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HX 416 V6 : Vietnamese communism in comparative perspective / edited by W.S. Turley.; South East Asian Collection  1980 1
HX 416.1 V66 / (WF) : Vietnam et socialisme : revue bimestrielle, nouvelle serie.; South East Asian Collection    1
HX 416.15 P5 : Vietnamese communism : a research bibliography.; BJL  1975 1
HX 416.15 T8 : Pour le centenaire de Lenine.; South East Asian Collection  1971 1
HX418.5 .L552 2006 : The transformation of Chinese socialism / Lin Chun.; BJL  2006 1
HX 419.5 V2 / (WL) : Communism in Malaysia and Singapore : a contemporary survey.; South East Asian Collection  1967 1
HX 422.2 M2 : The communist threat to the Federation of Malaya.; South East Asian Collection  1959 1
HX 423.25 L4 : The communist organization in Singapore.; South East Asian Collection  1976 1
HX 423.25 S6 : Socialism that works... the Singpore way.; South East Asian Collection  1976 1
HX 423.75 S2 / (WNb)p : Communism and the farmers.; South East Asian Collection  1961 1
HX 425 P27 : Publications of the Communist Party of Indonesia, 1953-1964.; BJL  1969? 1
HX 425 R45 / (WP)q : Review of Indonesia.; South East Asian Collection    1
HX 425.1 A2   3
HX 425.1 B7 : Indonesian communism : a history.; South East Asian Collection  1963 1
HX 425.1 F4   2
HX 425.1 P1 : Communists in Indonesia.; South East Asian Collection  1973 1
HX 425.1 S5 : Indonesianizing Marxism-Leninism : the development and consequences of communist polycentrism, 1919-1966 : a dissertation.; South East Asian Collection  1967 1
HX 425.1 S7 / q : Socialisme Indonesia.; South East Asian Collection  1960 1
HX 425.1 T1 : Tan Malaka's Naar de Republiek Indonesia : a translation and commentary / Geoffrey C. Gunn.; South East Asian Collection  1995 1
HX 425.25 A2   4
HX 425.25 A6 : Harian Api mengganjang Nekolim PKI Gestapu / disusun oleh Dewan Redaksi APl.; South East Asian Collection  1965 1
HX 425.25 M5 : Merdeka.; South East Asian Collection  1965 1
HX 425.25 M9 : Sosialismus a la Indonesia : (Pelita kearah persatuan dan kesedjahyeraan bangsa Indonesia serta keselmartan negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia 17-18-1945).; South East Asian Collection  1960 1
HX 425.25 T2 : An ecological model of peasant revolution : the Indonesian communist experience,1952-1965.; South East Asian Collection  1981 1
HX 425.25 V2 : The Indonesian Maoists : doctrines and perspectives.; South East Asian Collection  1977 1
HX 425.3 A1 : Bahaja Komunisme : kepalsuan ideologi dan politiknja kebengisan strategi, taktik dan propagandanja fakta-faktanja diseluruh dunia.; South East Asian Collection  1968 1
HX 425.3 A2 / p : Marxisme dan pewmbinaan nasion Indonesia : PKl dan ALRl II.; South East Asian Collection  1964 1
HX 425.3 B8 / q : Brief on communism in Indonesia.; South East Asian Collection  196- 1
HX 425.3 P7 : Budipekerti dalam rangka sosialisme Indonesia.; South East Asian Collection  1966 1
HX 425.3 S9   2
HX 426.1 D9 : Rapport van de Commissie van Onderzoek, naar de oorzaken van de in verschillende deelan van Sumatra's Westkust...., aan den dag getreden onrust.; South East Asian Collection  1928 1
HX 429.2 S2 : Communism in the Philippines : an introduction.; South East Asian Collection  1969 1
HX 429.45 M3 : Marxism in the Philippines : Marx centennial lectures / edited by Third World Studies; illustrated by A. Fer.; South East Asian Collection  1984 1
HX 429.45 R4 : The revolution falters : the left in Philippine politics after 1986 / Patricio N. Abinales, editor.; South East Asian Collection  1996 1
HX 430.2 K4 : On the building of new Korea and the national united front : speech October 13, 1945.; BJL  1974 1
HX 430.4 K4   3
HX 430.5 C8 : North Korea under communism : report of an envoy to paradise.; BJL  2002 1
HX 430.5 I6 : Pyongyang declaration of the journalists of the whole world fighting against the aggression of U.S. imperialism.; BJL  1969 1
HX 430.5 S2 : Communism in Korea / by R.A. Scalapino & Chong-Sik Lee.; BJL  1972 1
HX 430.7 K4 : Unity based on revolutionary comradeship is the source of the invincibility of the People's Army : speech.; BJL  1975 1
HX 432 C9 : The origins of socialist thought in Japan.; BJL  1983 1
HX 432 K2 B5 : Japanese Marxist : a portrait of Kawakami Hajime, 1879-1946.; BJL  1976 1
HX 432 K9 : Asian revolutionary : the life of Sen Katayama.; BJL  1964 1
HX 432 O4 : Revoliutsionnaia bor'ba trudiashchikhsia mass Iaponii : rech' na XIII plenume IKKI.; BJL  1934 1
HX 432 S2 : The Japanese Communist movement : 1920-1966.; BJL  1967 1
HX 434 A3 : A Japanese reconstruction of Marxist theory.; BJL  1986 1
HX 434 C6 : The left wing in Japanese politics.; BJL  1952 1
HX 434 I1 : If Karl Marx had been born in Japan.; BJL  1966 1
HX 436 S4 : On African socialism.; BJL  1964 1
HX 436.4 C8 : Socialist ideas in Africa.; BJL  1966 1
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