incidents / by W. Maynard and T. Read. BJL  BOOK 1997
HV 6941 H76 P2(85) : Getting the grease to the squeak : research lessons for crime prevention / by M. Hough and N. Tilley.; BJL     
      Getting the grease to the squeak : research lessons for crime prevention / by M. Hough and N. Tilley. BJL  BOOK 1997
HV 6941 H76 P2(86) : Clubs, drugs and doormen.; BJL     
      Clubs, drugs and doormen. BJL  BOOK 1998
HV 6941 H76 P2(87) : Tackling street robbery : a comparative evaluation of Operationg Eagle Eye / by J. Stockdale and P.J. Gresham.; BJL     
      Tackling street robbery : a comparative evaluation of Operationg Eagle Eye / by J. Stockdale and P.J. BJL  BOOK 1998
HV 6941 H76 P2(88) : The nature and extent of light commercial vehicle theft / by R. Brown and J. Saliba.; BJL     
      The nature and extent of light commercial vehicle theft / by R. Brown and J. Saliba. BJL  BOOK 1998
HV 6941 H76 P2(89) : Police anti-drugs strategies : tackling drugs together three years on / by T. Newburn and J. Elliott.; BJL     
      Police anti-drugs strategies : tackling drugs together three years on / by T. Newburn and J. Elliott. BJL  BOOK 1998
HV 6941 H76 P2(9) : Preventing robberies at sub-post offices : an evaluation of a security initiative.; BJL     
      Preventing robberies at sub-post offices : an evaluation of a security initiative. BJL  BOOK 1987
HV 6941 H76 P2(90) : Repeat victimisation : taking stock.; BJL     
      Repeat victimisation : taking stock. BJL  BOOK 1998
HV 6941 H76 P2(91) : Auditing crime and disorder : guidance for local partnerships / by M. Hough and N. Tilley.; BJL     
      Auditing crime and disorder : guidance for local partnerships / by M. Hough and N. Tilley. BJL  BOOK 1998
HV 6941 H76 P2(92) : New heroin outbreaks amongst young people in England and Wales / by H. Parker, C. Bury and R. Egginton.; BJL     
      New heroin outbreaks amongst young people in England and Wales / by H. Parker, C. Bury and R. Egginto BJL  BOOK 1998
HV 6941 H76 P2(93) : Brit Pop II : problem-oriented policing in practice / by A. Leigh, T. Read and N. Tilley.; BJL     
      Brit Pop II : problem-oriented policing in practice / by A. Leigh, T. Read and N. Tilley. BJL  BOOK 1998
HV 6941 H76 P2(94) : Child abuse : training investigating officers / by G. Davies, E. Marshall and N. Robertson.; BJL     
      Child abuse : training investigating officers / by G. Davies, E. Marshall and N. Robertson. BJL  BOOK 1998
HV 6941 H76 P2(95) : Business as usual : an evaluation of the small business and crime initiative / by N. Tilley and M. Hopkins.; BJL     
      Business as usual : an evaluation of the small business and crime initiative / by N. Tilley and M. Ho BJL  BOOK 1998
HV 6941 H76 P2(96) : Public expectations and perceptions of policing.; BJL     
      Public expectations and perceptions of policing. BJL  BOOK 1998
HV 6941 H76 P2(97) : Testing performance indicators for local anti-drugs strategies / by M. Chatterton, M. Varley and P. Langmead-Jones.; BJL     
      Testing performance indicators for local anti-drugs strategies / by M. Chatterton, M. Varley and P. L BJL  BOOK 1998
HV 6941 H76 P2(98) : Opportunity makes the thief : practical theory for crime prevention / by M. Felson and R.V. Clarke.; BJL     
      Opportunity makes the thief : practical theory for crime prevention / by M. Felson and R.V. Clarke. BJL  BOOK 1998
HV 6941 H76 P2(99) : Sex offending against children : understanding the risk.; BJL     
      Sex offending against children : understanding the risk. BJL  BOOK 1998
HV 6941 H76 P3 : Police research series : paper.; BJL     
      Police research series : paper. BJL  PERIODICAL 1998
HV 6941 H76 P3(23) : Using quality of service surveys / Michael R. Chatterton, Peter Langmead-Jones, John Radcliffe.; BJL     
      Using quality of service surveys / Michael R. Chatterton, Peter Langmead-Jones, John Radcliffe. BJL  BOOK 1997
HV 6941 H76 P3(24) : Measuring public expectations of policing : an evaluation of gap analysis.; BJL     
      Measuring public expectations of policing : an evaluation of gap analysis. BJL  BOOK 1997
HV 6941 H76 P3(25) : Getting to grips with paperwork : a model drawn from traffic policing / Stephen Chance, Stephen Dale.; BJL     
      Getting to grips with paperwork : a model drawn from traffic policing / Stephen Chance, Stephen Dale. BJL  BOOK 1998
HV 6941 H76 P3(26) : Deaths in police custody : learning the lessons / Adrian Leigh, Graham Johnson, Alan Ingram.; BJL     
      Deaths in police custody : learning the lessons / Adrian Leigh, Graham Johnson, Alan Ingram. BJL  BOOK 1998
HV6943 : Policing and punishment in nineteenth century Britain / edited by Victor Bailey.; Online materials     
      Policing and punishment in nineteenth century Britain / edited by Victor Bailey. Online materials  EBOOKS 2015
HV 6943 A3    
      Albion's fatal tree : crime and society in eighteenth-century England / Douglas Hay, Peter Linebaugh, BJL  BOOK 1977
      Albion's fatal tree : crime and society in eighteenth-century England / Douglas Hay, Peter Linebaugh, BJL  BOOK 2011
HV 6943 A5 : Our criminal fellow-citizens.; BJL     
      Our criminal fellow-citizens. BJL  BOOK 1908
HV 6943 B4    
      Behaving badly : social panic and moral outrage - Victorian and modern parallels / edited by Judith R BJL  BOOK c2003
      Crime and public order in England in the later Middle Ages. BJL  BOOK 1973
HV6943 .C69 2014 : Crime in England 1688-1815 / David J. Cox.; Online materials     
      Crime in England 1688-1815 / David J. Cox. Online materials  EBOOKS 2014
HV 6943 C8 : Crime in England 1688-1815 / by David J. Cox.; BJL     
      Crime in England 1688-1815 / by David J. Cox. BJL  BOOK 2014
HV 6943 C9    
      Crime and punishment through time : a study in development in crime, punishment and protest for SHP a Education Resources  BOOK 1997
      Crime in England, 1550-1800. BJL  BOOK 1977
      Crime UK 1988 : an economic, social and policy audit / edited by Anthony Harrison and John Gretton. BJL  BOOK 1988
HV 6943 D2    
      Crime & punishment through time : an SHP development study. Education Resources  BOOK 1999
      Crime & punishment through time : teacher's resource book. Education Resources  BOOK 1999
HV 6943 G5 : Crime in England, 1880-1945 : the rough and the criminal, the policed and the incarcerated / Barry Godfrey.; BJL     
      Crime in England, 1880-1945 : the rough and the criminal, the policed and the incarcerated / Barry Go BJL  BOOK 2014
HV 6943 H6 : Histories of crime : Britain 1600-2000 / edited by Anne-Marie Kilday and David Nash.; BJL     
      Histories of crime : Britain 1600-2000 / edited by Anne-Marie Kilday and David Nash. BJL  BOOK 2010
HV 6943 J7 : Crime, protest, community and police in nineteenth-century Britain.; BJL     
      Crime, protest, community and police in nineteenth-century Britain. BJL  BOOK 1982
HV 6943 S1 : The Elizabethan underworld.; BJL     
      The Elizabethan underworld. BJL  BOOK 1977
HV 6943 S6    
      Crime in wartime : a social history of crime in World War II. BJL  BOOK 1982
      The sociology of crime and delinquency in Britain. BJL  BOOK 1976
HV 6943 T2 : Hooligans, harlots, and hangmen : crime and punishment in Victorian Britain / David Taylor.; BJL     
      Hooligans, harlots, and hangmen : crime and punishment in Victorian Britain / David Taylor. BJL  BOOK c2010
HV 6943 T4    
      Whigs and hunters : the origin of the Black Act. BJL  BOOK 1975
      Whigs and hunters : the origin of the Black Act. BJL  BOOK 1977
HV 6943 T6 : Crime, punishment and protest.; Education Resources     
      Crime, punishment and protest. Education Resources  BOOK 2002
HV6943 .W5 2016 : Wayward women : female offending in Victorian England / Lucy Williams.; BJL     
      Wayward women : female offending in Victorian England / Lucy Williams. BJL  BOOK 2016
HV 6944 F4 : Trends in crime and their interpretation : a study of recorded crime in post war England and Wales.; BJL     
      Trends in crime and their interpretation : a study of recorded crime in post war England and Wales. BJL  BOOK 1990
HV 6944 G5    
      Crime and justice, 1750-1950 / Barry Godfrey and Paul Lawrence. BJL  BOOK 2005
      Crime and justice since 1750 / Barry Godfrey, Paul Lawrence. BJL  BOOK 2015
HV6944 .H578 2010 : Histories of crime : Britain 1600-2000 / edited by Anne-Marie Kilday and David Nash.; Online materials     
      Histories of crime : Britain 1600-2000 / edited by Anne-Marie Kilday and David Nash. Online materials  EBOOKS 2010
HV6944 .M35 : Celebrated crimes and criminals / Willoughby Maycock.; BJL     
      Celebrated crimes and criminals / Willoughby Maycock. BJL  BOOK 2010
HV6944 .M87 2018 : Murder and mayhem : crime in twentieth-century Britain / edited by David Nash and Anne-Marie Kilday.; BJL     
      Murder and mayhem : crime in twentieth-century Britain / edited by David Nash and Anne-Marie Kilday. BJL  BOOK 2018
HV 6944 S7 : Gang-warfare : a probe into the changing pattern of British crime.; BJL     
      Gang-warfare : a probe into the changing pattern of British crime. BJL  BOOK 1968
HV 6944 T6    
      Crime and industrial society in the nineteenth century. BJL  BOOK 1967
      Nineteenth-century crime : prevention and punishment. BJL  BOOK 1972
HV 6944 W1 : Law and order / by Donald Wade, John MacDonald.; BJL     
      Law and order / by Donald Wade, John MacDonald. BJL  BOOK 1970
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