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K 90 U5    
      Guide for students of law. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1977
      University curriculum on transnational corporations : international law. BJL  BOOK 1991
K 90 W5 / q : What are law schools for? / edited by P.B.H. Birks.; BJL     
      What are law schools for? / edited by P.B.H. Birks. BJL  BOOK 1996
K 90 W6 : Uses and abuses of legal history : a practitioner's view.; BJL     
      Uses and abuses of legal history : a practitioner's view. BJL  BOOK 1962
K 94 A8 : Plain language for lawyers.; BJL     
      Plain language for lawyers. BJL  BOOK 1996
K 94 F7    
      How to write better law essays : tools and techniques for success in exams and assignments / Steve Fo BJL  BOOK 2007
      How to write better law essays : tools and techniques for success in exams and assignments / Steve Fo BJL  BOOK 2009
K 94 H1 : Legal English / Rupert Haigh.; BJL     
      Legal English / Rupert Haigh. BJL  BOOK 2004
K 94 H6 : Successful legal writing / by Edwina Higgins, Laura Tatham.; BJL     
      Successful legal writing / by Edwina Higgins, Laura Tatham. BJL  BOOK 2006
K 94 S9    
      How to write law essays and exams. BJL  BOOK 2003
      How to write law essays and exams. BJL  BOOK c2006
K 95 : Literature in law books.; BJL     
      Literature in law books. BJL  BOOK  
K 95 A5 : The lawyer in history. Literature and humour.; BJL     
      The lawyer in history. Literature and humour. BJL  BOOK 1896
K 95 B6 : Law lyrics.; BJL     
      Law lyrics. BJL  BOOK  
K 95 C9 : Curious cases and amusing actions at law.; BJL     
      Curious cases and amusing actions at law. BJL  BOOK  
K 95 M4    
      Final forensic fables. BJL  BOOK  
      Forensic fables. BJL  BOOK  
      Further forensic fables. BJL  BOOK  
      Miscellany-at-law : a diversion for lawyers and others. BJL  BOOK 1955
K 100 A1 : Access to legal education and the legal profession / edited by W. L. Twining, N. Kibble, R. Dhavan.; BJL     
      Access to legal education and the legal profession / edited by W. L. Twining, N. Kibble, R. Dhavan. BJL  BOOK 1989
K 100 C8 : Legal academics : cultures and identities.; BJL     
      Legal academics : cultures and identities. BJL  BOOK 2004
K 100 E3 : Les sciences sociales dans l'enseignement supérieur : droit / rapport préparé par Charles Eisenmann.; BJL     
      Les sciences sociales dans l'enseignement supérieur : droit / rapport préparé pa BJL  BOOK 1954
K 100 G5 : Diversorum patrum sententiae. English.; BJL     
      The collection in seventy-four titles : a canon law manual of the Gregorian reform / translated and a BJL  BOOK 1980
K 100 L4 : The law school : global issues, local questions / edited by Fiona Cownie.; BJL     
      The law school : global issues, local questions / edited by Fiona Cownie. BJL  BOOK c1999
K 100 M1 : Legal education : two modest proposals.; BJL     
      Legal education : two modest proposals. BJL  BOOK 2003
K 100 T9 : Law in context: enlarging a discipline / William Twining.; BJL     
      Law in context: enlarging a discipline / William Twining. BJL  BOOK 1997
K 103 C6 M3 : Comparative law in the courtroom and classroom : the story of the last thirty-five years / Basil Markesinis.; BJL     
      Comparative law in the courtroom and classroom : the story of the last thirty-five years / Basil Mark BJL  BOOK 2003
K 103 L44 E8 : Ethical challenges to legal education and conduct / edited by Kim Economides.; BJL     
      Ethical challenges to legal education and conduct / edited by Kim Economides. BJL  BOOK 1998
K 103 L44 F3 : Uses of values in legal education / Graham Ferris.; BJL     
      Uses of values in legal education / Graham Ferris. BJL  BOOK 2015
K 115 L4    
      Lawyers and vampires : cultural histories of legal professions / edited by W. Wesley Pue and David Su BJL  BOOK 2003
      Lawyers in early modern Europe and America / edited by Wilfrid Prest. BJL  BOOK 1981
K 117 C5 : The civil law world / edited by Richard L. Abel and Philip S.C. Lewis.; BJL     
      The civil law world / edited by Richard L. Abel and Philip S.C. Lewis. BJL  BOOK 1988
K 117 C7    
      The common law world / edited by Richard L. Abel and Philip S.C. Lewis. BJL  BOOK 1988
      Comparative theories / edited by Richard L. Abel and Philip S.C. Lewis. BJL  BOOK 1989
K 117 L4    
      Lawyers and the rise of western political liberalism : Europe and North America from the eighteenth t BJL  BOOK 1997
      Lawyers in the Third World : comparative and developmental perspectives / edited by C.J. Dias ... [et BJL  BOOK 1981
K 118 C8 M1 : Lawyers in business : and the law business.; BJL     
      Lawyers in business : and the law business. BJL  BOOK 1989
K 118 P82 P9 : Public interest rules of international law : towards effective implementation / edited by Teruo Komori, Karel Wellens.; BJL     
      Public interest rules of international law : towards effective implementation / edited by Teruo Komor BJL  BOOK c2009
K 118 W6 M9 : The first women lawyers : a comparative study of gender, law and the legal professions / Mary Jane Mossman.; BJL     
      The first women lawyers : a comparative study of gender, law and the legal professions / Mary Jane Mo BJL  BOOK 2006
K 120 R4 : Reorganization and resistance : legal professions confront a changing world / edited by William L.F. Felstiner.; BJL     
      Reorganization and resistance : legal professions confront a changing world / edited by William L.F. BJL  BOOK 2005
K 133 C2 : Toward equal justice : a comparative study of legal aid in modern societies : (text and materials) / Mauro Cappelletti, James Gordley, & Earl Johnson ; with original contributions by P. O. Bolding ... [et al.] ; general editor of materials, Vincenzo Varano.; BJL     
      Toward equal justice : a comparative study of legal aid in modern societies : (text and materials) / BJL  BOOK 1975
K 133 G2 : Neighborhood law firms for the poor : a comparative study of recent developments in legal aid and in the legal profession / by Bryant Garth.; BJL     
      Neighborhood law firms for the poor : a comparative study of recent developments in legal aid and in BJL  BOOK 1980
K 133 L4 : Legal aid and world poverty : a survey of Asia, Africa, and Latin America / [edited by] Committee on Legal Services to the Poor in the Developing Countries..; BJL     
      Legal aid and world poverty : a survey of Asia, Africa, and Latin America / [edited by] Committee on BJL  BOOK 1974
K 133 Z9 R2 : A reader on resourcing civil justice / edited by Alan Paterson and Tamara Goriely.; BJL     
      A reader on resourcing civil justice / edited by Alan Paterson and Tamara Goriely. BJL  BOOK 1996
K 145 E5 : A history of continental civil procedure / by Arthur Engelmann and other ; translated and edited by Robert Wyness Millar, with introductions by William Searle Holdsworth. and Samuel Williston.; BJL     
      A history of continental civil procedure / by Arthur Engelmann and other ; translated and edited by R BJL  BOOK 1928
K 150 B5    
      Law and revolution, II : the impact of the Protestant Reformation on the Western legal tradition. BJL  BOOK 2003
      Law and revolution : the formation of the Western legal tradition. BJL  BOOK 1983
K 150 F9 : Anatomy of the law.; BJL     
      Anatomy of the law. BJL  BOOK 1968
K 150 G6 : Law in the courts of love : literature and other minor jurisprudences.; BJL     
      Law in the courts of love : literature and other minor jurisprudences. BJL  BOOK 1996
K 150 P9    
      The progress of continental law in the nineteenth century / by L.A. Alvarez and others. BJL  BOOK 1918
      The progress of continental law in the nineteenth century / by A. Alvarez and others. BJL  BOOK 1969
K 150 S8 : Legal evolution : the story of an idea / Peter Stein.; BJL     
      Legal evolution : the story of an idea / Peter Stein. BJL  BOOK 1980
K 151 M5 : Études d'histoire du droit / publiées, par les soins de R. Feenstra et H.F.W.D.; BJL     
      Études d'histoire du droit / publiées, par les soins de R. Feenstra et H.F.W.D. BJL  BOOK 1956
K 160 I6 : Essays in legal history read before the International Congress of Historical Studies held in London in 1913 / edited by Paul Vinogradoff.; BJL     
      Essays in legal history read before the International Congress of Historical Studies held in London i BJL  BOOK 1913
K 160 L4    
      The law's beginnings / edited by F.J.M. Feldbrugge. BJL  BOOK c2003
      The legal mind : essays for Tony Honoré / edited by N. MacCormick and P. Birks. BJL  BOOK 1986
K 160 S6 : A general view of European legal history and other papers / by Munroe Smith.; BJL     
      A general view of European legal history and other papers / by Munroe Smith. BJL  BOOK 1927
K 170 G7 : Great jurists of the world : Gaius--Papinian--Ulpian--Bartolus--Alciati--Cujas--Albericus Gentilis--Bacon--Grotius--Selden--Hobbes--Zouche--Colbert--Leibnitz--Pufendorf--Vico--Bynkershoek--Montesquieu--Pothier--Vattel--Beccaria--Stowell--Bentham--Mittermaier--Savigny--Ihering / edited by Sir John MacDonell and Edward Manson.; BJL     
      Great jurists of the world : Gaius--Papinian--Ulpian--Bartolus--Alciati--Cujas--Albericus Gentilis--B BJL  BOOK 1913
K 170 J9 : Jurists uprooted : German-speaking émigré lawyers in twentieth-century Britain / edited by Jack Beatson and Reinhard Zimmermann.; BJL     
      Jurists uprooted : German-speaking émigré lawyers in twentieth-century Britain / edited b BJL  BOOK 2004
K 175 U6 : Legal science today : proceedings from the Uppsala 1977 International Conference on Legal Science Today : five lectures on the present and future situation of legal science, held at the Uppsala Faculty of Law on Sept. 27 and 28, 1977, in connection with the quincentenary of Uppsala University / by J. Andenaes [and others]; edited by S. Stromholm.; BJL     
      Legal science today : proceedings from the Uppsala 1977 International Conference on Legal Science Tod BJL  BOOK 1978
K 181 L4 : The law as literature : an anthology of great writing in and about the law / selected and introduced by Louis Blom-Cooper.; BJL     
      The law as literature : an anthology of great writing in and about the law / selected and introduced BJL  BOOK 1961
K 183 R7 : A miscellany of disputes / Derek Roebuck.; BJL     
      A miscellany of disputes / Derek Roebuck. BJL  BOOK c2000
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