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HX 59 O4 : Trotskyism : counter-revolution in disguise.; BJL     
      Trotskyism : counter-revolution in disguise. BJL  BOOK 1935
HX 59 P7 : Trotski et le trotskisme.; BJL     
      Trotski et le trotskisme. BJL  BOOK 1971
HX 59 S5    
      The history and principles of the Left Opposition / by Max Shachtman. BJL  BOOK 1974
      Genesis of trotskyism : the first ten years of the Left Opposition. BJL  BOOK 1973
HX 59 S6    
      A balance sheet of revisionism. BJL  BOOK 1969
      The class nature of the International socialism group. BJL  BOOK 1970
      Reform or revolution : a reply to T. Whelan's booklet The credibility gap the politics of the SLL. BJL  BOOK  
      The Socialist Labour League and revisionism : an article in three parts by C. Slaughter in reply to M BJL  BOOK 1970
      Who are the International socialists?Reprint from the Workers press. BJL  BOOK 1971
HX 59 T8    
      The fight for marxism : two speeches and an article ... BJL  BOOK 1966
      Sectarianism, centrism, and the Fourth International. BJL  BOOK 1945
      Sectarianism, centrism and the Fourth International. BJL  BOOK 1940
      Trotskyism versus revisionism : a documentary history / edited by C. Slaughter. BJL  BOOK 1975
5 additional entries    
HX 59 W8    
      Revisionism in crisis. BJL  BOOK 1972
      What makes Shachtman run? : the life and death of a tendency. BJL  BOOK 1957
HX 59 W9    
      The battle for Trotskyism. BJL  BOOK 1976
      Behind the smokescreen : an analysis of the sectarian politics of the workers' revolutionary party. BJL  BOOK 1976
      Dynamics of world revolution today. BJL  BOOK 1964
      What is the Transitional Programme? BJL  BOOK 1969
HX 61 E8 : Eurokommunismus : ein Reader, eingeleitet und herausgegeben von H. Vogt.; BJL     
      Eurokommunismus : ein Reader, eingeleitet und herausgegeben von H. Vogt. BJL  BOOK 1978
HX 61 E8 C3 : Eurocommunism and the state.; BJL     
      Eurocommunism and the state. BJL  BOOK 1977
HX 61 E8 C4 : The changing face of western communism / ed. by D. Childs.; BJL     
      The changing face of western communism / ed. by D. Childs. BJL  BOOK 1980
HX 61 E8 C6 : Eurocommunism and socialism.; BJL     
      Eurocommunism and socialism. BJL  BOOK 1978
HX 61 E8 C9 : Eurocommunism : the ideological and political-theoretical foundations.; BJL     
      Eurocommunism : the ideological and political-theoretical foundations. BJL  BOOK 1981
HX 61 E8 E8    
      Euro-communism : its roots and future in Italy and elsewhere. BJL  BOOK 1978
      Eurocommunism and Detente / ed. by R.L. Tokes. BJL  BOOK 1979
      Eurocommunism : myth or reality? / edited by P.F. Della Torre, E. Mortimer and J. Story. BJL  BOOK 1979
HX 61 E8 G5 : Eurocommunism : implications for East and West.; BJL     
      Eurocommunism : implications for East and West. BJL  BOOK 1978
HX 61 E8 H8 : Eurocommunism is anti -communism.; BJL     
      Eurocommunism is anti -communism. BJL  BOOK 1980
HX 61 E8 I3 : In search of Eurocommunism.; BJL     
      In search of Eurocommunism. BJL  BOOK 1981
HX 61 E8 M1 : Eurocommunism.; BJL     
      Eurocommunism. BJL  BOOK 1976
HX 61 E8 M2 : From Stalinism to Eurocommunism : the bitter fruits of socialism in one country.; BJL     
      From Stalinism to Eurocommunism : the bitter fruits of socialism in one country. BJL  BOOK 1978
HX 61 E8 P7 : The Politics of Eurocommunism : socialism in transition / edited by C. Boggs and D. Plotke.; BJL     
      The Politics of Eurocommunism : socialism in transition / edited by C. Boggs and D. Plotke. BJL  BOOK 1980
HX 61 L5 H4 : Leninism 58 years on.; BJL     
      Leninism 58 years on. BJL  BOOK 1982
HX 61 M2 M2 / q : The Mao Tse-Tung memorandum; an outline of Tse-Tung's memorandum on the new program for world revolution.; BJL     
      The Mao Tse-Tung memorandum; an outline of Tse-Tung's memorandum on the new program for world revolut BJL  BOOK 1954
HX 71 A5 : Towards socialism / P. Anderson [et al.].; BJL     
      Towards socialism / P. Anderson [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 1965
HX 71 A6 : Marx et l'anarchisme : essai sur les sociologies de Saint-Simon, Proudhon et Marx.; BJL     
      Marx et l'anarchisme : essai sur les sociologies de Saint-Simon, Proudhon et Marx. BJL  BOOK 1969
HX 71 B2 : Practicable socialism : a new series.; BJL     
      Practicable socialism : a new series. BJL  BOOK 1915
HX 71 B3    
      Collectivism : a study of some of the leading social questions of the day. BJL  BOOK 1908
      The economic theory of a socialist economy. BJL  BOOK 1949
      Essays in socialism, new and old. BJL  BOOK 1906
      Essays in socialism, new and old. BJL  BOOK 1907
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HX 71 B4    
      Benn's protest : being an argument for the restoration of our liberties. BJL  BOOK 1945
      The case of Benn v Maxton : being a correspondence on capitalism and socialism. BJL  BOOK 1929
HX 71 B5 : The intellectual origins of Lenninism : translated (from the French) by S. Matthews.; BJL     
      The intellectual origins of Lenninism : translated (from the French) by S. Matthews. BJL  BOOK 1981
HX 71 B7 : Socialism : national or international.; BJL     
      Socialism : national or international. BJL  BOOK 1942
HX 71 B8    
      Britain without capitalists : a study of what industry in a soviet Britain could achieve. BJL  BOOK 1936
      Socialism for to-day. BJL  BOOK 1925
      A voyage from Utopia / ed. by M.F. Lloyd-Prichard. BJL  BOOK 1957
HX 71 B9    
      Revolutionary essays in socialist faith and fancy / first series. BJL  BOOK 1903
      The ways to socialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat. BJL  BOOK 1965
HX 71 C1 : Some economic illusions in the labour movement.; BJL     
      Some economic illusions in the labour movement. BJL  BOOK 1959
HX 71 C2 : The meaning of socialism.; BJL     
      The meaning of socialism. BJL  BOOK 1961
HX 71 C4 : Le syndrome de la gauche.; BJL     
      Le syndrome de la gauche. BJL  BOOK 1979
HX 71 C6    
      Essays on socialist humanism in honour of the centenary of Bertrand Russell, 1872-1970 / ed. by K. Co BJL  BOOK 1972
      Fabian socialism. BJL  BOOK 1943
      The simple case for socialism. BJL  BOOK 1935
      Socialism in evolution. BJL  BOOK 1938
      Socialist economics. BJL  BOOK 1950
HX 71 C7    
      The concept of socialism / edited by B. Parekh. BJL  BOOK 1975
      The concept of socialism / edited by B. Parekh. BJL  BOOK 1975
      Socialism and its perils : a critical survey of its policy showing the fallacies and impractibility o BJL  BOOK 1908
      Socialism, with preludes on current events. BJL  BOOK 1882
HX 71 C8 : Maatschappelijke alternatieven : drie opstellen over samenleven, scholing en honorering van de arbeid / door C.J. Cramwinckel-Weeda, L. Rademaker en J. Tinbergen.; BJL     
      Maatschappelijke alternatieven : drie opstellen over samenleven, scholing en honorering van de arbeid BJL  BOOK 1977
HX 71 C9 : Socialism : dream and reality.; BJL     
      Socialism : dream and reality. BJL  BOOK 1987
HX 71 D6    
      Argument on socialism. BJL  BOOK 1966
      The new class : an analysis of the communist system. BJL  BOOK 1957
      The new class : an analysis of the communist system. BJL  BOOK 1966
      On economic theory and socialism : collected papers. BJL  BOOK 1955
2 additional entries    
HX 71 D7 : The two souls of socialism.; BJL     
      The two souls of socialism. BJL  BOOK 1966
HX 71 D8 : Nationalism, communism, Marxist humanism and the Afro-Asian revolution.; BJL     
      Nationalism, communism, Marxist humanism and the Afro-Asian revolution. BJL  BOOK 1961
HX 71 D9    
      Les orangers du lac Balaton. BJL  BOOK 1980
      The politics of democratic socialism : an essay on social policy. BJL  BOOK 1940
      The politics of democratic socialism : an essay on social policy. BJL  BOOK 1948
      The politics of democratic socialism : an essay on social policy. BJL  BOOK 1940
HX 71 E1    
      Marx against Keynes : a reply to Mr. Morrison's "Socialism". BJL  BOOK 1951
      Political economy : a marxist textbook. BJL  BOOK 1952
      Socialism in the nuclear age. BJL  BOOK 1961
      Towards socialism. BJL  BOOK 1975
HX 71 E4 : Socialism : an examination of its nature, its strength and its weakness with suggestions for social reform.; BJL     
      Socialism : an examination of its nature, its strength and its weakness with suggestions for social r BJL  BOOK 1894
HX 71 E5    
      Modern socialism as set forth by socialists in their speeches, writings and programmes / edited, with BJL  BOOK 1904
      Modern socialism, as set forth by socialists in their speeches, writings and programmes. BJL  BOOK 1907
      Principles of communism. BJL  BOOK 1972
HX 71 E8 : Socialism : an analysis.; BJL     
      Socialism : an analysis. BJL  BOOK 1921
HX 71 F5    
      Communist doctrine and the free world : the ideology of communism according to Marx, Engels, Lenin an BJL  BOOK 1969
      From people's Front to National Front. BJL  BOOK 1942
HX 71 F6    
      Socialism. BJL  BOOK 1894
      Socialism. BJL  BOOK 1908
HX 71 F7 : Socialism : its theoretical roots and present-day development.; BJL     
      Socialism : its theoretical roots and present-day development. BJL  BOOK 1972
HX 71 F8 : Key problems of the transition from capitalism to socialism / by P. Frank, G. Novack and E. Mandel.; BJL     
      Key problems of the transition from capitalism to socialism / by P. Frank, G. Novack and E. Mandel. BJL  BOOK 1969
HX 71 F9 : Socialist humanism : an international symposiun / ed. by E. Fromm.; BJL     
      Socialist humanism : an international symposiun / ed. by E. Fromm. BJL  BOOK 1967
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