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JC 599 A6 L4 : El legado del autoritarismo : derechos humanos y antisemitismo en la Argentina contemporánea / edicion preparada por Leonardo Senkman y Mario Sznajder.; BJL     
      El legado del autoritarismo : derechos humanos y antisemitismo en la Argentina contemporánea / BJL  BOOK 1995
JC 599 A6 S4 / q : Cordoba : city at war.; BJL     
      Cordoba : city at war. BJL  BOOK  
JC 599 A78 A8 : Asian perspectives on human rights / edited by Claude E. Welch, Jr., and Virginia A. Leary.; BJL     
      Asian perspectives on human rights / edited by Claude E. Welch, Jr., and Virginia A. Leary. BJL  BOOK 1990
JC 599 A78 C4 : Changing concepts of rights and justice in South Asia / edited by Michael R. Anderson and Sumit Guha.; BJL     
      Changing concepts of rights and justice in South Asia / edited by Michael R. Anderson and Sumit Guha. BJL  BOOK 1998
JC 599 A78 H9    
      Human rights and Asian values : contesting national identities and cultural representations in Asia / BJL  BOOK 2000
      Human rights and international relations in the Asia-Pacific region / edited by James T.H. Tang. BJL  BOOK 1995
      Human rights in Asia : a reassessment of the Asian values debate / edited by Leena Avonius and Damien BJL  BOOK 2008
JC 599 A78 L2 : The politics of justice and human rights : Southeast Asia and universalist theory.; BJL     
      The politics of justice and human rights : Southeast Asia and universalist theory. BJL  BOOK 2001
JC 599 B2 A5 : Bangladesh : unlawful killings and torture in the Chittagong hill tracts.; South East Asian Collection     
      Bangladesh : unlawful killings and torture in the Chittagong hill tracts. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1986
JC 599 B2 I8 : The forgotten thousands : Bengalis in Bangladesh jails.; BJL     
      The forgotten thousands : Bengalis in Bangladesh jails. BJL  BOOK 1973
JC599.B26 J66 : Political repression in Bahrain / Marc Owen Jones.; BJL     
      Political repression in Bahrain / Marc Owen Jones. BJL  BOOK 2020
JC 599 B9 A5 / q : Burma : extrajudicial execution and torture of members of ethnic minorities.; South East Asian Collection     
      Burma : extrajudicial execution and torture of members of ethnic minorities. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1988
JC 599 C2 A1 / q : Kampuchea : after the worst : a report on current violations of human rights / [written by F. Abrams and D. Orentlicher].; South East Asian Collection     
      Kampuchea : after the worst : a report on current violations of human rights / [written by F. Abrams South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1985
JC 599 C2 C4 : Charting the consequences : the impact of charter rights on Canadian law and politics / edited by David Schneiderman & Kate Sutherland.; BJL     
      Charting the consequences : the impact of charter rights on Canadian law and politics / edited by Dav BJL  BOOK 1997
JC 599 C2 E1 : Economic rights in Canada and the United States / edited by Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann and Claude E. Welch, Jr.; BJL     
      Economic rights in Canada and the United States / edited by Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann and Claude E. We BJL  BOOK c2006
JC 599 C2 H8 : UNTAC in Cambodia : the impact on human rights.; South East Asian Collection     
      UNTAC in Cambodia : the impact on human rights. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1996
JC 599 C2 H9 : Waiting for Coraf : a critique of law and rights.; BJL     
      Waiting for Coraf : a critique of law and rights. BJL  BOOK 1995
JC 599 C2 M5 : Western responses to human rights abuses in Cambodia, 1975-80.; South East Asian Collection     
      Western responses to human rights abuses in Cambodia, 1975-80. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1996
JC599.C3 T73 : Transparent lives : surveillance in Canada / editors, Colin J. Bennett, Kevin D. Haggerty, David Lyon, Valerie Steeves.; BJL     
      Transparent lives : surveillance in Canada / editors, Colin J. Bennett, Kevin D. Haggerty, David Lyon BJL  BOOK 2014
JC599.C3 .T736 2014 : Transparent lives : surveillance in Canada / editors, Colin J. Bennett [and three others].; Online materials     
      Transparent lives : surveillance in Canada / editors, Colin J. Bennett [and three others]. Online materials  EBOOKS 2014
JC 599 C4 E5 : Chile under Pinochet : recovering the truth.; BJL     
      Chile under Pinochet : recovering the truth. BJL  BOOK 2000
JC 599 C5 H9 : Human rights in China.; BJL     
      Human rights in China. BJL  BOOK 1991
JC 599 C5 K3 : China, the United Nations, and human rights : the limits of compliance.; BJL     
      China, the United Nations, and human rights : the limits of compliance. BJL  BOOK 1999
JC 599 C5 P3 : China modernizes : threat to the West or model for the rest? / Randall Peerenboom.; BJL     
      China modernizes : threat to the West or model for the rest? / Randall Peerenboom. BJL  BOOK 2007
JC 599 C7 H9 : Human rights & conflict resolution in context : Colombia, Sierra Leone, & Northern Ireland / edited by Eileen F. Babbitt and Ellen L. Lutz.; BJL     
      Human rights & conflict resolution in context : Colombia, Sierra Leone, & Northern Ireland / edited b BJL  BOOK 2009
JC 599 D44 D4 / q : Realising human rights for poor people : strategies for achieving the international development targets.; BJL     
      Realising human rights for poor people : strategies for achieving the international development targe BJL  BOOK 2000
JC 599 D44 H9 : Human rights and development : towards mutual reinforcement / edited by Philip Alston And Mary Robinson ; Center for Human Rights and Global Justice, New York University School of Law.; BJL     
      Human rights and development : towards mutual reinforcement / edited by Philip Alston And Mary Robins BJL  BOOK 2005
JC 599 E8 D3 : Democracy and civil society in Eastern Europe : selected papers from the Fourth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, 1990 / edited by P.G. Lewis.; BJL     
      Democracy and civil society in Eastern Europe : selected papers from the Fourth World Congress for So BJL  BOOK 1992
JC 599 E8 E8 : The EU and human rights / edited by Philip Alston, with the assistance of Mara Bustelo and James Heenan.; BJL     
      The EU and human rights / edited by Philip Alston, with the assistance of Mara Bustelo and James Heen BJL  BOOK 1999
JC 599 E8 F8 : Freedom and the construction of Europe / edited by Quentin Skinner and Martin Van Gelderen.; BJL     
      Freedom and the construction of Europe / edited by Quentin Skinner and Martin Van Gelderen. BJL  BOOK 2013
JC 599 E8 G8 : Who are you? : identification, deception, and surveillance in early modern Europe / Valentin Groebner.; BJL     
      Who are you? : identification, deception, and surveillance in early modern Europe / Valentin Groebner BJL  BOOK 2007
JC 599 E8 H8 : The weakness of civil society in post-Communist Europe.; BJL     
      The weakness of civil society in post-Communist Europe. BJL  BOOK 2003
JC 599 E8 H9 : Human rights in the new Europe : problems and progress / edited by David P. Forsythe.; BJL     
      Human rights in the new Europe : problems and progress / edited by David P. Forsythe. BJL  BOOK 1994
JC 599 E8 K3 : Égalités et inégalités en Europe de l'Est. English; BJL     
      Equality and inequality in Eastern Europe / Pierre Kende, Zdenek Strmiska in collaboration with Jean- BJL  BOOK 1987
JC 599 E8 O4 : European Union citizenship : the options for reform.; BJL     
      European Union citizenship : the options for reform. BJL  BOOK 1996
JC 599 E8 S7 : 1992 and all that : civil liberties in the balance.; BJL     
      1992 and all that : civil liberties in the balance. BJL  BOOK 1990
JC 599 E86 F2 : Minority rights advocacy in the EU : a guide for NGOs in Eastern Partnership countries / by Zsofia Farkas and Nataliya Novakova.; BJL     
      Minority rights advocacy in the EU : a guide for NGOs in Eastern Partnership countries / by Zsofia Fa BJL  BOOK 2015
JC 599 F8 A4 : The liberties of the citizen in France.; BJL     
      The liberties of the citizen in France. BJL  BOOK 1968
JC 599 G7 A5 : Fascists, communists, and the national government : civil liberties in Great Britain, 1931-1937.; BJL     
      Fascists, communists, and the national government : civil liberties in Great Britain, 1931-1937. BJL  BOOK 1983
JC 599 G7 A8 : Taking liberties / by Chris Atkins, Sarah Bee & Fiona Button.; BJL     
      Taking liberties / by Chris Atkins, Sarah Bee & Fiona Button. BJL  BOOK 2007
JC 599 G7 C4 : On liberty / Shami Chakrabarti.; Departmental Locations     
      On liberty / Shami Chakrabarti. Departmental Locations  BOOK 2014
JC 599 G7 E3 : Two worlds of liberalism : religion and politics in Hobbes, Locke, and Mill.; BJL     
      Two worlds of liberalism : religion and politics in Hobbes, Locke, and Mill. BJL  BOOK 1981
JC 599 G7 E9 : Freedom under Thatcher : civil liberties in modern Britain / K.D. Ewing and C.A. Gearty.; BJL     
      Freedom under Thatcher : civil liberties in modern Britain / K.D. Ewing and C.A. Gearty. BJL  BOOK 1990
JC 599 G7 F3    
      Civil liberties and human rights in England and Wales. BJL  BOOK 1993
      Civil liberties and human rights in England and Wales. BJL  BOOK 2002
JC 599 G7 G2 : Can human rights survive? / Conor Gearty.; BJL     
      Can human rights survive? / Conor Gearty. BJL  BOOK 2006
JC 599 G7 H6 : The coercive state / P. Hillyard and J. Percy-Smith.; BJL     
      The coercive state / P. Hillyard and J. Percy-Smith. BJL  BOOK 1988
JC 599 G7 H7 / q : Entitlement cards and identity fraud : a consultation paper : [Green Paper] / presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for the Home Department by command of Her Majesty, July 2002.; BJL     
      Entitlement cards and identity fraud : a consultation paper : [Green Paper] / presented to Parliament BJL  BOOK 2002
JC 599 G7 H9    
      Access denied : human rights and disabled people / [Conor Foley and Sue Pratt in consultation with th BJL  BOOK 1994
      Censored : freedom of expression and human rights / [written by Conor Foley, Cathy Bryan and Jonathan BJL  BOOK c1994
      Criminal justice and civil and political liberties / [edited : Renée Harris]. BJL  BOOK c1993
      Democracy and human rights in the UK. BJL  BOOK c1994
4 additional entries    
JC 599 G7 L7 : The National Council for Civil Liberties : the first fifty years / Mark Lilly.; BJL     
      The National Council for Civil Liberties : the first fifty years / Mark Lilly. BJL  BOOK 1984
JC 599 G7 L8 : In from the cold : national security and parliamentary democracy / Laurence Lustgarten and Ian Leigh.; BJL     
      In from the cold : national security and parliamentary democracy / Laurence Lustgarten and Ian Leigh. BJL  BOOK 1994
JC 599 G7 N2    
      1934-1984 : half a century of civil liberties. BJL  BOOK 1984
      Stonehenge : a report into the civil liberties implications of the events relating to the convoys of BJL  BOOK 1986
JC 599 G7 N7 : 1984 Hereford : a collection of essays to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the N.C.C.L.; BJL     
      1984 Hereford : a collection of essays to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the N.C.C.L. BJL  BOOK 1984
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