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JX 4408 G2 : The exploitation and conservation of the resources of the sea.; BJL     
      The exploitation and conservation of the resources of the sea. BJL  BOOK 1963
JX 4408 G6 : Maritime transport : the evolution of international marine policy and shipping law.; BJL, Departmental Locations      
      Maritime transport : the evolution of international marine policy and shipping law. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK c1981
JX 4408 G8 / f : Mare liberum and other works concerning the law of the seas.; BJL     
      Mare liberum and other works concerning the law of the seas. BJL  BOOK
JX 4408 H1 : Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty, during the time of the Right Hon. Lord Stowell, and of the Right Hon. Sir Christopher Robinson.; Departmental Locations     
      Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty, during the time of the Right H Departmental Locations  BOOK 1840
JX 4408 H6    
      The new law of the sea. BJL  BOOK 1973
      The regime for the exploitation of transboundary marine fisheries resources : the United Nations law BJL  BOOK 1989
JX 4408 H8 : The law of aquaculture : the law relating to the farming of fish and shellfish in Britain.; BJL     
      The law of aquaculture : the law relating to the farming of fish and shellfish in Britain. BJL  BOOK 1990
JX 4408 I1 : The evolving limit of coastal jurisdiction.; BJL     
      The evolving limit of coastal jurisdiction. BJL  BOOK 1974
JX 4408 I6    
      International and United States documents on oceans law and policy / edited by J.N. Moore. BJL  BOOK 1986
      International regulation of whaling ... BJL  BOOK 1985
JX 4408 J7 : The international law of fisheries.; BJL     
      The international law of fisheries. BJL  BOOK 1965
JX 4408 J9 : A general treatise of the dominion of the sea.; BJL     
      A general treatise of the dominion of the sea. BJL  BOOK  
JX 4408 K5 : Marine pollution and the law of the sea.; BJL     
      Marine pollution and the law of the sea. BJL  BOOK 1988
JX 4408 K7 : International regulation of marine fisheries.; BJL, Departmental Locations      
      International regulation of marine fisheries. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1973
JX 4408 K9 / p : Koncepsi likeum negara nusantara pada konperensi hukum laut ke-3.; South East Asian Collection     
      Koncepsi likeum negara nusantara pada konperensi hukum laut ke-3. South East Asian Collection  BOOK  
JX 4408 L4    
      The law of the sea and international shipping : Anglo-Soviet post-UNCLOS perspectives / edited by W.E BJL  BOOK 1985
      Law of the sea : Caracas and beyond. BJL  BOOK 1975
      Law of the sea : the emerging regime of the oceans / edited by J.K. Gamble and G. Pontecorvo. BJL  BOOK 1973
      New directions in the law of the sea / [compiled and edited by S.H. Lay, R. Churchill, M. Nordquist]. BJL  BOOK 1973
4 additional entries    
JX 4408 L41 : New directions in the law of the sea : regional & national development : [new series] / compiled and edited by Roy S. Lee, Moritaka Hayashi.; BJL     
      New directions in the law of the sea : regional & national development : [new series] / compiled and BJL  BOOK 1995-
JX 4408 L43 : New directions in the law of the sea : global developments / compiled and edited by Roy S. Lee, Moritaka Hayashi.; BJL     
      New directions in the law of the sea : global developments / compiled and edited by Roy S. Lee, Morit BJL  BOOK 2011-
JX 4408 L5 : International regulation of fisheries.; BJL     
      International regulation of fisheries. BJL  BOOK 1971
JX 4408 L9    
      The control of sea-bed. BJL  BOOK 1974
      The law of the sea and Australian off-shore areas. BJL  BOOK 1966
JX 4408 M1 / q : The extension of fishing limits : the North sea.; BJL     
      The extension of fishing limits : the North sea. BJL  BOOK 1975
JX 4408 M3    
      Marine Policy and the Coastal Community : the impact of the law of the sea. BJL  BOOK 1976
      Maritime law. BJL  BOOK 1976
JX 4408 M4 : Jurisdiction in marginal seas.; BJL     
      Jurisdiction in marginal seas. BJL  BOOK  
JX 4408 M5 / q : Flags of convenience : a study of internationalisation.; BJL     
      Flags of convenience : a study of internationalisation. BJL  BOOK 1985
JX 4408 M6 : Pesca.; BJL     
      Pesca. BJL  BOOK 1972
JX 4408 N2 : Rights based fishing : proceedings of the NATO advanced research workshop ... Reykjavik, Iceland, June 27-July 1, 1988 / edited by P.A. Neher, R. Arnason and N. Mollett.; BJL     
      Rights based fishing : proceedings of the NATO advanced research workshop ... Reykjavik, Iceland, Jun BJL  BOOK 1989
JX 4408 N5 : A new law of the sea for the Carribean : an examination of marine law and policy issues in the Lesser Antilles / E. Gold, editor.; BJL     
      A new law of the sea for the Carribean : an examination of marine law and policy issues in the Lesser BJL  BOOK 1988
JX 4408 N8    
      North America and Asia-Pacific and the development of the law of the sea : treaties and national legi BJL  BOOK 1981-
      North America and Asia-Pacific and the development of the law of the sea : treaties and national legi BJL  BOOK 1981-
JX 4408 O1 : The international law of the sea / edited by I.A. Shearer.; BJL     
      The international law of the sea / edited by I.A. Shearer. BJL  BOOK 1982-
JX 4408 O15 : Ocean development and international law : the journal of marine affairs.; BJL     
      Ocean development and international law : the journal of marine affairs. BJL  PERIODICAL 1973-
JX 4408 O2    
      International control of sea resources. BJL  BOOK 1963
      The international law of the ocean development : basic documents. BJL  BOOK 1975
      International law of the resources of the sea ... BJL  BOOK 1979
JX 4408 O7 : The changing international law of high seas fisheries.; BJL     
      The changing international law of high seas fisheries. BJL  BOOK 1999
JX 4408 P2 : East Asia and law of the sea.; BJL     
      East Asia and law of the sea. BJL  BOOK 1983
JX 4408 P5    
      ASEAN and the law of the sea. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1982
      The law of the sea of the Arctic, with special reference to Canada. BJL  BOOK 1973
JX 4408 P6 : The declaration of Paris, 1856.; BJL     
      The declaration of Paris, 1856. BJL  BOOK 1919
JX 4408 P7    
      ASEAN and the law of the sea : a preliminary look at the prospects of regional cooperation. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1975
      Ocean politics in Southeast Asia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1978
JX 4408 P8 : The freedom of the seas in history, law and politics.; BJL     
      The freedom of the seas in history, law and politics. BJL  BOOK 1924
JX 4408 P9 : A digest of the law and practice of the High Court of Admiralty of England, with notes from text writers and the Scotch, Irish and American reports.; Departmental Locations     
      A digest of the law and practice of the High Court of Admiralty of England, with notes from text writ Departmental Locations  BOOK 1865
JX 4408 R3    
      Africa and the international law of the sea : a study of the contribution of the African states to th BJL  BOOK 1980
      The regulation of fisheries : legal, economic and social aspects : proceedings of a European workshop BJL  BOOK 1987
      The United States and the treaty law of the sea. BJL  BOOK 1959
JX 4408 R45    
      Revue de droit maritime compare. BJL  PERIODICAL  
      Revue de Droit Maritime Compare. Notre but, notre programme introduction au l' vol. BJL  BOOK  
JX 4408 R45 S9    
      Le droit maritime francais : Supplement... a la Revue de droit maritime francais. BJL  PERIODICAL  
      Revue de droit maritime compare : Supplement bi-mensuel de droit maritime francais. BJL  PERIODICAL  
JX 4408 R46 : Revue internationale du droit maritime.; BJL     
      Revue internationale du droit maritime. BJL  PERIODICAL  
JX 4408 R461922,Index. : Revue internationale du droit maritime.; BJL     
      Revue internationale du droit maritime. BJL  PERIODICAL  
JX 4408 R6    
      Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty (1798-1808). BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK  
      Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty (1798-1808). Departmental Locations  BOOK  
JX 4408 S1 : Environmental cooperation between the North Sea states : success or failure?; BJL     
      Environmental cooperation between the North Sea states : success or failure? BJL  BOOK 1988
JX 4408 S5    
      Cases on the law of the sea ... BJL  BOOK 1984
      The North Sea : challenge and opportunity / edited by M.M. Sibthorp. BJL  BOOK 1975
JX 4408 S6    
      The law and custom of the sea. BJL  BOOK 1959
      The law and custom of the sea. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1948
      State responsibility and the marine environment : the rules of decision. BJL  BOOK 1988
JX 4408 S7 : Marine scientific research and the law of the sea.; BJL     
      Marine scientific research and the law of the sea. BJL  BOOK 1982
JX 4408 S9    
      Foreign ships and foreign waters. BJL  BOOK 1971
      The future of the law of the sea : proceedings of the Symposium / edited by L.J. Bouchez and L. Kaije BJL  BOOK 1973
      Latin America and the development of the law of the sea : regional documents and national legislation BJL  BOOK 1987
      Latin America and the development of the law of the sea : regional documents and national legislation BJL  BOOK 1976-
JX 4408 T4    
      The evolution of the law of the sea : a study of resources and strategy with special regard to the Po BJL  BOOK 1984
      Some legal aspects of the conservation of fish stocks. BJL  BOOK 1973
JX 4408 U5    
      The Law of the Sea baselines : National Legislation with illustrative maps. BJL  BOOK 1989
      Law of the Sea conference status reports, summer 1978. BJL  BOOK 1978
      The law of the sea : current developments in state practice; no. II. BJL  BOOK 1989
      The law of the sea : maritime boundary agreements (1970-1984). BJL  BOOK 1987
5 additional entries    
JX 4408 U8 : Ley de pesca : declaranse de interes nacional la explotacion,la preservacion y el estudio de las riguezas del mar.; BJL     
      Ley de pesca : declaranse de interes nacional la explotacion,la preservacion y el estudio de las rigu BJL  BOOK 1971
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