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JX 1581 I85 M2 / q : Making the peace : the Jerusalem Post peace supplement, April, 1979.; BJL     
      Making the peace : the Jerusalem Post peace supplement, April, 1979. BJL  BOOK 1979
JX 1581 I85 S4    
      Israel the peaceful belligerent, 1967-79 / Amnon Sella and Yael Yishai. BJL  BOOK 1986
      New Zionism and the foreign policy system of Israel. BJL  BOOK 1986
JX 1581 I85 W1 : Israel and the German Federal Republic / translated by Aleksander Trop-Krynski.; BJL     
      Israel and the German Federal Republic / translated by Aleksander Trop-Krynski. BJL  BOOK 1968
JX 1581 M6 M6    
      The Middle East and Europe : the search for stability and integration / edited by Gerd Nonneman. BJL  BOOK 1993
      The Middle East in global strategy / edited by A. Braun. BJL  BOOK 1987
JX 1581 P1 C5 : Pakistan's relations with India, 1947-1966.; BJL     
      Pakistan's relations with India, 1947-1966. BJL  BOOK 1968
JX 1581 P1 S2 : Pakistan : the India factor.; BJL     
      Pakistan : the India factor. BJL  BOOK 1984
JX 1582 F7 : Foreign relations of African states : proceedings of the 25th symposium of the Colston Research Society / edited by K. Ingham.; BJL     
      Foreign relations of African states : proceedings of the 25th symposium of the Colston Research Socie BJL  BOOK 1974
JX 1582 M1 : African diplomacy : studies in the determinants of foreign policy.; BJL     
      African diplomacy : studies in the determinants of foreign policy. BJL  BOOK 1966
JX 1582 M4 : Africa's international relations : the diplomacy of dependency and change.; BJL     
      Africa's international relations : the diplomacy of dependency and change. BJL  BOOK 1977
JX 1582 N1 : The Organization of African Unity : an analysis of its role.; BJL     
      The Organization of African Unity : an analysis of its role. BJL  BOOK 1989
JX 1583 B9 : Wary partners : the Soviet Union and Arab socialism.; BJL     
      Wary partners : the Soviet Union and Arab socialism. BJL  BOOK 1970
JX 1584 N6 A9    
      Foreign policy for independent Nigeria : a statement. BJL  BOOK 1958
      Nigeria in world politics. BJL  BOOK 1959
JX 1584 N6 P5 : The development of Nigerian foreign policy.; BJL     
      The development of Nigerian foreign policy. BJL  BOOK 1964
JX 1584 S7 B2 : South Africa's foreign policy, 1945-1970.; BJL     
      South Africa's foreign policy, 1945-1970. BJL  BOOK 1973
JX 1584 S7 F9 : Looking outwards : three South African viewpoints / by B. Friedman, J. Sutherland (and )R.B. Ballinger.; BJL     
      Looking outwards : three South African viewpoints / by B. Friedman, J. Sutherland (and )R.B. Ballinge BJL  BOOK 1961
JX 1584 S7 I6 : International pressures and political change in South Africa / edited by F. McA. Clifford-Vaughan.; BJL     
      International pressures and political change in South Africa / edited by F. McA. Clifford-Vaughan. BJL  BOOK 1978
JX 1584 S7 N2 : Foreign policy of the Union of South Africa.; BJL     
      Foreign policy of the Union of South Africa. BJL  BOOK 1949
JX 1584 S7 N7 : South Africa in Africa : a study in idealogy and foreign policy.; BJL     
      South Africa in Africa : a study in idealogy and foreign policy. BJL  BOOK 1975
JX 1584 S7 P8 : South Africa, the Hague decision and the United Nations.; BJL     
      South Africa, the Hague decision and the United Nations. BJL  BOOK  
JX 1584 S7 S7 : Republic under pressure : a study of South African foreign policy.; BJL     
      Republic under pressure : a study of South African foreign policy. BJL  BOOK 1965
JX 1584 S9 F1 : The Sudan in Anglo-Egyptian relations : a case study in power politics 1800-1956.; BJL     
      The Sudan in Anglo-Egyptian relations : a case study in power politics 1800-1956. BJL  BOOK 1960
JX 1585 A3 B7 : Algeria's policy towards France, 1962-1972.; BJL     
      Algeria's policy towards France, 1962-1972. BJL  BOOK 1984
JX 1585 G9 P2 : La négritude et la 5ème colonne.; BJL     
      La négritude et la 5ème colonne. BJL  BOOK 1972
JX 1586 T2 N9 : Tanzania policy on foreign affairs : address ... at the Tanganyika African National Union National Conference, 16th October, 1967.; BJL     
      Tanzania policy on foreign affairs : address ... at the Tanganyika African National Union National Co BJL  BOOK 196-?
JX 1589 A9 : Australian foreign policy : towards a reassessment / edited by Claire Clark.; BJL     
      Australian foreign policy : towards a reassessment / edited by Claire Clark. BJL  BOOK 1973
JX 1589 A93 A6    
      Annual report/ Australia. Department of External Affairs. BJL  PERIODICAL  
      Annual report/ Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs. BJL  PERIODICAL  
JX 1589 M6 : Australia's foreign policy.; BJL     
      Australia's foreign policy. BJL  BOOK 1968
JX 1589 R3 : Australia, New Zealand and the United States : a survey of international relations, 1941-1968.; BJL     
      Australia, New Zealand and the United States : a survey of international relations, 1941-1968. BJL  BOOK 1969
JX 1589 S4 / q : An Australian view of revolutionary war.; BJL     
      An Australian view of revolutionary war. BJL  BOOK 1971
JX 1589 W3 : The evolution of Australian foreign policy, 1938-1965.; BJL     
      The evolution of Australian foreign policy, 1938-1965. BJL  BOOK 1967
JX 1589 Z7 A8    
      Building blocks for regional security : an Australian perspective on confidence and security building South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1991
      Crises and commitments : the politics and diplomacy of Australia's involvement in Southeast Asian con South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1992
      New directions and new thinking in Australia-Southeast Asia relations. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1992
      Pathways to Asia : the politics of engagement / edited by Richard Robison. BJL  BOOK 1996
JX 1589 Z7 A9 : Australian aid to Indonesia / edited by H. Da Costa.; South East Asian Collection     
      Australian aid to Indonesia / edited by H. Da Costa. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1991
JX 1589 Z7 C17    
      Australia and Cambodia : a model relationship. South East Asian Collection  BOOK  
      Australia and Cambodia : a model relationship : a lecture presented to the Fabian Society of W.A. at South East Asian Collection  BOOK  
      Australia, the Indochina problem and derecognition of the Pol Pot regime. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1984
      The making of Australia's Indochina policies under the Labor government (1983-1986) : the politics of South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1987
JX 1589 Z7 I4    
      Australia and the Indonesian revolution. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1980
      Australia-Indonesia security cooperation : for better or worse? South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1996
      Australia's policy towards Indonesia during confrontation 1962-1966. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1977
      New directions in Australian foreign policy : Australia and Indonesia 1945-50 / edited by John Legge. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1997
JX 1589 Z7 P5 : Australian relations with the Philippines during the Marcos years : a study in the implications of the Nixon Doctrine.; South East Asian Collection     
      Australian relations with the Philippines during the Marcos years : a study in the implications of th South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1987
JX 1625 D5    
      The diplomatic record 1989-1990 / edited by David D. Newsom. BJL  BOOK 1991
      The diplomatic record 1990-1991 / edited by David D. Newsom. BJL  BOOK 1992
      The diplomatic record 1991-1992 / edited by Hans Binnendijk and mary Locke. BJL  BOOK 1993
      The diplomatic record 1992-1993. BJL  BOOK 1995
JX 1635 A5 : The rise of modern diplomacy, 1450-1919.; BJL     
      The rise of modern diplomacy, 1450-1919. BJL  BOOK 1993
JX 1635 B5 : A dictionary of diplomacy / G.R. Berridge and Alan James.; BJL     
      A dictionary of diplomacy / G.R. Berridge and Alan James. BJL  BOOK 2003
JX 1635 C5 : La diplomatic.; BJL     
      La diplomatic. BJL  BOOK 1962
JX 1635 C7 : On the way to diplomacy.; BJL     
      On the way to diplomacy. BJL  BOOK 1996
JX 1635 J6 : The dimensions of diplomacy / by McG. Bundy...and others; edited by E.A.J. Johnson.; BJL     
      The dimensions of diplomacy / by McG. Bundy...and others; edited by E.A.J. Johnson. BJL  BOOK 1964
JX 1635 N6 : The evolution of diplomatic method.; BJL     
      The evolution of diplomatic method. BJL  BOOK 1954
JX 1635 P8 : Histoire de la diplomatie / S. Bakhrouchine ... [et al.] ; publieé sous la direction de M. Potiemkine ; traduit du russe par Xenia Pamphilova et Michel Eristov.; BJL     
      Histoire de la diplomatie / S. Bakhrouchine ... [et al.] ; publieé sous la direction de M. Poti BJL  BOOK 1946
JX 1635 S2    
      A guide to diplomatic practice. BJL  BOOK 1957
      A guide to diplomatic practice. BJL  BOOK 1932
      Satow's guide to diplomatic practice. BJL  BOOK 1979
JX 1635 W3 : The art and practice of diplomacy.; BJL     
      The art and practice of diplomacy. BJL  BOOK 1961
JX 1635 W4 : Diplomacy in fetters.; BJL     
      Diplomacy in fetters. BJL  BOOK  
JX 1641 A4 : Post and courier service in the diplomacy of early modern Europe.; BJL     
      Post and courier service in the diplomacy of early modern Europe. BJL  BOOK 1972
JX 1641 Q3    
      Medieval diplomacy and the Fourth Crusade. BJL  BOOK 1980
      The office of Ambassador in the Middle city Ages. BJL  BOOK 1967
JX 1655 C1 : The art of diplomacy / Francois de Callieres ; edited by H.M.A. Keens-Soper, Karl W. Schweizer.; BJL     
      The art of diplomacy / Francois de Callieres ; edited by H.M.A. Keens-Soper, Karl W. Schweizer. BJL  BOOK 1994
JX 1662 B2 : Modern diplomacy.; BJL     
      Modern diplomacy. BJL  BOOK 1988
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